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Results 79201-79230 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I am so anxious to have large magasines laid in at Albany, and on Connecticut river, from No. 4 (or fort Charles) up to the lower Co’os inclusively, that I cannot help again urging you to the utmost exertions in the execution of this business—At the same time, I am desirous of knowing, whether from a more critical examination of your deputies, you have cause to change your opinion with respect...
79202General Orders, 16 December 1778 (Washington Papers)
Major General Lord Stirling is to take the command of the three Virginia Brigades. The regimental Pay-Masters are to bring in their Pay-Rolls to the Pay-Master General for November when they apply for October’s Pay. Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Sir Henry Clinton having called for the return of our Officers on parole; You will take the earliest occasion after receipt of this to call for the immediate return of the Convention and other Officers, if any other there be, who have been permitted to go to the Enemy on parole; or for the purpose of being exchanged, if it has not been accomplished by his releasing an equal number required by...
I have received your Letter of the 9th Instant, with one addressed to Genl Lee. The latter I have transmitted and have written to General Lee, that there will be no objection to the interview requested, as far as it depends on my concurrence; and, if the meeting takes place, that Elizabeth Town point appears most convenient for the occasion. I should suppose, you will hear from him, upon the...
Letter not found: to Jean-Baptiste de Gouvion, c.16 Dec. 1778. On this date GW wrote Alexander McDougall : “Inclosed is a line to Mr Gouvion directing him to continue with you ’till further orders.”
As I expect shortly to be called upon by Congress to lay before them a general State of the Army with our Resources and prospects for the ensuing Campaign; I am collecting from the Gentlemen at the Heads of the several great departments their opinions of the present and future prospects of supplies in their respective lines. Your department (including Forage) being of the utmost consequence...
Since I had the Honor of addressing you on the 13th the Gentlemen appointed to meet Commissioners from Sir Henry Clinton have returned to Camp. Your Excellency will find by a Copy of their Report No. 7, which, with the other papers respecting the meeting, is inclosed, that an Exchange of prisoners has not taken place. As an exchange has not been effected, and Sir Henry Clinton has called for...
His Excellency desires you will inform him as shortly and with as much accuracy as possible what number of battering Cannon you have mounted in the park and at the different Arsenals with their Calibres and whether there are any and what number not yet mounted, which might be got ready if wanted. We have not a word of News. I am yrs &c. ADfS , DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . In a...
I received Yesterday the Inclosed Letter from Colol Butler; with one addressed to myself. As far as the interview requested depends on my concurrence there will be no objection; and whatever place may be thought proper for the purpose, will be agreable to me. I would add, however, if you meet Colonel Butler, that Elizabeth Town point appears to me most convenient for the occasion. I am sir Yr...
Till now I have not had a moments time to reply to your Excellencys several favors of the 12th 14th and 15th Inst. I find every disposition not only to afford security to the people of Monmouth, and lessen the duty of their militia; but, to prevent the illicit trade and correspondence complained of between the disaffected in that County, and the City of New-York, could it be effected by any...
I duly received your favor of the 9th and am much obliged to you for the several particulars you communicate. The prize gained by Sir Henry Clinton seems hardly to have been worth the trouble of the expedition. I am sorry that Col. Malcolm is not sensible of the necessity which has deprived him of his late command—The very advantageous opinion I entertain of him made me wish it had been...
I have not any thing new to inform Your Excellency of, save that I have sent Coll Shrieve with his Regt to New Ark to take the command of that & second River, till further Orders. It seems necessary to lighten this place with respect to finding wood; Forrage, and even Quarters if possable. I have inclosed You a Letter from General Jones to Genl Skiner with Genl Leslies pass to Vanmater; all...
I am informed by the Qr Mr General that you have returned to Easton with the Horse of Count Pulaski’s and Colo. Armands Corps, not being able to procure Forage at Minisink or in that Neighbourhood. It will not be possible for you to remain at Easton without the greatest inconvenience to the service, as you must consume that Forage which is necessary for the Teams upon the communication and a...
Letter not found: from Richard Peters, 16 Dec. 1778. On 20 Dec., GW wrote Peters : “I have the honor of yours of the 16th instant.”
from converseing with my Deputies I am satisfied I can feed any number of Men with Beef where ever they may be situated, but I can not add any to the supplies of Flower, promised in my Letters of the 16th and 17th Ultamo: except to compleat the Quantity now at, and near, Newbury to One thousand Barrels. my expectations of considerable supplies of flower from Virginia are over, my last advices...
Letter not found: from James Warren, 16 Dec. 1778. GW wrote Warren on 31 March 1779 : “I beseech you not to ascribe my delay in answering your obliging favour of the 16th of Decr to disrespect.”
