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Results 79321-79350 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I was favor’d with your letter of 25 th Ult o & since with another conte containing Invoice of...
A report that, Col. Patton is, or, will be appointed to the Office of Postmaster General, lately...
I inclose the Copy of a Letter from Mr. Holloway an Engraver here who by the Enquiries I have...
Your very particular fav r 28 h Ult o Covering—“I know not from whom the inclosed letter to...
As my bad state of health obliges me to return to Europe and as it is probable I may sail in the...
I beg leave to submit to your consideration, as a member of the American Philosophical Society,...
I have just returned to this City and established myself permanently in business, where I am...
as I Shall in a few Days take my leave of you and shall return in to my former hapy State as a...
Thomas Jefferson esq. of Virg a To Tho s Appleton of Leghorn—D r 1825 Dollars June To amount of...
Understanding that Major John Mifflin Irwin of the City of Philadelphia intends to apply to the...
I beg leave to introduce to your acquaintance, my son in law, M r Henry Carrington — He is the...
I perceive by the letter in which you offer your Library to Congress , you have indulged yourself...
I had this Morning, the Pleasure of your Favour of the Sixteenth inst, by the Post; and rejoice...
Resolved, That the President of the United States, be requested to cause to be laid before the...
I return your letter to Gilmer as fairly copied. Will he understand that he is not to return...
Bought of Wm. Tunnicliff $. 1806. 20th Janry. To 78 Dozn. London Porter at 4$ 312—
I know not whether this address may not be judged impertinent; but I cannot refrain from...
I take the liberty of writing you at this time solliciting once more your friendly agency, in a...
I am in receipt of your favors of 30 June & 15 th 13 th inst , the last covering a draft upon...
[ St. Pol de Léon, 19? Sep. 1785 ]. Acknowledges TJ’s letter and states that he is the son of...
The Subscribers having understood that Mr Joseph Delaplaine a Native of the City of Philadelphia,...
Your Excellency will I make no doubt be informed before you get this of the near approach of Lord...
I recd. yesterday yours of the 25th. The letter from Turreau appeared to me as to you, in the...
I have the pleasure of acknowledging the rec t of your kind letter under date the 7 th Curt....
The President of the U.S. informs the Secretary of State that he has retained one of the proof...
Jacques Ragondez, agée de 33. ans, Menusier de profession, [fils de feu] Paul Ragondez laboureur,...
The character of the republicans’ party in this place is not easily understood by persons who...
Doctr. Rose being about to call at Monticello I prefer a conveyance by him to the mail, for the...
Not knowing where I could be enabled to answer the inclosed, with so much confidence in the fact,...
I received a few Weeks ago your Letter of so old date as 17th. last July; and beg that you will...