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Results 7951-7980 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
7951 Oliver, Andrew Andrew Oliver to ——, 13 February 1769 1769-02-13 I have your very obliging favor of the 4th of October. I find myself constrained as well by this...
7952 Washington, George [Diary entry: 13 February 1769] 1769-02-13 13. Colo. Lewis & Son set of for home. Rid into the Neck and to Muddy hole & Doeg Run.
7953 Washington, George [Diary entry: 13 February 1769] 1769-02-13 13. Clear & pleasant—with but little Wind and that Southwardly.
7954 Franklin, Benjamin Smith, Wright & Gray From Benjamin Franklin to Smith, Wright, & Gray, 14 … 1769-02-14 ALS : Yale University Library Enclos’d is Dr. Rush’s Signature which you desired. I thank you for...
7955 Priestley, Joseph Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Priestley, 14 February … 1769-02-14 ALS (fragmentary copy): American Philosophical Society [A few lines at the end of a letter, which...
7956 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 February 1769] 1769-02-14 14. Went a fox hunting—but started nothing. The two Colo. Fairfax’s dind here.
7957 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 February 1769] 1769-02-14 14. Raw, cloudy, & still forenoon. Cold afternoon and wind at No. West.
7958 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 February 1769] 1769-02-15 15. Rid to the Mill Doeg run, & Muddy hole.
7959 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 February 1769] 1769-02-15 15. Cold Morning with Snow from 8 till one with the wind Northwardly—then clear with the wind...
7960 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 February 1769] 1769-02-16 16. At home all day, Joshua Evans who came here last Night put an Iron Ring upon Patcy (for Fits)...
7961 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 February 1769] 1769-02-16 16. Very hard frost. The River which hath never been clear of Ice since the 6th. was quite shut...
7962 Parker, James Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from James Parker, 17 February … 1769-02-17 ALS : American Philosophical Society This covers one of a Set of Bills of Exchange, which I just...
7963 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 February 1769] 1769-02-17 17. Rid out with my hounds. Started a fox and lost it, after an hours chase. Doctr. Rumney came...
7964 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 February 1769] 1769-02-17 17. Clear, still, warm, & pleasant. Ground still froze but from the continued frost not slopy.
7965 the Selectmen of Boston Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Selectmen of Boston … 1769-02-18 LS (incomplete): American Philosophical Society Between February 16 and 24, 1769, the Selectmen...
7966 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 February 1769] 1769-02-18 18. Went a hunting with Doctr. Rumney. Started a fox or rather 2 or 3 & catchd none. Dogs mostly...
7967 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 February 1769] 1769-02-18 18. Again Calm clear warm, & pleasant being hazy.
7968 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 February 1769] 1769-02-19 19. Went to Pohick Church & returnd to Dinner.
7969 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 February 1769] 1769-02-19 19. Warm. Wind at So. West—fresh in the forepart of the day—the latter part Cloudy with the Wind...
7970 Franks, Moses Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Moses Franks, 20 February … 1769-02-20 ALS : American Philosophical Society I must entreat you to deliver to Mr. Dagge the Account and...
7971 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 February 1769] 1769-02-20 20. Went up to Alexandria to Court. Returnd home in the Evening. While GW was in town, he...
7972 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 February 1769] 1769-02-20 20. Rain more or less all Night with the wind fresh at So. West which cleard the river for the...
7973 Franklin, Benjamin Kames, Henry Home, Lord From Benjamin Franklin to Lord Kames, 21 February 1769 1769-02-21 ALS : Scottish Record Office I received your excellent Paper on the preferable Use of Oxen in...
7974 Foxcroft, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Foxcroft, 21 February … 1769-02-21 ALS : American Philosophical Society Immediately on my receiving your favour by the Genl. Gage...
7975 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 February 1769] 1769-02-21 21. Went to Court again and returnd home at Night. The court today ordered GW and Col. John West...
7976 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 February 1769] 1769-02-21 21. No frost. Fine clear Morng. Lowering day with the Wind fresh at South.
7977 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 February 1769] 1769-02-22 22. At Court again & home in the Eveng.
7978 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 February 1769] 1769-02-22 22. No frost. Rain in the Night. Morng. exceedg. fine & calm. Day clear & pleast.
7979 Franklin, Benjamin Mecom, Jane From Benjamin Franklin to Jane Mecom, 23 February 1769 1769-02-23 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have received your kind Letters of Sept. 26. Oct. and Nov....
7980 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 February 1769] 1769-02-23 23. Rid to Muddy hole Doeg run and the Mill.