Results 79201-79210 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
There was a time when a majority of the citizens of New-York were so opposed to lawyers as members of the legislature, that a single gentleman of that profession, though confessedly a man of abilities, and in other respects, of unimpeachable character, could not obtain a majority of suffrages, principally owing to the circumstance of his being of that profession. But the times are changed, and...
Yr. favor from G Town came to hand, likewise yrs. of the 10th. Instant I receiv’d a few days past. As I do not know of an opportunity of conveying this to you, it is probable you will see in the papers, the result of the proceedings of our Convention, before this reaches you. It is expected this day will close the important business, if it was not determin’d yesterday. Our Convention consists...
I am favored by your friendly letter of april the 10th. How it happened that No. 69 of Publius should have been omitted I can hardly imagine; the neglect shall be done away if any acquaintance or the printer are in possession of that paper. The marchioness is perfectly upon her feet—for she walks five miles every day—and with great pleasure I will execute your Commands to her, and the...
Monsieur Lambert de Frontignan, par une lettre en datte le 22me. Fevrier m’avoit pride vous payer la somme de 129.₶ pour cent bouteilles de vin qu’il avoit envoyà Monsr. le Comte de Moustier en Amerique par mon ordre. Malheureusement sa lettre n’etoit pas encore arrivée la 3me. Mars quand je suis parti de Paris pour les Païs bas et l’Allemagne. Je la trouve ici à mon retour qui n’est que de 4....
Your favor of March 22 arrived during my absence on a journey to Amsterdam from which I am but lately returned. I thank you for your attention to the 4. boxes of plants and have to ask the favor of you to send them by the first conveiance by sea to Havre to the care of M. Limozin. I have reason to believe there are some seeds also. If these are packed in a separate box I will beg of you to...
Having left Paris the 3d. of March on a journey through the Low countries and Germany, your favors of Mar. 9. and 25. have awaited an answer till my return which was only 4. or 5. days ago. I should with great pleasure have undertaken to forward the memoir to Doctr. Franklin which you mention in that of the 9th. had you not found an occasion before my return, and I shall with chearfulness do...
Presuming upon your kindness on a former occasion, I beg leave to have the honor of introducing to your acquaintance Mr. Baillie, nephew of the late Dr. William Hunter and who at present participates in the possession of his valuable cabinet. I take this liberty at the desire of a friend whom I esteem without having the pleasure of knowing Dr. Baillie, though not without being assured from his...
7920829th. (Adams Papers)
The weather this day was tolerable. I went in the evening with Thompson to Captain Coombs’s, where we found the young Ladies. Polly Coombs, is very sick; they fear in a Consumption. Nancy Jenkins too has been unwell, and still looks thin. Mr. Farnham and J. Greenleaf were there; and Mr. Cutler. We had singing as usual.
79209[Diary entry: 29 April 1788] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 29th. Thermometer at 56 in the Morning—62 at Noon And 62 at Night. Raining a little in the Morning and very cloudy, without wind, which afterwards came out at No. Wt. tho’ not fresh but which dispersed the clouds. Visited all the Plantations. At the Ferry, the Carts, as yesterday were taking out the heads, guts &ca.—the Plows in the same field plowing for Buck Wheat & the Women filling...
I cannot prevail on myself to omit the present Occasion of offering my Respects, altho I have Nothing to say which is worth your Perusal. It may not however be quite unsatisfactory to receive even Conjecture on a Subject whose Importance is great and whose Situation precludes Evidence. As far as one who avoids much Enquiry can judge I am led to decide that the Opposers to the new Constitution...