Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 14 June 1810

To James Madison

Monticello June 14. 10.

Dear Sir

Mr Thweatt my particular friend and connection expecting that an excursion he is to make will put it in his power to pay his respects to you personally, en passant, and being desirous to do so, I with pleasure present him to you as a gentleman of perfect worth, and of sincere zeal in those political principles which you & I have so steadily cultivated. his energy in their support has been often felt by our friends as well as opponents in Petersburg & it’s vicinity. I pray you to accept with favor his & my devoirs and to be assured of my constant affection & respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); at foot of text: “The President of the US.”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosed in TJ to Archibald Thweatt, 14 June 1810.

Index Entries

  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of introduction from search
  • Madison, James; A. Thweatt recommended to search
  • Madison, James; letters to search
  • Montpellier (Montpelier; J. Madison’s Orange Co. estate); visitors to search