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Results 79141-79170 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Last Week I received through M r Izard a kind Invitation to dine with M rs Powell, whom I had not before seen Since her Loss of M r Powell. Yesterday I had the Pleasure of dining with her and her Brother & sister Francis with their Children and M r & M rs Harrison among the rest—M r & M rs Morris & M r Izard— M rs Powell sends many Compliments to you and regrets that she cannot enjoy your...
I mentioned to you some time since my wish if practicable to change the foreign into Domestic Debt—that is to pay the interest & reimburse the interest here rather than abroad. You will oblige me by reflecting what additional compensations would be capable of inducing the Creditors to change their ground whether by premums increased interest &c &c. You will of course understand that nothing is...
Philadelphia, January 12, 1795. “Among that Class of your Fellow Citizens, who truly lament your intended Resignation, We also as Officers of The Revenue of this District, beg leave to assure you, We feel it in the most sensible Degree. And if the warmest heartfelt Sentimen⟨ts⟩ of your Conduct, as a Statesman and in your Official Duties, can be pleasing or Usefull to your Feelings, We in the...
In reply to your letter of the 10. instant I am to inform you, that I have this day accepted the French minister’s draught for Thirty thousand Dollars in addition to the Forty thousand, for which he drew upon me a few days since. I have also further to add, that there is now no obstacle with this Department to accept drafts (including those abovementioned) for the amount of the Instalments...
For a considerable time past the Commissioner of Loans for New York, has laboured under a degree of bodily infirmity little suited to the arduous duties of his station. A belief that his demise would speedily have terminated the embarrassment, united with other considerations, has hitherto prevented me from officially representing his situation to you, & the possible inconvenience to the...
For a considerable time past the Commissioner of Loans for New York, has laboured under a degree of bodily infirmity little suited to the arduous duties of his station. A belief that his demise would speedily have terminated the embarrassment, united with other considerations, has hitherto prevented me from officially representing his situation to you, & the possible inconvenience to the...
On friday last I wrote you a few lines, and assigned reasons for not writing more fully. In addition to what I then said, which was only to inform you that permission had been given, by the Canal Company of this State, for Mr Weston to visit the falls of Potomack, and that he might be expected at the federal city about the first of next month, I shall notice with concern—it being contrary to...
On 30 December 1794 Washington sent to Congress a message submitting a report from the secretary of war. Written shortly before Knox left office, the report recommended, among other things, “‘That all persons who shall be assembled or embodied in arms, … for the purpose of warring against the Indians, … shall thereby become liable and subject to the rules and articles of war, which are, or...
12 January 1795, Charleston, South Carolina. Introduces [Robert Goodloe] Harper and asks JM to introduce him to [John] Nicholas and [William Branch] Giles of the Virginia delegation in the House of Representatives. RC ( DLC ). 1 p. Addressed by Wallace to JM at Philadelphia, “by favr. of Mr. Harper.” Docketed by JM.
Letter not found. Ca. 12 January 1795. Mentioned in Butler to JM, 23 Jan. 1795 . Introduces Robert Goodloe Harper.
[ January 11, 1795. On January 28, 1795, Edmund Randolph sent to Nicholas Way, Treasurer of the Mint, a letter “to Col. Hamilton … from P. Colt of 11th January.” Letter not found. ] During the American Revolution, Colt, a native of Lyme, Connecticut, served for three years as deputy commissary general of purchases for the Eastern Department. In 1790 he became treasurer of Connecticut, and in...
Your letter of the 4th instt, with the reports, is received —but the Miller, I perceive has left off, or rather I believe, has not yet begun to report what wheat is manufactured, & what flour is made. The price of both these articles have fallen in this market as well as in that of Alexandria; but as I see no permanent cause for it, and know that the last years crop of Wheat was very short...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 11 Jan. 1795. On 25 Jan., GW wrote Pearce: “I have received your letters of the 11th & 18th instt, with the weekly reports.”
The last subject before the H. of Reps. was a Bill revising the Naturalization law, which from its defects & the progress of things in Europe was exposing us to very serious inconveniences. The Bill requires 1. A probationary residence of 5 instead of 2 years, with a formal declaration on oath of the intention 3 years at least prior to the admission. 2. an oath of abjuration , as well as of...
The last subject before the H. of Reps. was a Bill revising the Naturalization law, which from its defects and the progress of things in Europe was exposing us to very serious inconveniences. The Bill requires 1. A probationary residence of 5 instead of 2 years, with a formal declaration on oath of the intention 3 years at least prior to the admission. 2. an oath of abjuration , as well as of...
