79301John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 18 May 1817 (Jefferson Papers)
Lyman was mortified that he could not visit Monticello . He is gone to Europe a Second time. I regret that he did not See you, He would have executed any commision for you in the litterary line, at any pain or any expence. I have many apprehensions for his health, which is very delicate and precarious. But he is Seized with the Mania of all our young etherial Spirits, for foreign travel. I...
79302To Thomas Jefferson from William Kilty and Nicholas Fitzhugh, with Jefferson’s Order, 24 March 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
United States } Presentment for Keeping a Billiard Table without License—December Term 1803 ag James Moore In this Case the defendant Submitted to the Court, which Submission amounted to a Confession of the fact Charged And He was fined as the Law directs in the Sum of 150 dollars The Court at the defendants request heard Testimony on his behalf for the purpose of determining Whether they...
79303To Thomas Jefferson from William Jackson, 24 February 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
I was yesterday honored by the receipt of your letter of the 18th instant. I shall punctually obey your injunction as to the degree of confidence, in which you request it should be considered—This does not, I trust, extend to forbid the communication, in a private-manner, of those sentiments, so honorable to him who has expressed them, and so consolatory to all good men. You could not mean, I...
79304John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 15 October 1822 (Jefferson Papers)
I have long entertained scruples about writing this letter, upon a subject of some delicacy. But old age has over-come at last. You remember the four Ships , ordered by Congress to be built, and the four Captains appointed by Washington — Talbot & Truxton & Barry & ca to carry an Ambassador to Algiers and protect our Commerce in the Mediterranean
79305To Thomas Jefferson from E. Copeland, Jr., 16 December 1824 (Jefferson Papers)
I had the pleasure of receiving this morning Your esteemed fav r dated 9 th Inst t .—The remittance of $123.70 when received from Col o Paton will be duly placed to the Credit of our friends mess r Dodge & Oxnard, as received from You.— It will give me much pleasure to comply with your wishes respecting the articles to arrive here from marseilles, as well as to attend to any other commands you...
79306To Thomas Jefferson from Stephen Cathalan, Jr., 15 April 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
Marseilles, 15 Apr. 1788 . Forwards a letter just received for TJ from Giuseppe Chiappe; will be glad to transmit any letters TJ may wish to send to Chiappe. Hopes TJ has received through John Turnbull the meteorological observations of Marseilles; would like to know what he should pay the copyist. The farmers-general have purchased a cargo of Virginia tobacco at Sète at 34.₶ 15s and have...
79307John Woodside to Thomas Jefferson, 14 November 1812 (Jefferson Papers)
At the request of M r Cathcart it has fallen to my lot to address you in his behalf, permit me therefore Sir to intrude upon your privacy. This I do Sir with a degree of confidence beleiving that in your retirement the best interests of the United States occupy your highest regards; and that nevertheless you are far from disregarding the interest of an individual private Citizen, much less...
79308To Thomas Jefferson from Gideon Granger, with Jefferson’s Note, 13 May 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 8th. and in return to communicate Intelligence no less pleasing. yesterday our Legislature assembled at the City of Hartford . The Votes for Govr . were—for Trumbull something over 14,300. for Kirby 7,848. last year Trumbull had over eleven Thousand and Kirby 4,523. The Increase of votes in our favor Since the last Struggle is...
79309To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 20 May 1798 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor of the 3d. was acknowledged in my last. I am now to thank you for that of the 10th. You must ascribe my inaccuracy as to the locks & hinges partly to myself, & partly to my workman. Four of the doors will be thick eno’ for mortise locks which I accordingly prefer, and of the quality which you think best. Three of the doors will be about 1¼ inch thick only. If this thickness be...
79310Joseph C. Cabell to Thomas Jefferson, 3 October 1820 (Jefferson Papers)
I neglected to bring with me M r Garrett’s account , which I am instructed to examine & verify; and beg the favor of you to send it by the Bearer. I wish to compare it with the account in the Bursar’s Books from which it was copied; at the same time that I compare t check the latter by the vouchers. Perhaps I shall be induced to take the account home, in order to examine the additions at my...
