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Results 79381-79410 of 184,431 sorted by author
[ Paris, 29 Dec. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr. Garvey à Rouen. To send the China by water when...
I have last night received such a representation of the condition the Southern Army, is like to...
In my letter of Mar. 20. (which goes by the same opportunity with the present one) I informed you...
Collector of Detroit. I think the liberal construction of the letter of May 2. as explained in...
Your favor of June 22. was recd in due time, and the books of which it covered the Catalogue,...
In order to confirm between your Majesty and the United States of America perfect harmony and a...
I know that I need not examine my letter files to decide that I am in your debt in our epistolary...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of the Attorney General to meet the heads of departments here...
I have the satisfaction to inform you that the negociation depending between the US. and the...
The pressure of my business has put it out of my power sooner to acknolege the reciept of your...
[unfavorable change in appearances there, unless we consider as such a procrastination which may...
In proceeding to carry into exn the act &c. it is found that the sites most advantageous for the...
I received some time ago your favor of July 29. and was happy to find that you saw in it’s true...
On further enquiry, I find it will be agreeable to custom for you to state your case to Monsieur...
I recieved yesterday a letter from mr Cathalan informing me that mr Appleton had drawn on him for...
I have for some years been furnished with the Edinbg reviews to which I am a subscriber, by the...
I am here after a long absence, having been confined at home a month by rheumatism. I thought...
I inclose you the cases of Thorndike of Mass. & Barney of R.I. recieved by yesterday’s post,...
The Secretary of State having received from the Secretary of the territory South of the Ohio a...
I find Bastrop’s case less difficult than I had expected. my view of it is this. the Governor of...
Having not received a letter by yesterday’s post, and that of the former week from Mr. Randolph...
I am much indebted for your favor of the 4th. & for the information & kind offers of attention to...
I received some time ago from Major Forsythe, and afterwards from you a requisition to furnish...
[ Paris, 7 May 1786 . An entry in SJL under this date reads: “Mrs Montgomery. That I delivered...
I have discovered that in copying my letter to you of the 2 d inst. I omitted a sentence, which...
I am honoured with your letter of Jan. 8. on the subject of the duties paid by Mr. Boylston on...
A chronical complaint which has been troublesome for some time has within a few days become too...
I thank you, Dear Sir, for your kind aid in my little money embarrasments. I found, on recieving...
[ Paris, 5 Jan. 1785 . Entry in SJL reads: “Wakeln. Welch. Acknowledging receipt of his of Dec....
After a lapse of near 40. years since our former acquaintance, I am obliged to sollicit a renewal...