79271To Thomas Jefferson from Rufus King, 25 December 1825 (Jefferson Papers)
According to my letter of the 20 th Ultimo, I have now the honor to send you enclosed the...
79272To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles Scott, 1 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
After Considering Maturly the matter Proposd Yesterday with reguard to the Quartering the Troops...
79273To George Washington from Arthur St. Clair, 7 April 1792 (Washington Papers)
I have had the honor to receive your Letter of the fourth instant. Although I was very desirous...
79274From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate, 22 December 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
The states of Georgia and Tennissee being peculiarly interested in our carrying into execution...
79275To James Madison from James Monroe, 26 July 1795 (Madison Papers)
I had began a long letter to you in cypher, it appearing the British have commenc’d seizing my...
79276Petition from Washington Inhabitants , 27 February 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
The petition of the Subscribers , Inhabitants of the City of Washington, respectfully represent...
79277From John Adams to Engelbert François van Berckel, 10 August 1782 (Adams Papers)
I have this day received the Letter which you, did me the honour to write me, on the 8. and am...
79278From George Washington to Patrick Henry, 20 March 1785 (Washington Papers)
Your favor of the 12th together with the letters and parcels from Sir Edward Newenham, came safe...
79279From George Washington to Major General Artemas Ward, 4 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
The Officers for the Regiment of Artillery still remaining unfixed, and of consequence the...
79280[November? 1791.] (Adams Papers)
Williamson. Great Numbers emigrate to the back parts of North and S.C. and G. for the Sake of...