79311To Thomas Jefferson from Tench Coxe, [ca. June 1791] (Jefferson Papers)
Mr. Coxe has the honor to enclose to Mr. Jefferson a state of the exports of Sugar, coffee, cocoa and Cotton from Surinam for 1787, and some smaller articles for other years. None of these articles can be shipt elsewhere than to Europe, nor in any other than Dutch bottoms. A Dutch Merchant having informed Mr. Coxe that he has furnished Mr. Fitzsimmons with the Dutch account of Duties for Mr....
79312Peter Derieux to Thomas Jefferson, 8 July 1813 (Jefferson Papers)
Comme ma mauvaise Situation depuis bien des années, m’oblige d’errer continuellement Ça et la, afin de pouvoir obtenir les moyens d’exister et de faire Exister ma famille, je me Suis trouvé contraint de quitter la Caroline , pour chercher de l’emploi ailleurs. dans cette Vue je viens d’arriver a Richmond ou javois esperé pouvoir obtenir de vos bontes La faveur de faire usage de la maison de M...
79313To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Mazzei, 15 February 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Rispondendo il 10 Aprile 1802 alle sue pervenutemi da Milano coll’istesso corriere, una del 29 Aprile 1800 e l’altra del 17 Marzo 1801, Le dissi le ragioni che m’inducevano ad intraprendere il viaggio di Pietroburgo. Da Venezia Le scrissi pochi versi, il 17 do. e dopo quella dei 6 xbre 1800, la quale Ella dice nella sua dei 17 Marzo d’aver ricevuto, Le avevo scritto il 5 Febb., il 2 e il 30...
79314To Thomas Jefferson from Étienne Lemaire, 6 August 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Je prend la liberté de vous adresser la presente pour avoir Lhonneur de vous Saluer, je soite de tou mon cœur que monsieur Jouisse une parfaite Sentez de même que vôttre repectable famille mes Sivilités Sil vous plai, monsieur je vous prie Engrâce de vouloir Bien Macorder une petit apsence de trois Semainnes, pour me reffaire la Sentez. Je vien encorre de faire une maladit qu’il m’aprise le...
79315Dabney Cosby to Thomas Jefferson, 18 December 1818 (Jefferson Papers)
Understanding the Trustees of the Central College have delegated to you the Authority to Contract for the buildings thereof, and believeing in the event of the Commissioners Report to the Legislature being approved, that Authority will be still extended, I wish to offer my services to You in the Character of a Brick maker & Layer. I have followed that calling upwards of 20. Years and flatter...
79316Thomas Law to Thomas Jefferson, 13 April [1811] (Jefferson Papers)
Permit me to request your name as a Subscriber to a work which will be of essential service to which M r Gallatin , M r Paul Hamilton & others have subscribed & which M r Gallatin has promised to aid by correcting the Statistical account—should you be dissatisfied I will take it— The translator is a very worthy man, whom I esteem, & whom I assist as much as lays in my power for the rising...
79317To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Barnes, 17 August 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
This will be presented to you by Mr. Cooper, of Manchester, who is concerned in one of the principal Cotton Manufactury’s in that place, And, who, from his great efforts in Society, And in writing in favor of the Specific rights And General Liberty of Mankind, has become so Offensive to the present Spirit of the British Government, that he can No Longer in Safety reside in this Country; he...
79318To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Gamble, 13 May 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
I had this honor the 10th. inst. since which Mr. N. Anderson has informed me he has wrote you on the same subject—And solicits your patronage, provided the Agency is an object worth attention, but if it will only be a trifling matter, he does not wish to deprive me of a trifle. He mentioned his desire to me , and urged as a motive, Why I ought to let him Join in the business of purchasing and...
79319Benjamin Waterhouse to Thomas Jefferson, 8 June 1822 (Jefferson Papers)
I here send for your acceptance a copy from my last edition of the Lecture on the pernicious effects of Tobacco , and of the other strand in the same cord, ardent spirits , on young subjects . You may notice in the introduction to this American edition, that I have had recourse to great names, in order to magnify my apostleship. D r De Carro in Vienna , informed me that he found some...
