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Results 79111-79140 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Le 19 Mars dernier j’ai eu L’honneur de vous ecrire pour reclamer vos bontés et vous prier de me faire rendre, dans Votre païs la justice, qui nous est dus. Ma Lettre tres detaillée Se trouve jointe par duplicata, a celle-ci. La Certitude que j’ai de L’arrivée du Navire chargé de Cette dépêche Me rassure Sur Sa destination. je ne doute donc pas qu’elle ne vous Soit parvenue, et je compte assez...
I have inclosed and addressed to you today the papers you left with Patsy except the pamphlet (No. 21. The political state of Europe: July.) which I take the liberty to keep till the next post that I may have the satisfaction of reading it: I did not see these papers till today. I have inclosed allso three letters, one found among the papers mentioned, one on the table in the dining room, and...
Propriety & duty seem to require of me to communicate, that according to request as signified to me by the atto: Genl. I have attended here to aid the Distr. atto in the prosecution of A. Burr & H. Blenarhassett—Both have made default; the latter descended the Ohio & passed Limestone about the 28th. or 29th. of Decr.; rumour said Burr was with him, but this arose I believe from vague...
I flattered myself with the hopes of seeing you on my return to Philadelphia, but found you had set out for Boston with a view to embark at that place. I have therefore sent by a conveyance directly for France three Commissions for negotiating, if necessary, additional treaties of Commerce with France, the United Netherlands and Sweden, and a duplicate of the Instructions. The affair of...
I have the honor to enclose herewith a list containing the names of the five persons whom I have selected for the Legislative Council of this Territory agreeably to the directions contained in your letter of the 28th. of April—In making this selection I have conformed as far as possible to the restrictions laid down in your letter. Four out of the five are I believe Staunch Republicans but...
On the 29 th Ins t Ult o I sold your 43 bls. flour to E. Williams and on the 5 th inst a the rem g 7 bls to Jos h
A circular Letter addressed to the respective States of the 9th Day of November last communicated a requisition of Congress for Service of the current Year. This Act, and the System of the 18th of March respecting our Finnances included the principal Means which their present Powers have enabled Congress to adopt for prosecuting the War. Measures so deeply interesting not only demand the...
About four years ago you were so good as to state that if the life of Henry was not destined to come out very speedily you would endeavour to recollect what might be of service to it and that having run your course with him for more than twenty years and witnessed the part he bore in every great question you would perhaps be able to recal some interesting anecdotes. I do not refer to your...
I annex a note of persons qualified for the office of comrs. under the bankrupt law, for the places to wh. they are affixed. It is thought it will be better to appoint comrs. at Petersbg. separately from those at this place. Of Norfolk I can say nothing as yet, but expect to be able to do it in a few days. I was requested by Colo. Lambert sometime since to give him a letter to you wh. I did to...
I beg you to excuse the liberty & the inconvenience of this application, & to believe that Nothing would induce to the step but the imperious dictates of duty to a family whose interests for more than twenty years I have greatly neglected. Thus circumstanced I reflect with seriousness & not without sensitivity that the time approaches when your retirement from public life will prevent my...
On the 17 th of last June I call’d on You, and Stayed until the next day. My business was of So disagreeable a nature that I did not make it known: and nothing but extreem & y increasing necessity could force me to it at this time. It is to humbly ask your assistance in releiving from indigence and distress Myself my Wife , and three small children. So extraordinary a petition, requires that I...
Arrivé hier au Soir de Newyork, Je m’enpresse à remettre à Votre Excellence, deux lettres de Mr. James Madisson, et Saisir cette occasion de vous presenter mes très humbles remerciments des renseignements dont vous honnorates mon Pere Négociant á Rochefort en Janvier 1785 et qui ont descidé mon passage en amerique pour recouvrer les fonds qui luy etoient dûs par l’Etat de Virginie. L’assemblée...
I received yours of July 15th a few days past, and Immediately communicated your Sentiments and my own relative to the Suit of Tuckers Creditors vs his Executors to the persons concerned and endeavoured to enforce what you recommended which was Intirely agreeable to my own Opinion. I also recommended the Joining Creditors to undertake all the Enquiries at their common Expence and to average...
