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Results 79231-79260 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
You will be so obliging as to present the inclosed to the House when oppertunity, & a suitable occasion offers. I feel very sensibly the late honorable testimony of their remembrance—to stand well in the good opinion of my Countrymen constitutes my chief happiness; and will be my best support under the perplexities and difficulties of my present Station. The mention of my lands in the back...
On Wednesday I had the Honor to receive Your Excellency’s Letter of the 12th Instant, with the Inclosures. I very sincerely congratulate you, sir, on the honorable and important station you are chosen to fill. The opinion I entertain of your public character concurs with every personal consideration to make the choice pleasing to me. At the same time, that my warmest acknowledgements are due...
Your Excellency’s three Letters of the 13th Inst. have been laid before Congress, & the two respecting a certain Expedition & Colonel Fleury are committed. The Idea of an Interview prevails and there is reason to expect that this useful Measure will be adopted. I have the Honor of transmitting the Inclosed Act of Congress of the 16th Inst. & am with the greatest Respect & Esteem, Your...
You will perceive by the inclosed Letter—Commission & Resolution, that Congress have given Lieut. Colo. Stevens an actual command in the Artillery. He is to join Colo. Lamb’s Regiment in the room of Lt Colonel Oswald resigned. After reading the Letter you will be pleased to seal it and give the necessary Orders on your part. I am Dr sir Yr Most Obedt sevt Df , in Robert Hanson Harrison’s...
I received your official Letter of the 8th Instant, advising that your relinquishment of the Presidency would soon take place, which I see has happened; and assuring me of the respect and esteem you should always retain for me. Permit me in turn, Sir, to assure you in the language of the most unfeigned sincerity, that I hold myself under great obligations for the very polite & satisfactory...
I have your letter of the 21st Ultimo, now before me. A good officer cannot feel more real concern, to find that his domestic affairs, and the circumstances of his family, make it necessary for him to leave the army, than I do myself in loosing his services. I always part reluctantly with the officer, who like you, has been early in the cause, and borne his share of military danger and...
Your much esteem’d Favour of the 5th of October was put into my Hands a few Days ago by General Lincoln; I sincerely thank you for your Recollection of me, and for introducing to my Acquaintance a Gentleman, of his Character and Merit; He is much caressed, & you may be assured that I shall pay him, & every other Person, whom I shall know you to regard, all the Attention in my Power. I wish I...
I beg you will accept my thanks, for your obliging letter of the 30th Ulto and the polite expressions of your friendship which accompany it. At the same time, I am happy to congratulate you on your honorable acquital with the approbation of Congress. The information and remarks, you have favoured me with are very full and satisfactory; and I must request as you are good enough to promise, that...
On Wednesday I had the honor to receive your favor of the 10th Instant, announcing the election of a new president; and that the choice had fallen on John Jay Esqre. I am happy in the appointment of a Gentleman—whose abilities & integrity qualify him so amply for this honorable and important trust. I am sir Your Most Obedt sert Df , in Robert Hanson Harrison’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick...
Your Excellency will perceive by the inclosed that my prospects of flour in the middle department are far from being favorable. I hope, on Colo. Blaines arrival at Phila., to be informed much more particularly of his dependancies for supplies. Such accounts as I can collect of the matter shall be immediatly communicated to your Excellency. But I am not without fears that the inclosed...
Your Letter of the 9th Instt came to my hands this day after I had dispatched a long letter to you by Colo. Harrison —The quantity of Land mentioned therein, as appears by my plats, is I dare say, the exact number of Acres held by Marshall; for more than which he ought not to expect payment—The three small quantities which serve to compose the agregate 480½ are (I presume) those which lye on...
79242General Orders, 19 December 1778 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . GW’s aide Maj. Caleb Gibbs paid £32 New York currency, equal to $80, on this date to John Mason “in full for my servant Hannahs wages, who was in the service of His Excellency General Washington” (Revolutionary War Accounts, Vouchers, and Receipted Accounts, 1776–1780, DLC:GW , ser. 5, vol. 29).
Having Sent off expresses on the 6th of the month to the officers Commandg the Militia of the Counties of York and Lancaster according to yr Excellencies Instructions to me; to have the Militia of those Counties in Readiness as well as that of Philidelphia & Bucks; I was not a little surprized, (after the Information I recd from the board of War, of the proceedgs of the President & Executive...
Mr James Willing, with Two Officers said to be deserters from the British service, at Pensacola have been lately taken in a small sloop from that Quartr bound as suppos’d to Philadelphia. the three on being brought to this place found means to make their escape from the prize, and got into the City. Mr Willing who is some way connected with Lawr. Kirtwright immediatly repair’d to his house,...
You are to leave a Captain two Subs. and fifty Men of the detachment of Colo. Hogans Regt at Trenton and proceed with the remainder to Philadelphia, upon your arrival at which place you are to make report to General Arnold or commanding Officer and take your directions from him. You are to leave word at Trenton for Colo. Hogan to follow with the remainder of the Regt (except the Captain and...
