William Stephens Smith to John Adams, 9 January 1795
William Stephens Smith to John Adams
New York Jany. 9th. 1795
Dear Sir
Mrs: Smith has shewn me the Letter you wrote on the 2d. inst. with the Copies of those you presented to The Count DeVergennes The extract from Brissots Journal I noticed, and really think there is a greater combination to deprive you of the tribute due to your services, than I ever noticed pointed against any Individual—1 I think it a duty you owe yourself and Country, to resist it, & this can be effectually done, by publishing a few of your Letters— those you have now sent, will fully do away the observation of Brissot— will you give me leave to publish such extracts as are in point, I think it will do good—but I will not attempt it without your permission, Mrs: S. & The Boy’s are well
I am Dr. Sir Your most Obedt: / Humble Sert.
W: S: Smith
RC (Adams Papers); internal address: “The Vice President / of The U. States—”
1. Extracts from Jacques Pierre Brissot de Warville’s memoir, for which see JA to AA2, 2 Jan., and note 3, above, were also reprinted in the New York American Minerva, 23 Dec. 1794, and New York Herald, 24 December.