I wrote to you by Captain Scott Some time in December. on the 14 of the Month Captain Joy arrived in Boston, after a passage of 63 days. by him we learnt the agreable News of the arrival of the Alfred, in a passage of 32 days. to know that the ship was arrived, was a relief to my mind. to have heard from my dear sons, would have been a cordial to my Heart, but the Gen ll Lincoln was comeing...
Should a vessel cross the Atlantick, and my dear Thomas not find a few lines from his Mother, I know he would feel sadly dissapointed, yet not a Solitary Scrip, has reachd her yet, to assure her, of his, or his Brothers Safety. The arrival of the vessel has been confirmd by a Letter, received in Boston, in replie to one which went in the Alfred, so that my anxiety respecting the Ship was...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, January 10, 1795. “… a payment of about fifteen hundred Dollars is desired by Mr. Samuel Richards of Philadelphia upon his contract for Iron carriage wheels….” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to the Procurement of Military, Naval, and Indian Supplies, National Archives. On January 12, 1795, Warrant No. 4440 for...
[ Baltimore, January 10, 1795. On January 29, 1794, Hamilton wrote to Purviance: “Your letter of the 10th. instant with its inclosures has been duly received.” Letter not found. ] Purviance was collector of customs at Baltimore.
I do myself the honor of inclosing to you a copy of a letter from the Minister of the French Republic, dated yesterday. I will thank you to inform me at the earliest moment of your convenience, whether the additional thirty thousand Dollars cannot be obtained. If practicable, this sum will, I perceive, be a very cordial relief. I have the honor to be, Sir,   with great respect and esteem, &c:...
E. Randolph has the honor of sending to the President all the letters of consequence, written to Colo. Humphries concerning the Algerine Mission, since the last money was voted by congress. They are of the following dates. July 19. August 25, Novr 21 on the same sheet with a rough letter to Short—and Decr 31, 1794. It is observable too, that these letters were written, as soon as it was...
January 10th 1795 MS ( MHi ); in Alexander’s hand; endorsed by TJ: “Stock. Shadwell Christmas 94”; notation on verso, by TJ: “delivd. 8 hides 171 Ib soal,” which refers to hides for shoe leather (see Betts, Farm Book Edwin M. Betts, ed., Thomas Jefferson’s Farm Book , Princeton, 1953 , 41).
I received your favor of the 26th. Dec. only two days ago, and tomorrow the bearer Mr. Petit , my overseer, will set out for them. The weather for two days past would not admit of his moving, or they should not have remained an unnecessary hour on your hands, as the trouble of buying them is more than enough on you. You make me happy by the prospect of seeing you here soon. I hope it will be...
By our Quincy post I received yours 28 th and 30th of December. I am sorry to find you had taken a cold let Brisler make you a Bowl of wine whey when you go to bed, for one or two Nights, and you will find yourself released Altho the weather has been so very fine and Spring like, our cattle never have been sharpend till this week. yet I cannot but keep in mind that it is mid winter, that Grain...
M rs: Smith has shewn me the Letter you wrote on the 2 d. ins t. with the Copies of those you presented to The Count D e Vergennes The extract from Brissots Journal I noticed, and really think there is a greater combination to deprive you of the tribute due to your services, than I ever noticed pointed against any Individual— I think it a duty you owe yourself and Country, to resist it, & this...
At a Meeting of the Trustees for the redemption of the Public debt; at the Senate Chamber on the 9 of January 1795. Present The Vice President of the U States The Secretary of State The Secretary of the Treasury The Attorney General. The Certificate of the Register of the Treasury being read; by which it appears that the quarterly interest arising on the Stock standings on the books of the...
At a Meeting of the Trustees for the redemption of the Public debt; at the Senate Chamber on the 9. of January 1795. Present The Vice President of the UStates The Secretary of State The Secretary of the Treasury The Attorney General. The Certificate of the Register of the Treasury being read; by which it appears that the quarterly interest arising on the Stock standings on the books of the...
Providence, January 9, 1795. Transmits “Schedule of Bonds for December,” and states that the pressure of “Business of my Office” has prevented “the transmission, by this Post, of my Weekly Return of Monies from the 1st to the 7th instant, inclusive.” ADfS , Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence. Olney was collector of customs at Providence.
I have the honor to transmit to you, a Copy of a letter from the Commissioner of the Revenue to me, on the subject of Whiskey to be purchased for the use of the Army in the present year. It has been the custom heretofore, to receive the Whiskey at the Posts of Pittsburg, Whelen and Fort Washington—and as there are no places so convenient for the purpose, I would suggest the policy of...
Amount of principal of Unfunded debt 6 ⅌ Ct. Stock Deferred Stock 3 ⅌ Ct. Stock Total amount dollars Cents dollars Cents dollars Cents dollars Cents