79291From Thomas Jefferson to William Shippen, 8 May 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
I duly received your favor of Dec. 5. and have been made happy by the acquaintance of your son who has past some time with us in Paris. I have been absent a part of it, in Holland, so that I have seen less of him than I could have wished; but I have seen enough to attach me to him very sincerely, and assure you he will answer all your expectations and your wishes. I inclose you a letter from...
79292To Thomas Jefferson from Nicolas & Jacob van Staphorst, 8 May 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
We are honored with your Excellency’s respected Favors of 7 Ulto. from Frankfort and 18 ditto from Strasburgh , the latter advising your draft on us ƒ426. Holld. Cy. in favor of Mr. Jean de Turckheim , Which shall be discharged and placed to the Account of the United States. Similar Reception awaits Mr. Peuchen’s Bill for a Couple of Stoves which we will with greatest pleasure receive and...
79293To Thomas Jefferson from Willink & Van Staphorst, 8 May 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
Amsterdam, 8 May 1788 . Have succeeded in arranging for sale of enough bonds of the United States to pay Carmichael the amount designated, to take care of TJ’s “disposals and other incidental calls,” and then, after paying the June interest, to leave a surplus of 40,000 guilders Holland currency in their hands available to TJ’s requisition; “We trust the Payment of this Interest and some good...
792949th. (Adams Papers)
Violent North-east storm, all day. We all dined with Mr. Parsons. Thompson pass’d the evening with me. This storm gives me some anxiety, as possibly Callahan may be now upon the Coast. I would hope however for the best.
79295[Diary entry: 9 May 1788] (Washington Papers)
Friday 9th. Thermometer at 56 in the Morning—69 at Noon And 60 at Night. Much rain fell in the Night & this morning—cloudy most part of the day with a Shower in the afternoon. Wind variable from No. Et. to No. Wt. I remained at home all day, Colo. Lee went away before breakfast & Doctr. Craik soon after it. To dinner Mrs. Craik and Mr. & Mrs. Roger West came, & after it, with Mr. & Mrs. Porter...
79296To James Madison from Philip Mazzei, 9 May 1788 (Madison Papers)
Per il pacqueboat precedente Mr. Faure di Havre vi spedì la seconda cassa de’ miei libri, con 103 esemplari legati in 3 volumi, e uno cucito in 4. Il cucito contenente 2 prime parti senza la quarta fù spedito per correggere uno sbaglio accaduto nella prima spedizione, ove in uno dei 64 esemplari era duplicata la 4 ta. e mancava la 1 ma. Varie circostanze mi impedirono di scrivervi allora, onde...
79297To James Madison from George Nicholas, 9 May 1788 (Madison Papers)
I congratulate you on the decision of the Maryland convention. I am much alarmed by the accounts from Kentucky. Will you commit to paper the reasons that induce you to think that their navigation so far from being endangered, will probably be promoted by the adoption of the new government. Shewing that it is the policy of the different states to insist on it and that from their conduct in...
79298To Thomas Jefferson from Boyd, Ker & Co., 9 May 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
Paris, 9 May 1788 . Enclose a letter from John Rutledge, Jr., asking TJ to pay them any money received for his account from Jean Jacques Bérard & Cie. of L’Orient. RC ( DLC ); address below signature: “Rue d’Amboise No. 4.” Enclosure: Rutledge to TJ, 6 May 1788 .
79299From Thomas Jefferson to Madame de Bréhan, 9 May 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
It was not till the month of March, my dear Madam, that we became assured of your safe arrival in America. In the mean time we had been alarmed by reports, to which we should have paid no attention in a case less interesting. No author for the tale could be named, no origin traced; yet those who loved you, and they are numerous, feared it might be true, because it was not impossible. And even...
79300From Thomas Jefferson to Boyd, Ker & Company, 9 May 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
In conformity to the desire of Mr. Rutledge I shall desire Messrs. Berard & Co. to pay to you whatever sums of money they may have orders to remit me for the use of Mr. Rutledge. I have the honor to be with much esteem Gent. Your most obedt. & most humble servt. RC ( ViU ); addressed: “Messieurs Messieurs Boydker & co. rue d’Amboise No. 4.”; endorsed in part: “Recu le même Jour Répone. do.”...