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Results 79201-79250 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The office of Postmaster General being vacated by Colo. Pickerings late removal to the War...
I have taken into consideration the petition of James Kerr, which you did me the honor of...
Although I have had no reason to suspect, that this government has ever deviated from the...
By this Days Post I have your Letter of the 26. Ult. I believe that some incomprehensible...
[ Philadelphia ] January 5, 1795 . Requests “an early opportunity of confering … upon the rough...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] January 5, 1795 . “This will be accompanied by the Accounts of Walter...
Inclosed I send you a letter from the Commissioner of The Revenue of the 3rd. instant respecting...
I wrote to you the other day in reply to your ler. recd from Col. Carrington. The communications...
[ Philadelphia, January 5, 1795. On February 16, 1795, Edmund Randolph wrote to Oliver Wolcott,...
I have the honor to send herewith, agreeably to the order of the House of Representatives, of the...
I called at your Office on Saturday, to confer with you on the subject of this letter, but I was...
I informed the President, that you were of opinion, that the public service would not be at all...
I have recd your two letters of the 3d instant. On the 2d instant Mr. Dela Forest produced at my...
Your favor of the 20th ult. passed me on my way to this place and was returned this morning. My...
Referring to our last Respects of 6 Ultimo We have to acknowledge the Receipt of your esteemed...
Whereas the Secretary of State of the united States of america hath officially informed me that...
To Samuel Bayard Esq r . appointed by the President of the United States of America, Agent for...
I have been requested by some very intimate friends who are now in france, to make application to...
Letter not found. 5 January 1795. Acknowledged in JM’s letter to his father of 26 Jan. 1795 ....
I received by our Thursday Post, yours of Decbr 18 & 23 together with the Bennets Strictures. you...
Philadelphia, January 4, 1795. “Pay to the Director of the Mint Eight thousand Dollars; to be...
I have received your letter of the 28th of last month with its enclosures, and am sorry to hear...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 4 Jan. 1795. On 11 Jan., GW wrote Pearce: “Your letter of...
The trouble I have already given My dear and Honor’d Uncle, really concerns me when I think of...
I acknowledge your obliging & Speedy answer to my last, as well on my part, as on the part of...
JM’s friend of long standing, the Reverend Samuel Stanhope Smith, was serving as vice-president...
I Received your favors of the 17th Ultimo two days ago and thank you for their contents. I waited...
Immediately on the receipt of your favor covering Mr. Adams’ letter to you, I wrote to him for...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, January 3, 1795. “Messrs. Willing & Francis this day ask for...
[ Philadelphia, January 3, 1795. On January 3, 1795, Coxe wrote to William Lindsay: “I have this...
Department of State, January 3, 1795. “I do myself the honor of inclosing to you a copy of a...
Department of State, January 3, 1795. “I beg leave to lay before you a letter of the 25th. ultimo...
May I be permitted to bring myself, once more, to your recollection, without offence —Presuming...
I have received your Letter of December 30 th. — I approve of your caution and applaud your...
I received this day your kind letter of the 30th ult. With cordial affection and sincerity do I...
A regard to the reputation of our Country induces me to address you at this Time. Dr Kippis has...
I have this moment received your letter af the 29th Ulo. relative to the transfer back to your...
Treasury Department , January 2, 1795. This letter is essentially the same as that which Hamilton...
I send you copies of two letters one from me to The Collector of Charlestown of September 4th &...
We did ourselves the honor of inclosing, in our answer to your letter, two Communications to...
A spirit of discontent from several causes arose in the early part of the present year among the...
I nominate Timothy Pickering, to be Secretary for the Department of War; vice Henry Knox, who has...
I had yesterday the pleasure of rec g . your letter of the 15 Nov r . upon my return to town from...
79244Naturalization, [2 January] 1795 (Madison Papers)
A heated debate ensued on Giles’s and Dexter’s amendments. Dexter explained that he had...
Notes for a Constitution   The legislature to provide for having periodical returns to them of...
I wish you a happy New Year, and a Repetition of happy New Years as long as Time shall endure:...
Treasury Department , January 1, 1795 . “Articles of agreement between Alexander Hamilton … And...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, January 1, 1795. “I have this day received from Mr. Francis...
Proclamation By George Washington President of the UStates Amidst the calamities which afflict so...
I have been duly honored with your respected favors of the 21st & 22d ultimo; the latter...