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Results 79301-79350 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
In my letter of the 30th ult. I promised to transmit you Copy of the Account given me In 1758 by...
I recd your favor of the 12th at this place, where I shall remain a few days upon Business and...
79303General Orders, 28 December 1778 (Washington Papers)
Captain Kirkpatrick of the 4th Virginia Regiment is appointed Brigade Major in General Scott’s...
I had the Honour of receiving a Letter from the Board of War dated the 4th of December,...
The Marquis de la fayette having served with distinction as Major General in the army of the...
I have to inform Your Excellency that a Packet arived from England in the Hook the 22d. I have...
I had the honor of Writing to your Excellency the 25th. I sent the letter to McHenry to forward....
79308General Orders, 29 December 1778 (Washington Papers)
All officers, intitled to keep horses, who will send them to a distance from camp, where they may...
I received Your favor of the 18th Instant and am sorry for the accident that has happened to Mr...
After the Loss of the Forts in the Highlands it became necessary to detach a Part of the Army on...
This will be accompanied by a letter from Congress, which will inform you, that a certain...
I wrote you yesterday by a return Express going to Genl Greene—I have Since received the N. York...
79313General Orders, 30 December 1778 (Washington Papers)
Coll Beauford is appointed to visit & superintend the Hospitals in Jersey—He will apply at the...
I take the liberty of informing you, of my intention of entering into the American Army, &...
I beg pardon for troubling your Excellency with the inclosd, which, if you think proper I request...
As there is much preparation to make, and many matters to arrange, in the Ordnance Department in...
Mrs Washington and I, will wait on you and Mrs Morris at dinner, on Monday next, with great...
The difficulties attending my journey, from Stormy Weather and bad roads, have rendered it...
I have the honor of enclosing you a general return of the sick & wounded in the hospitals of the...
When I waited on you the other Evening, before your departure to Philadelphia, I found you too...
My last Dispatches to you were Yesterday Evening. I now inclose you what have come to me since....
79322General Orders, 31 December 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Tents and Markees which are public property are to be delivered in to the Quarter-Master...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, c.31 Dec. 1778. On 1 Jan. 1779 GW wrote Brig. Gen....
I have been favoured with Your Letter of the 5th Inst. and with Your’s & Genl Hand’s of the 28th...
Being denied the happiness of Waiting on you in person by an indisposition that confines me to my...
I am favd with yours of this date. I wish I was sufficiently acquainted with Circumstances, to...
I had the honor of addressing Congress some time since on the subject of General Du Portail and...
I a few hours ago received Your Excellencys favour of the 26th Inst. with a letter accompanying...
Letter not found: from Israel Putnam, 31 Dec. 1778. On 18 Jan. 1779 GW wrote to Putnam...
In a letter which I had the pleasure of writing you the 18th Inst. I requested you to take the...
79331General Orders, 1 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
The Brigade Commissaries are to deliver their Hides and Tallow to the Commissary of Hides at...
I have the honor of presenting to Your Excellency the summary of my plan for raising a french...
Since I arrived here, I received Your favor of the 17th Ulto. I am sorry the Country about...
I take the liberty of transmitting to Congress the inclosed Letter with the papers which...
Your Excellencys favor of the 18th ult: Covering Copy of your orders to the Quarter Master...
The inclosed was addressed to me by the Board of War at the request of Mr Rutherford. As it...
I this minute received Your Lordships favor of the 29th Ulto; that of the 24th came to hand on...
79338General Orders, 2 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Congressman Samuel Holten wrote in his diary on this date: “The...
I recd your favr of the 8th Decemr at this place, from whence I shall return again to Middle...
Two days after my last the Inclosed account came to Hand it Corrisponds with the former accounts...
By a Letter received last week from the Commanding Officer at Fort Schuyler, I am informed that a...
Your Letter of the 12th of last Month from Williamsburg is got safe to hand, & I am obliged to...
I had the Honor to recieve Your very kind Letter of The 25th Ulto, & am Infinitely Oblig’d to...
I have nothing to Inform Your Excellency of since my last, only that Lieut. Campbell of the...
Letter not found: from Major General Philip Schuyler, 2 Jan. 1779. On 18 Jan., GW wrote Schuyler...
I am favd with yours of the 30th Ulto. I thank you for the intelligence it contains. I shall...
I have recd your favr of the 23d ulto inclosing a letter No. 5 from C——. I have no new...
79348General Orders, 3 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
On my arrival at this place with a View of Negociating the Exchange of a Number of Marine...
When I have the Honour of seeing your Excellency I will explain the objection made in Congress to...