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Results 79201-79250 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Presuming that you take no slight interest in the ensuing Presidential election, and that it...
The petition of Count Barziza was rejected some time past in the House of Delegates I have kept a...
Philadelphia, 14 Mch. 1780 . Circular letter to the state executives enclosing resolve of...
I received your kind favour and for it receive my best thankes—Unfortunately I did not state the...
We have been for some time past and are still dreading an Invasion from the neighbouring Northern...
Your letter of the 2d came to my hands at this place. Part of it did as you supposed, & might...
By an Act of the late Congress, the District of Palmira, in this State, being discontinued, and...
I had intended to pay my respects to you at Monticello , but on my arrival here I found you had...
I have the honor to enclose you a copy of the proceedings in the case of Livingston v D’Orgenoy...
Thomas Law Esq r from bodily infirmity has devolved upon M r J. B. Cutting the grateful task of...
The President Sends to the Secretary of State the enclosed letter from Mr. Chiappe, which has...
For several mails past I have been expecting to heare of the Executive Council appointing the...
I have sold your last 54 barrels of flour to W m M c Kenzie at 8.½ & 9$. (5 barrels being fine...
AT a Special Meeting of “ The Philadelphia Society for promoting Agriculture ,” held October...
The Liberty that this Your Unworthy fellow Creature are about takeing with you I hope Your...
5 April 1804, Washington. “[I] Inclose the Commission for Kirby according to your parting...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation, Warner Lewis, Benjamin Field, James Dillabee...
Some few days since I arriv’d here and trust I have so arranged the line of communication between...
je Suis Saisi de la plus timide inquietude quand je pense qu’un ouvrage de moi Sur les objets les...
I have seen a project of a Bridge over the Navy Dam at the Wallabocht on L Island. From my...
Having seen your Observations upon the late solar Eclipse, I took the Liberty to transmit a Copy...
Confident, that it Shall be gratifying to you, to receive an answer on your favour of July 9...
Report of the State & progress of the Work on the South wing of the Capitol from the commencement...
M r Antrim and myself have tried for a long time to get on the price of Plastering in 1820 in...
En recevant le dernier billet que vous m’aves fait l’honneur de m’ecrire lorsque vous m’aves...
In addressing you on a subject, highly interesting to the Citizens of Pennsylvania, and...
[ Glasgow, 30 Mch. 1786. Recorded in SJL as received “while in London.” Letter not found but see...
Your favor of the 16th. Instant came to hand covering the Inclosed Commission and one for Major...
Veuillés bien être mon organe au près de la Société Philosophique que vous présidés, pour...
Perceiving from the public prints, that you have lately left the seat of Government on a short...
I waited for a monthly Meeting of our agricultural Society , before acknowledging the Receipt of...
I reced your favor of 4 h In t and was glad to recognise your well known hand once more and I now...
My Friend Mr. Izzard favor’d me with a Sight of Yours to him of the 18th Novr. and first of Augt....
From your Character for integrity which I have been taught to respect ever since I entered the...
  Mr. Jefferson subscribed for  1 copy of Discourses on Chemistry $ 3: $ 3:
I have addressed you several letters to you and, sented to you of my going to Claibourne for you...
A pretty severe attack of the prevailing epidemic, with a good deal of sickness in the family,...
Printed text ( Burnett, Letters Edmund C. Burnett, ed., Letters of Members of the Continental...
I thank you for your rich present of Dec. 28 th . The Pettifogger of Furnivals Inn , or of...
I should feel great reluctance in addressing you on the subject mentioned below had I any other...
In the close of the last winter the Council of Appointment of this State was pleased to appoint...
I request Your indulgence for a few lines. I Shall be as concise as possible. A few days after I...
I had the honour of writing to you from Lexington K y , and requesting your patronage in order of...
J’espere que Votre Excellence a reçu les miennes du 6 et 17 de ce mois. Je laisse l’incluse pour...
N’ayant reçu aucune réponse a La Lettre que je pris la Liberté de vous ecrire en arrivant a...
Philanthropy, as well as Philosophy, no less than Dignity of Station, & Influence, designating...
Mr. Pollard has again disappointed me in the power of Attorney—and again promises by next post....
Mr. Miller, the postmaster at Charlottesville, has signified his desire to resign his office; and...
Monsieur je suis sensible à la complaisance que vous avez eu de m’envoier mes deboursés. Quand à...
You may recollect that I mentioned Mr. Daniel Brent to you as a young gentleman of merit who...