Immediately on my arrival here I called for a return of the troops and continental stores in this state, and the state of Georgia, but have not yet obtained them—otherwise I should have done myself the honor of inclosing them; but from all I can learn there are very few continental stores in either of the states. The troops have been supplied by this state, and the heads of the several...
I have the plasure to inclosed to Your Excellency two New York papers one of which contains a parragraph with a large sample of the old Story of the Fox & Sower grapes. and in another the distressed and disapointed state of the Refugees more than I thought they would be permited to express to the Publick. I wish Your Excellency would give me some directions concerning Hatfield and the others...
I had the honor of receiving a few days since your letter of the 6th instant; I am much obliged to you for the polite assurances you give; and in my turn, I beg you will believe, that when the institution at the head of which you have been placed, can once be established upon a footing mutually agreeable to you and to the army, to which end all the measures I have taken in it have been...
I am favd with yours of the 4th informing me of the date of Major Curtis’s resignation agreeable to which I inclose you a Commn for the Majority of the Regt—from the 20th May last. I recd a letter from the Board of War in Sepr respecting those men of your Regt who were confined at Easton. I recommended it to them to employ them upon the Works in Delaware rather than let them rejoin the Army as...
I am honored with Your Excellency’s favour of the 12th instant; inclosing the copies of two letters relative to the disposition of the troops on the East side of the North River and the quartering of Col. Sheldon’s regiment of dragoons. There is nothing I have more at heart, than the ease and security of every part of the Country and its inhabitants; and I wish Your Excellency to believe, that...
79251General Orders, 20 December 1778 (Washington Papers)
Captain Samuel King of Coll Marshall’s Regiment is appointed Aid-de-Camp to the Baron De Kalb, vice Major Rogers resigned. The regimental Surgeons are reminded of the standing order to make returns of their sick every monday to the principal surgeon of the Flying-Hospital present & that no sick be sent from Camp to the General Hospital without his certificate. The Director General of the...
Inclosed is a letter to Major Posey, which I must request you will forward to him. It is unsealed, & you will find that I have directed him to repair to this place, & join his Regt where his services are much wanted. As withdrawing the Major from the Corps may render it less serviceable than it has been, I could wish you if its services can be dispensed with, to order the detachments that...
I have taken the liberty to inclose you the King of great Britains speach to his Parliament, which met the 26th Ulto—It comes by Capt. Sandford of Alexandria, who was the first Vessell that sailed from this port, for America, after we got the inclosed speach here. The English Fleet commanded by Admiral Kepple is in port at Present, and a Division of the French Fleet is constantly out...
I was favored with your letter of yesterdays date this evening. I have informed Governor Livingston with as many of the circumstances of Hatfields case as have come within my knowlege, and directed Lord Stirling to furnish him with such as he has relating to this subject. You will be pleased without further delay to deliver both Hatfield and the vessel he was in, to the civil magistrate with...
It is with the greatest reluctance I now address your Excellency on a subject which to me is exceedingly disagreeable, that of Quiting the Army. Two years have now elapsed since I have had the Honor of serving in the Army during which time having no person to take care of my Bussiness, I find it in such a perplexd, confused situation, that was I to gratefy my inclination by serving only one...
I have the honor of yours of the 16th instant. I have directed that only a Captn and 50 Men of Colo. Hogans may be left at Trenton that you may have as great a number as possible in Philada. I wish it were in my power to comply fully with your request for Troops, but I have had so many demands upon me from quarters exposed to the Enemy, all of which I have been obliged in some measure to...
Your presence with the Regiment to which you belong is now necessary, you will therefore on the receipt of this, repair here—I have written to the commanding officer at Albany, if he thinks the Corps you command can be spared, to order the Troops that compose it to join their respective Regts of this you will be informed—but you will lose no time in coming yourself. I am Sir your mo. Obet...
I am favd with yours of the 9th informing me of your movements in consequence of the appearance of the enemy upon the North River. It is difficult to determine what were their inducements at that time, but I hope you will not be disturbed again in the course of the Winter. If there are any public Magasines of provisions or Stores upon the sound I highly approve of your removing them inland and...
As the commanding officers of the fourth, and eighth Virginia regiments, in General Scott’s brigade, have drawn monies to reinlist in their regiments; I need only trouble your Excellency to grant a warrant to Captain Williams of the sixth regiment a return of the amount, he will lay before your Excellency. Shou’d any further orders relative to furloughing the reinlisted men be necessary, I...
I have your two letters of the 2d and 7th Int. now before me. The order communicated by the adjutant General to Col. Jackson was in consequence of my instructions. It is not however my desire to remove the band in case it has been procured at the cost of the officers, and is kept up at their private expence. This is a prerogative I could not think of assuming. But on the other hand, if it...