Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Théophile Cazenove, [12 January 1795]

To Théophile Cazenove1

[Philadelphia, January 12, 1795]2

My Dear Sir,

I mentioned to you some time since my wish if practicable to change the foreign into Domestic Debt—that is to pay the interest & reimburse the interest here rather than abroad.3 You will oblige me by reflecting what additional compensations would be capable of inducing the Creditors to change their ground whether by premums increased interest &c &c.

You will of course understand that nothing is thought of which would for a moment interrupt the course of things as the contracts stand now or hereafter except as to those who freely agree to the change.

I will see you in a day or two.   Yrs. truly

A Hamilton

Theo Cazenove Esq

ALS, Gemeentearchief Amsterdam, Holland Land Company; LC, Gemeentearchief Amsterdam, Holland Land Company. These documents were transferred in 1964 from the Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief, Amsterdam.

1Cazenove, a native of Holland, conducted a brokerage and commercial business in Amsterdam from 1763 to 1788. In 1789 he was appointed by four Dutch banking houses—Peter Stadnitski and Son, Nicholaas and Jacob Van Staphorst, P. and C. Van Eeghen, and Ten Cate and Vollenhoven—to handle their speculations in American securities. Cazenove arrived in the United States in 1790. In 1792 he persuaded his employers to invest in western lands in the United States. For that purpose the Dutch bankers were joined by Wilhem and Jan Willink and Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck. Although these banking firms did not formally organize the Holland Land Company until February 13, 1796, Cazenove from 1792 to 1794 purchased five million acres of land in western New York and northern and western Pennsylvania for his Dutch principals.

2H did not date this letter, but at the bottom of the letter Cazenove wrote “12 Janvier 1795.”

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