79320To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 24 April 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the honor to enclose for your signature 30 blank Warrants—they are wanted for midsn—boatswains, gunners, sailmakers & carpenters—When you shall have signed them, I beg the favor of you to have them returned to me. I have the honor to be with the greatest respect Sir, yr mo ob Sr. RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Smith; at foot of text: “President of the United States”; endorsed...
79321To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 14 March 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
The weather having detained me here to day, I have employed it in making some rough sketches relative to our financial situation, which I have the honor to enclose. Independent of the uncertainty arising from the fluctuation in the amount of duties on imports, which vary so much, as to have been two millions of dollars more in 1800 than the preceding year, I had neither time nor documents...
79322Hugh White (of Pennsylvania) and John R. Shannon to Thomas Jefferson, 18 January 1823 (Jefferson Papers)
Considering the present moment one of the most Important the World has unfolded; We allude To the “ Holy L e ague ” (falsely So Calld,) Being proved so, by the Stoical Indifferance Which they Behold the unequal Combat Between Light & Darkness good & Evil, Maintained Between the immortal ‘Heroes of the East,’ (The greek Nation) & the infernal followers of the false prophet: (the Barbarian “...
79323John F. Oliveira Fernandes to Thomas Jefferson, 6 January 1816 (Jefferson Papers)
Your letter of the 16 th ult o came to hand on the 23 r d o I am sorry to state to you, that here is not to be found in this place, a Single Quarter Cask of Lisbon wine Tenerife and Sherry, are of a very indiefferent Kind. Rob. E. Steed , who keeps a tolerable Grocery, has Some Port wine; but I could not, in sincerity, recomend & Still Less, purchase it for you. In this Situation, having...
79324Thomas Lehré to Thomas Jefferson, 9 March 1813 (Jefferson Papers)
It affords me great pleasure to inform you, in consequence of the successes of our Navy, we had a public procession—a public Dinner—and a General illumination at night.—The procession was the largest, and the number that dined to-gether upon the occasion, were the greatest, ever known in this City. The enclosed contains the Toasts that were drank upon the occasion .—By the 6 th Toast you will...
79325Charles Willson Peale to Thomas Jefferson, 4 January 1821 (Jefferson Papers)
Yours of 28 th Ul t received, yesterday, and coming home last night, I thought of my small Polygraph, which was made for a traveling conveniency, I find are exactly what you want, therefore it gives me pleasure to send them. I have long thought on the means to preserve health, and have made many experiments to assertain what would be the best food, as well as drink—and as I enjoy perfect...
79326Charles L. Bankhead to Thomas Jefferson, [20 September 1813] (Jefferson Papers)
I must beg you for a hamper of charcoal to dry our malt. Capt Miller apologises for not comeing up befor this—his excuse is the dampness of the weather, which he does not urge on his own account, but in consideration of our malt, thinking that in his absense it might grow too fast in this weather— RC ( ViU : TJP-ER ); undated; addressed: “Mr: Jefferson Monticello ”; endorsed by TJ as a letter...
79327To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 10 August 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Genl. Lyman having sailed for Europe & it being uncertain when he will return, I know of no character who I could recommend to fill the place now held by Ting who would probably be more deserving and would give better satisfaction than Genl. Ralf Cross of Newbury port—I inclose part of a letter from Mr. Crowninshield, for the purpose of shewing his opinion on the propriety of removing Mr....
79328To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Crockett, 17 November 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
My last appointment as Marshal will expire on the 26th of January next. During my service in that Office, I have never heard of any complaint from the Judge, or any of the Attornies, who practise in that court (or in short from any of the litigants or those who transact business in the district of Kentucky.) The granting of one favour is generally the forerunner of asking a second. I have some...
79329From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 3 December 1824 (Madison Papers)
I return the letters from Mr. Gilmer inclosed in yours of Novr. 30. His account of the engaged Professors is very encouraging. It is a happy circumstance that none of them are beyond the ages mentioned. They will be the less inflexible in their habits, the more improveable in their qualifications, and will last the lo⟨n⟩ger. It would seem that Gilmer’s mind leans now to the station he declined...
