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Results 7951-8000 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
7951 Jefferson, Thomas Coffee, William John Thomas Jefferson to William J. Coffee, 10 July 1822 1822-07-10 Your favor of June 25. is just recieved. on consideration of mr Maverick ’s proposals for the...
7952 Cosway, Maria Jefferson, Thomas Maria Cosway to Thomas Jefferson, 10 July 1822 1822-07-10 I have at last finished all the affairs which have kept me here after the loss of poor m r Cosway...
7953 LeRoy, Bayard & Company Jefferson, Thomas LeRoy, Bayard & Company to Thomas Jefferson, 10 July … 1822-07-10 By this mornings mail we were honored with your reply to our respects of the 26 h Ult o The delay...
7954 Rodney, Caesar Augustus Jefferson, Thomas Caesar A. Rodney to Thomas Jefferson, 10 July 1822 1822-07-10 It is with deep regret I have observed a malevolent attempt, to disturb the repose of your old...
7955 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, George Washington From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to George … 1822-07-09 Shall I first congratulate you on the honours which you have just received or will they be...
7956 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Bernard … 1822-07-02 Thomas Jefferson Esq r To Bernard Peyton D r 1822 Rich d 2 d July — To Cash p d   for 10 Bundles...
7957 Quincy, Ma., Citizens of Adams, John To John Adams from Ma., Citizens of Quincy, 8 July 1822 1822-07-08 At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Quincy holden on the 8th: Day of July...
7958 Adams, John Treadway, Susanna Boylston Adams Clark From John Adams to Susanna Boylston Adams Clark … 1822-07-08 If I could write I should sooner, have answered your letter of the 10th June. I am very much...
7959 Adams, John De Windt, Caroline Amelia Smith From John Adams to Caroline Amelia Smith De Windt, 8 … 1822-07-08 I am as much delighted with answering your pritty Letter, of June 3d. as you was with writing it,...
7960 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1822-07-08 How it happened that I omitted to say I had received N. 1 I do not know—It was so kind a letter...
7961 Jay, John Jay, Peter Augustus From John Jay to Peter Augustus Jay, 8 July 1822 1822-07-08 I have rec d . your Letter of the 5 th . Inst. with the accounts mentioned in it— M r . Joshua...
7962 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas Arthur S. Brockenbrough to Thomas Jefferson, 8 July … 1822-07-08 Above you have the cost of Frize ornaments as agreed on with M r Coffee — the bearer of this will...
7963 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: Arthur S. Brockenbrough’s Notes on Contract … 1822-07-08 Extract from the agreement entered into betwe e n the Proctor of the University of V a & W. J....
7964 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 8 July 1822 1822-07-08 The above articles were forwarded several days ago by Brice Harlow ’s Boat, & hope they will...
7965 Roane, Spencer Jefferson, Thomas Spencer Roane to Thomas Jefferson, 8 July 1822 1822-07-08 I arrived here, about a week ago, much fatigued; and have been, since, much oppressed with by the...
7966 Waterhouse, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas Benjamin Waterhouse to Thomas Jefferson, 8 July 1822 1822-07-08 Your letter of the 26 th of June I have read again & again, with renewed satisfaction ; and...
7967 Weld, Lewis Adams, John To John Adams from Lewis Weld, 6 July 1822 1822-07-06 The interest you were pleased to express in the general subject of the education of the deaf and...
7968 Lambert, William Jefferson, Thomas William Lambert to Thomas Jefferson, 6 July 1822 1822-07-06 In reply to your friendly and much valued note of the 2 d instant , received this morning, I...
7969 Laval, John Jefferson, Thomas John Laval to Thomas Jefferson, 6 July 1822 1822-07-06 I have received from Col l Peyton , your Correspondent in Richmond , a Draft on the Bank of U.S....
7970 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1822-07-05 I have received since I wrote you last two letters from you but cannot learn directly from either...
7971 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1822-07-05 I have received since I wrote you last, two Letters from you, but cannot learn directly from...
7972 Adams, John Quincy Jefferson, Thomas John Quincy Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 5 July 1822 1822-07-05 In compliance with the above Resolutions I have forwarded to you for the use of Virginia...
7973 United States Congress Enclosure: Extracts from Resolutions of Congress, [ca. … 1822-07-05 Extracts of a Resolution , approved 27 December , 1813 . “Resolved by the Senate and House of...
7974 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Estimate of Material Needed for … 1822-07-05 Estimate. for milldam stretchers. 10. of 40 f. each reach across the river 8. tier of them (4. on...
7975 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Estimate of Tin Needed to Roof … 1822-07-05 Measures of the roof for estimating tin  July 5. 22. N.E. quarter beginning with the piazzo roof,...
7976 Jefferson, Thomas LeRoy, Bayard & Company Thomas Jefferson to LeRoy, Bayard & Company, 5 July … 1822-07-05 Your favor of June 26 . is just now recieved. after the delays of my last bond with which I have...
