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Results 79201-79230 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
AD : New York Public Library; transcript: Library of Congress William Temple Franklin found this...
Permit me to offer you some Memorandums which I have committed to Paper as the reflections...
I have recd. yours inclosing two letters improperly addressed to you. A sketch in manuscript was...
79204[Diary entry: 1 June 1781] (Washington Papers)
1st. Received Letters from Generals Schuyler & Clinton, containing further but still indistinct...
It is highly gratifying to me to be held in remembrance by one whom I so greatly respect &...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] July 22, 1793 . “… Inclosed… is a Representation made by our Boatmen,...
Your favor of the 13th. is come duly to Hand. We consent to the dividing your Militia into two...
my Daughter Jane intended the enclosed to go by M r Eppes but he did not call as She is verry...
The Penn Society, request the honor of Mr. Madison’s company at their Anniversary Dinner, to take...
[ New York, January 25, 1789. ] On February [5–28], 1789, Wadsworth wrote to Hamilton : “Your...
I have the honor to enclose the copy of a letter from the Collector of New-Orleans, giving an...
I have received the Letter you did me the Honour to Write me yesterday, and observe with pleasure...
I recieved in due time your favor of April 13. together with Dr. Lind’s book, which I now return...
Letter not found : from Major General Stirling, 10 May 1778. On 11 May , GW wrote Stirling: “I...
Not getting an acct in time of the necessaries wanted for our Plantation’s on York River, I was...
Agreeable to your Excellencys Desire I have called together the Committee of the County of Essex...
The Day I did myself the Honor to take my Leave of you in Philadelphia—I engaged to write to...
You will herewith receive the instructions in pursuance of which you are to propose and negotiate...
The answer to Mr Barlows note is not what was expected and most certainly is not what was...
79220[Diary entry: 18 December 1789] (Washington Papers)
Friday 18th. Read over, and digested my thoughts upon the subject of a National Militia, from the...
Yours & M r. Adams of the 1 t. & Yours of the 4 th. of July I rec d. the 6 th. Inst. the former...
Mary is amusing me as usual in crying and whining because I suggest to her the necessity of some...
13 February 1802, London. No. 53. Informs JM that Great Britain will accede to a proposal to...
79224[Diary entry: 25 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
25. Dined at my lodgings.
I have the honor to enclose to your Excellency the last weekly returns of the troops. Since my...
Your Letter of 18 January 1806 Per post Came duly to hand and I Assure you that it gave Me greate...
79227[Diary entry: 7 March 1767] (Washington Papers)
7. Wind in the same place & Raing. more or less all day.
If the enemies of the Government are secret and united we shall lose Mr. Adams. Burr is...
New Windsor [ New York ] June 30, 1779 . States that Colonel Daniel Morgan “waits upon Congress...
Letter not found: from Robert Douglas, 12 Aug. 1791. Douglas wrote to GW on 25 May 1795: "I had...