79217General Orders, 17 December 1778 (Washington Papers)
All the Artillery attached to the Brigades in this Camp are as soon as the Weather will permit to join the Park at Pluckimin. The Commissary of hides is hereafter carefully to deposit all the horns of the Cattle killed for the Army with the Commissary of Military Stores, who is hereby directed to have them converted into Powder horns for the use of the troops as fast as they are delivered...
I have just been informed that Mr Tomison Ellzey has, under the idea of waste land, entered in your Lordships Office part of my purchase of Simon Pearson or William Ashford, lying in Fairfax County and on or near Dogue run—These Lands are included within ancient marked bounds by which I purchased them, and have regularly, & I trust satisfactorily paid your Lordship the quit rent these fifteen...
I have to acknowlege your favor of the 23 Ulto. General Heath by a letter towards the beginning of last month informed that there were some sick officers and men of the Convention troops, and some officers having families, who could not proceed with the other troops to Charlotte’s Ville by a land march; and their going by sea was proposed. I did not think myself authorised to decide in the...
I inclose you the copies of two letters for your consideration. The one my letter to Mr Wadsworth on the quantity of provision which he may be able by his utmost exertions to lay in at Albany, and on Connecticut river from No. 4 (or fort Charles) up to the lower Co’os inclusively, by the first day of February next; and whether he could keep a large army to the Northward regularly supplied? In...
Since my arrival here which has been much retarded by deep Snows, heavy Rains and consequently high Waters I have been honoured by the receipt of your Excellencies favour of the 26th Ultimo. I cant find that Count Polaskies Horse can be accomodated so near this place as to be able to afford any assistance—the Forage they have already consumed has distressed the Settlement—indeed the Country is...
To prevent as far as possible the intercourse between the inhabitants of these States and the enemy in New York, I have given positive orders to Genl Maxwell, who commands at Elizabeth Town, to permit no persons being inhabitants of or coming from any of the States to pass to Staten Island or New York without permission has been first obtained from their respective Governors or legislative...
Altho I have not had the happiness to receive a single line from your Excellency, since I took upon myself the Command of this Division, yet I think it my indespensable duty to continue to inform you of the situation of affairs in this department. The Troops have at this time got their Hutts in good forwardness, notwithstanding the interruptions they have met with, from a succession of bad...
I am glad to find by yours of the 8th that your Regiment is like to be so well accommodated at Durham. I have never had any representation against its being quartered near that place, neither can I conceive why you can interfere with the provision of Beef for the Army more there than any where else in the State. Should Congress see a probability that the operations of the next Campaign will...
I have the pleasure to transmit you the inclosed Commission and the Copy of a Resolution of Congress that accompanied it. I received the Letter which inclosed the Commission on my way from Fredericksburg; but being separated from my papers just after it came to hand—and not getting the Letter again till a day or two ago, I have been prevented from sending the Commission till now. In...
I have your favr of the 11th inclosing a letter from C——. when I desired an interview with him I did not know his peculiar situation. I now see the danger that so long an absence would incur and I must leave it intirely to you to manage the correspondence in such a manner as will most probably ensure safety to him and answer the desired end. I am &ca. Df , in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW ;...
Since my last from Elizabeth town, I have arrived at these my Quarters for the Winter; and have received your Letters of the 25th of last month and 2d of this; and have also heard of Mrs Washingtons safe arrival at Philadelphia. The list of Horses has come safe, but I thought their had been more of them. I observe what you say in your Letter of the 2d Instt respecting the measurement of...
79228General Orders, 18 December 1778 (Washington Papers)
The honorable the Congress have been pleased to pass the following resolutions. November 24th 1778 Congress took into consideration the report of the Committee of Arrangement and thereupon came to the following resolutions. Whereas the settlement of Rank in the Army of The United-States has been attended with much difficulty and delay, inasmuch as no general principles have been adopted and...
On the 7th Inst. late in the afternoon, I received your Excellency’s Orders to remove from the Clove to Paramus, on the 8th & 9 I called in the Several Commands from the passes of the Mountains, intending to March on the 10th, but was prevented by bad weather ’till the 11th when I march’d & reach’d this place—from the scattered Situation of the Buildings, the Soldiers are not Quartered in So...
Enclosed I send Your Excellency a return of the Troops in this Department, by which, you will see the Disposition which I have made of them on the Frontiers, for the present, untill I receive your Excellency Sentiments thereon. I am sorry to inform your Excellency that the Small Pox hath made its appearance among us. by a Letter from Coll regnier I am informed that the Inhabitants of...