79330To Thomas Jefferson from William Wisner, 7 July 1823 (Jefferson Papers)
I have Just read in one of the new York papers the copy of a letter purporting to have been written to Hon. John Adams by yourself bearing date June 1 st 1822. Now Sir you will pardon me when I tell you that the publication of your correspondence with Mr. Adams is the cause of my troubling you with this letter. I cannot but respect the man who has for a long period presided over the councils...
79331To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Phillips, 18 October 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Influenced by the Voice of Public Opinion so conspicuously evinced in the change of Political Sentiment I have taken the liberty to address you on a Subject connected with the most uncontrovertable Facts tho’ some have contested & Even Denied their Existence Some of the Disapointed & Clamorous Polititions of our Country have come forward with the utmost Virulence with Determined Opposition to...
79332To Thomas Jefferson from Horatio Gates, 17 March 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
I am favoured with the receipt of your obliging Letter of the 12th: Instant and shall with pleasure Obey your Commands; Your Letters to me, during the Period you mention, are in a large Chest full of public papers; My Letters to you, are all Copied in a Book, from whence they shall be recopied, and with the others deliverd into your Hands. But what if you was to come and pass the Hot Summer...
79333To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 23 April 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Genl. Mason has not yet received an Answer from Col Peyton, but he expects one immediately, and as soon as he receives it, he will wait on you. Yours RC ( DLC ); addressed: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received from the War Department on 24 Apr. and “petn agt Peyton” and so recorded in SJL . John Mason was brigadier general of the District of Columbia militia ( Vol....
79334To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Carrington Cabell, 3 February 1826 (Jefferson Papers)
Your intended application to the Legislature has excited much discussion in private circles in Richmond. Your Grandson will doubtless give you a full account of passing occurrences. A second conference was held at M r Baker’s last evening, at which were four of the Judges of the Court of Appeals, & several members of the Legislature. Finding considerable opposition in some of your political...
79335Peter Derieux to Thomas Jefferson, 10 September 1822 (Jefferson Papers)
Il n’y a que la crainte de vous importuner qui m’a privé depuis tant d’années de vous presenter Les nouvelles assurances de mon respect, et celle des sentiments de ma reconnaissance pour vos anciennes bontés, et J’ose esperer que vous voudrés bien me pardonner la liberté que j’en prends aujourdhui, en consideration de L’occasion qui y donne lieu. Mon plus Jeune fils , qui depuis quelques...
79336George Logan to Thomas Jefferson, 16 August 1815 (Jefferson Papers)
Looking over some private papers a few days since, I found a communication from D r Priestley to me, respecting the education and character of the Emperor of Russia . I herewith inclose you a copy of this interesting document; from a conviction of its being agreeable, on account of your known attachment to the most virtuous and magnanimous of monarchs M rs Logan unites with me in sentiments of...
79337To Thomas Jefferson from William Macarty, 14 January 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
I am honor’d with your Letter of the 6. Inst. and in consequence have procured some of the china you desire which shall be sent on imediately. I dont find any that will answer among the new china, and it is impossible to procure the dishes or compotiers. There is Some dishes that would answer but the owner will not seperate the small dishes from the large ones. They are in Setts of five dishes...
79338To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas U. P. Charlton, 28 March 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Permit a man who has ever held in high veneration those principles which have uniformly characterised your official conduct, to express his congratulation on your appointment to the presidency of the Union:—and to indulge himself with an expectation, that the measures of your administration may ultimately prove as beneficent, as they are at present anticipated by a majority of your Countrymen—...
79339To Thomas Jefferson from Andrew Jackson, 14 May 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
On the 20th. ultimo, I wrote you, enclosing a statement made by William Meadows relative to the depredations lately committed by the indians on our frontier—and a large party of the Creeks apparently hostile, who occupied the South bank of the Tennessee—I then Stated the Substance of my orders to the several Brigadeer Generals, Issued on that occasion, and my Special order to Genl. Johnston...
79340From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 25 June 1786 (Adams Papers)
last night I received yours of the 16.— M r Lamb has not written to me. M r Randal I have expected every day, for a long time. but have nothing from him, but what you transmitted me. my opinion of what is best to be done, which you desire to know is, that M r Lamb be desired to embark immediately for New York, and make his Report to Congress and render his Account, and that M r Randal be...
