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Results 79351-79380 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Your Excellency’s Letter of the 14th Ulto I had the Honor to receive, but not ’till the 31st. I...
I have had the honor of receiveing your Excellency’s of the 1st Instant. the very great Change in...
When I obtain’d your Excellencys permission to come to Virginia I had no doubt but the business...
79354General Orders, 4 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
The commanding Officers of Brigades are to make report of their huts and how far completed as...
Nothing but that indisposition with which I have been confined for upwards of four Months, could...
I just now have recd from Geo: Measam Esqr. Commissary Genl Cloathg for the Northern Army, now at...
I beg leave to lay before Your Excellency Copies of Such papers as I have presented to the Right...
as their is Several officers of my regiment which have not received a Suply of Cloathing from the...
I had the Honor of writing to you Yesterday by Express, I have since received a Letter from Captn...
I am exceeding loth to trouble your Excelency on so trifling a Subject, as a matter of rank, when...
79361General Orders, 5 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
As passing over Rye and Wheat Fields will prove very prejudicial to the inhabitants and ruin...
I wrote to you the 20th Ulto, and inclosed you the King of Great Britains Speach, to his...
The little leisure I have dont afford me a sufficient opportunity to go largely into the subject...
Necessity I hope will plead my excuse for troubling you with the following narrative, and at same...
in my dificult situation, at Such a distance from you, I am oblig’d to take a determination by...
On the evening of the 25th ulto I received information, at Charles-Town, that the enemy had...
Doctor Morgan presents his most respectful Compliments to his Excellency General Washington, and...
I have just been favoured with yours of the 20th and 26th Ulto have noticed the contents, and...
79369General Orders, 6 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Sarah Bache wrote to Benjamin Franklin from Philadelphia on 17 Jan....
I have received your favor of the 1st Inst. and perused Your summary of a plan for raising a...
So much time hath elapsed since the several transactions, upon which you require my opinion,...
I have received at this place your letter dated from Philadelphia of December the 25th for which...
By the Treaty of Convention of Saratoga the Troops were to be allowed to send for Cloathing and...
79374General Orders, 7 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
The Clothier General is immediately to deliver out to the respective regiments any deficiencies...
This letter will be delivered to your excellency by Mister Nevill my aid de Camp whom I beg you...
I am favd with yours of the 31st Decemr inclosing two letters from Major Howell. To prevent a too...
The Board beg Leave to remind your Excellency of the large Number of Mittens on Hand & as the...
Yesterday I recieved your favour dated the 1st Inst., and in pursuance of your Order have...
When I engaged more Immediately in the Service of my Country, the latter end of the year 1776 and...
79380General Orders, 8 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court-Martial held near Fish-Kill November 9th 1778. Colonel John Neville President....