7977 Van Ness, John Peter Jefferson, Thomas John P. Van Ness to Thomas Jefferson, 5 July 1822 1822-07-05 M r Henry Middleton Jn r of S. Carolina , Son of our Minister at S t Petersburgh , having...
7978 Yancey, Charles (1770–1857) Jefferson, Thomas Charles Yancey (1770-1857) to Thomas Jefferson, 4 July … 1822-07-04 your highly esteemed favor of July last enclosing a draft for our Court house was duly received,...
7979 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, George Washington From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to George … 1822-07-03 I am very glad to learn from your last that Mrs. Thornton gave Mrs. Hamilton a party as I was...
7980 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Adams, 3 … 1822-07-03 I yesterday received your Letter which was forwarded to me by George from Washington—Your Uncle...
7981 Skinner, John S. Madison, James To James Madison from John S. Skinner, 3 July 1822 1822-07-03 A Sample of tobacco—such as has been sold recently in the Baltimore Market at $35. per Cwt: with...
7982 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas Arthur S. Brockenbrough to Thomas Jefferson, 3 July … 1822-07-03 I have fallen short about 60 sheets of Tin of the quantity wanting, if you will be so good as to...
7983 Ronaldson, James Jefferson, Thomas James Ronaldson to Thomas Jefferson, 3 July 1822 1822-07-03 Knowing you take a lively interest in all that is goeing forward in the United States , marking...
7984 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas N. N. Wilkinson (for Bernard Peyton) to Thomas … 1822-07-03 By M r Harlow ’s boats you will receive, 4 Blls. herrings, 2 Bundles 20 d nail rods 2 do. 8 d & 3...
7985 Madison, James Ritchie, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Ritchie, 2 July 1822 1822-07-02 I recd. some time ago a letter from Mr. H. G. Spafford at Ballston Spa N.Y. in which he says “I...
7986 Jefferson, Thomas Barry, William Taylor Thomas Jefferson to William T. Barry, 2 July 1822 1822-07-02 Your favor of the 15 th of June is recieved, and I am very thankful for the kindness of it’s...
7987 Jefferson, Thomas Bingham, Julius A. Thomas Jefferson to Julius A. Bingham, 2 July 1822 1822-07-02 Your favor of June 24. is recieved. age, debility and the manual pai difficulty and pain of...
7988 Jefferson, Thomas Dodge & Oxnard Thomas Jefferson to Dodge & Oxnard, 2 July [1822] 1822-07-02 July 2. after I had sent my duplicate of June 11. with a P.S. of yesterday to the Post office, I...
7989 Jefferson, Thomas Lambert, William Thomas Jefferson to William Lambert, 2 July 1822 1822-07-02 Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Lambert for the paper he has been so kind as to inclose to...
7990 Jefferson, Thomas McKenney, Thomas L. Thomas Jefferson to Thomas L. McKenney, 2 July 1822 1822-07-02 Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr M c Kenny for the kind expressions of his note of June 26....
7991 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas William Short to Thomas Jefferson, 2 July 1822 1822-07-02 It has been a long time since I have had this pleasure. It was on the 5 th of Dec r in...
7992 Jefferson, Thomas Smith, Samuel (of Maryland) Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Smith (of Maryland), 2 July … 1822-07-02 Your favor of June 16. is recieved. altho’ I have almost universally declined embarrassing the...
7993 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, John Thomas Jefferson to John Vaughan, 2 July 1822 1822-07-02 I recieved yesterday your favor of June 24. and I now inclose you two copies of my letter to...
7994 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1822-07-01 Is Hugh Nelson going to Mexico? What is to become of Genl S.—? Nobody suits here but...
7995 Madison, James Bingham, Julius A. From James Madison to Julius A. Bingham, 1 July 1822 1822-07-01 I have recd. your letter of the 24. Ul. with it a Copy of the prospectus to which it relates. The...
7996 Keating, William H. Jefferson, Thomas William H. Keating to Thomas Jefferson, 1 July 1822 1822-07-01 Although I have not the honour of your acquaintance, I take the liberty, of trespassing upon your...
7997 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 1 July 1822 1822-07-01 My last letter will carry you the bill of exchange, which I carelessly omitted in the one...
7998 Hellen, Johnson Adams, John From Johnson Hellen to John Adams, June 1822 1822-06-01 which was evinced at is not at ated reacted and identified rtant question, or resul interest...
7999 Bacon, Edmund Jefferson, Thomas Edmund Bacon to Thomas Jefferson, [by 4 June 1822] 1822-06-01 With considerable deficulty I have ingaged the 20 barrills corn at 20/. per barril the price is...
8000 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on University of Virginia … 1822-06-01 D.   Average 6 .  pavilions   have cost 52,713 4 . d o will cost 33,563 10 86.276 8,628 2 . hotels