79341Patrick Gibson to Thomas Jefferson, 15 June 1818 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor of the 11 th Ins t is received inclosing the two notes I had forwarded for your signature as also one in favor of Tho s J Randolph , which shall be attended to, but as I before informed you, it is necessary that I should have his check to enable me to draw the n t prd s and apply it towards the payment of the old note—It would be the better plan and subject to no possible abuse, to...
79342William Pinkney to Thomas Jefferson, 25 September 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
M rs Leigh , who is I believe known to you, sent me some Time ago two Copies of her Book upon Government, with a Request that I would tender them to you on her Behalf as a Mark of her Respect.—I promised that I would do so; but missed the opportunity on which I had calculated.—At Length however I fulfil my promise and send the Books. I have not the Honour to know M rs Leigh personally.—She...
79343To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Guest, 18 December 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
I take the Liberty And if it is too Much I Shall With Great pleasure beg your pardon, in sending you A little Pamphlet that was intended for your amusement when at your Seat under some spreading Oaks. But I was Cut Short of time, to git it ready By by a Daingerous fit of illness—At preasant Shall only Ask Your favour to reade A note in the 20th. page How it was omitted in My first pamphlet I...
79344To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 6 August 1795 (Jefferson Papers)
I return the paper covered by your favor of the third, which was handed me by a gentleman who picked it up in Charlottesville. I find that the meeting in N. York was not exactly as represented to you. The Republicans were never outnumbered; and the vote of a very full meeting was finally unanimous in remonstrating against the Treaty. The Chamber of Commerce has had a separate meeting and has...
79345To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob Hollingsworth, [9] December 1792 (Jefferson Papers)
Yours of 22 Novbr. I Receved and should have answered it sooner, But Could not accomadate you with a Young Man which I thought would Suit you Untill yesterday, when I think I have found one which I have Eavery Hopes will, a Sartain Mr. Samuel Biddle who was Born with in Five Mills of me. He was Brought Up to farming by his Father who is as neat a Farmar as Eany in our Neghbourhood, and as...
79346William Wirt to Thomas Jefferson, 25 September 1816 (Jefferson Papers)
W m Wirt , with respectful compliments to M r Jefferson , sends a few more sheets of the biography—and thinks he may venture to add the consoling assurance that a few more pages, (20, or at the most 30) will put an end to the trouble to which M r Jefferson has been so kind as to subject himself. RC ( MHi ); dateline at foot of text; endorsed by TJ as received 1 Oct. 1816 and so recorded in SJL...
79347To Thomas Jefferson from John Monroe, 26 November 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
This letter will be addressed on a subject entirely private; and the motive has arisen in my observations on your private character only. To bring into review all the adverse causes of oppression which have for some years operated on me will be unpleasant to you to read & extreamly painfull for me to recapitulate. The events which have passed I cannot now controle. The object is to try to...
79348To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob Vernes, 3 November 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
Nantes, 3 Nov. 1789 . Introduces “Mr. Walsh of the house of Domque. Terry & Co. of Cadiz, whose travels in America are intended for increasing the trade of the United States with Spain. The instructions and the favours of your Excellency will enable him to fulfill his design with more facility and success, and I dare sollicit both from your goodness and from your Willingness to support every...
79349To Thomas Jefferson from Mathieû René Rufini, 18 May 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Le sousigner ci-devant Receveur dans les Douannes en Belgique de Sa Majeste L’Empereur Romaine et Autriche Roi d’Hongrie et de Boheme prend la respectuess liberté de suplier leurs hauts et puisances de vouloir avoir egard a ma tres humble Representation: Comme le nomes Jean baptiste baron de Rufini mon legitime frere, qui est partis pour l’amerique l’an 1732 ou 33. et voila plusieurs anne, que...
79350To Thomas Jefferson from James Wilkinson, 26 October 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
The following information appears to rest on such broad and explicit grounds, as to exclude all doubts of its authenticity: A numerous and powerful association, extending from New York through the western states to the territory bordering on the Mississippi, has been formed with the design to levy and rendezvous eight or ten thousand men in New Orleans at a very near period; and from thence,...