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Results 79201-79250 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
There was a time when a majority of the citizens of New-York were so opposed to lawyers as...
Yr. favor from G Town came to hand, likewise yrs. of the 10th. Instant I receiv’d a few days...
I am favored by your friendly letter of april the 10th. How it happened that No. 69 of Publius...
Monsieur Lambert de Frontignan, par une lettre en datte le 22me. Fevrier m’avoit pride vous payer...
Your favor of March 22 arrived during my absence on a journey to Amsterdam from which I am but...
Having left Paris the 3d. of March on a journey through the Low countries and Germany, your...
Presuming upon your kindness on a former occasion, I beg leave to have the honor of introducing...
7920829th. (Adams Papers)
The weather this day was tolerable. I went in the evening with Thompson to Captain Coombs’s,...
79209[Diary entry: 29 April 1788] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 29th. Thermometer at 56 in the Morning—62 at Noon And 62 at Night. Raining a little in...
I cannot prevail on myself to omit the present Occasion of offering my Respects, altho I have...
My detention here having been so much longer than expected, the Season in which Mrs Morris...
On the 23 d instant I came to this place & on the 26 th had an opportunity of speaking to his Ex...
La Société établie à Paris, à l’instar de celle d’Angleterre et d’Amérique, pour opérer...
J’ai L’honneur de vous envoyer un exemplaire du mémoire du Sr Cazeau qui n’a point été publié ni...
I had the honor to address you after a long silence the 14 Inst. You will receive that Letter by...
At last I receive a letter from you, am I to be angry or not? I think when we go to question and...
Copenhagen, 29 Apr. 1788 . Encloses a packet which came from M. Dechezaulx, French consul at...
Paris, 29 Apr. 1788 . Acknowledges TJ’s letter of 28 Apr., the work on Virginia, and the payment...
I have the honour to inclose to your Excellency some English and french papers relating the...
7922030th. (Adams Papers)
Very agreeable weather. After we had done at the office, I took a long walk with Thompson. We...
79221[Diary entry: 30 April 1788] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 30th. Thermometer at 56 in the Morning—66 at Noon and 62 at Night. Clear all day. Wind...
I am now to acknowledge to receipt of your letter of the 15th of April, in which you did me the...
Last Summer I received two Letters from you, one of Decr. 24. 1786 and another of Sept. 1786, One...
79224[May 1788] (Adams Papers)
Pickman returned this afternoon from Salem. The Club were in the evening at my room: Young Fowle,...
79225[May 1788] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 1st. of May. Thermometer at 56 in the morning—76 at Noon And 76 at Night. Clear & warm,...
Your saying last evening that Sir Isaac Newtons principle of Gravitation would not explain, or...
I enclose you a Problem not about Bridgs but Trees, and to explain my meaning I begin with a...
79228Thursday May 1st. 1788. (Adams Papers)
Pickman returned this afternoon from Salem. The Club were in the evening at my room: Young Fowle,...
79229[Diary entry: 1 May 1788] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 1st. of May. Thermometer at 56 in the morning—76 at Noon And 76 at Night. Clear & warm,...
With infinite pleasure Mrs Washington & myself received from Mr Morris the News of your intended...
I consider myself the more indebted to your obliging care in transmitting the letter of the...
We recieved your favour of the 28 th of Feb y last which afforded us much satisfaction & we have...
The bearer hereof, Monsieur de Warville, is already known to you by his writings, some of which I...
The bearer hereof, Monsieur de la Vallée is recommended to me as a gentleman, of worth, wealth,...
The bearer hereof, Mr. Berger, merchant of Lyons, proposes to go to America with a view either to...
The bearer hereof, Monsieur de Warville, is already known to you by his writings, some of which I...
The bearer hereof, the Chevalier de Saint Trys, passing hence to America, and meaning to visit...
The bearer hereof is Mr. Warville who is already probably known to you by his writings, and...
The bearer hereof Monsieur le Chevalier de Saint-Trys is strongly recommended to me by Monsieur...
In a letter which I had the honour of writing to Mr. Jay on the 30th. of Aug. 1785. and which...
792412d. (Adams Papers)
After passing the day at the Office, I stroll’d with Pickman, as far as Sawyer’s tavern, where we...
79242[Diary entry: 2 May 1788] (Washington Papers)
Friday 2nd. Thermometer at 69 in the Morning—80 at Noon And 70 at Night. Lowering Morning with a...
I am honoured with your Excellency’s letter by the last packet & thank you for the information it...
I have now to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 19th of March, which should have been...
Your favor of the 10th Ult. came duly to hand, and the enclosure for Mr D. Carroll was forwarded...
Your letter of the 29th Ult. reminds me of an omission which I should be ashamed of, did I not...
Permit me to assure you in unequivocal terms, that the proposed visit of Mrs Morris, and such...
Your favor of the 10th. Ult. came duly to hand, and the enclosure for Mr. D. Carroll was...
Dunquerque, 2 May 1788 . Acknowledges TJ’s letter of 28 Apr. 1788. No ships being available for...
Mr. Jefferson’s compliments to Mr. Rutledge. He had not decided about going to the review...