We, the Orleans Navigation Company, with the most profound sentiments of respect, beg leave to approach you, to tender our grateful thanks for the munificent grant made us by Government, of the lands necessary to the Continuing the Canal Carondelet to the river Mississipi, through the City Commons; and also for the assurances Conveyed to us by the Honorable Danl Clark, that, when the Canal...
Being a personal stranger to you, it may be considered presumption in me to address you, but considering the motives that induce it , am in hopes that you will pardon my boldness. I have had in contemplation for some time, in concert with M r Isaac Walker , (a Q r blood Wyandot ,) his father, (a white man) & his mother (a half) of the once powerful Wyandot nation of Indians, to prepare for...
The receipt of your letter of the 17 th inst: which I am to day, favoured with; in bringing a confirmation of the ill report, which had reached me, of your indisposition; brings also an augmentation of that regret which had not yet left me, for having been compelled to distract you with so many unpleasant interruptions. It is of course, now again, peculiarly disagreable that I am obliged to...
Bordeaux, 1 Jan. 1785 . He has been delayed in reaching Marseilles, where he had intended to write to TJ; sends his good wishes. Letters from America on the state of her commerce and from London and Paris dampen the prospects for his business in Marseilles; “as no Salary is allowed to Vice Con[suls] I shall really be in a very disagreeable situation at that place.” Expects that war will break...
My last to you was dated 27 October by the way of London since which I have been honored with yours of the 11 and 13 August— They both arrived the 23 november ^ ult ^ , and ^ November, but ^ Congress not having made a House since the 7 th . of that month, they have not yet been comm officially communicated. The Information relative to S r . Guy Carletons Instructions is in direct opposition to...
Last night at 8 o’Clock died our friend D r Caspar Wistar aged 56. The vacancy occasioned by his death, may make a vacancy in the chemical Chair here: for I suspect either D r Physick or D r Dorsey the one professor of Surgery, the other a surgeon and professor of materia medica already, will succeed. Ine
I have forwarded by the mail which Carries this letter, Bollmans Communications and letters. They are under a cover addressed to yourself. I have sent to the Atto: genl. all the evidence that has been exhibited in the prosecutions with perhaps two or three exceptions. The deficiency will be Supplied as soon as the notes Can be corrected, transcr i bed, and printed. I also expect to Send...
My excursion to the westward being somewhat hastened by the prospect of comrades and being on the point of starting I take the liberty of requesting you to inform my friend M r Geo Gilmer who will hand you this letter whether the deed of relinquishment to the four hundred and ninety acre entry has been made and acknowledged on your part. He is authorised in that event to hand you an order on...
Paris, 28 June 1788 . In accordance with TJ’s request of 26 June, they transmit letter of credit for £80 sterling and ask that he acknowledge receipt of it. They will also follow TJ’s wishes respecting Paradise’s letter of credit for £300 remaining in their hands. RC ( DLC ); in French; 2 p. TJ’s letter acknowledging receipt of the letter of credit has not been found.
J’ay l’honneur de vous avizér que J’ay chargé sur la Goellete Maria, Capne O’mares, à votre adresse, une Caisse Contenant quarante deux livres bougie Blanche; Il m’est de toute inposibilité pour le momant de Completér vos ordres. Par le defaut de pouvoir me procurér de la Cireverte soudin que je pourrois en trouvér. Je m’en priseray à vous l’Expédier; Jay l’honneur d’Etre trés Respécteusemt...
My last was from Turin, and being now able to ascertain my route with more precision, finding it will be doubtful whether your letter would overtake me on the road, I am to beg you to do me the favor to write to me poste restante à Rome. I came here on wednesday the 22d. and found Rutledge. Shippen had gone 24. hours before my arrival, for Genoa, in order to return to England by the way of...
Capt. Decatur & Capt. Hull will be with me tomorrow, at Lynhaven, in order to examine that place touching the Gun boat service: My whale boat, which arrived here yesterday morning at two O’Clock, will therefore return to meet them in Lynhaven; without pursuing her intended destination to Cape Charles, & its neighbourhood, at present. I regret that a severe rain, all this Forenoon, has so...
Forty of your 18 Months Men from Bottetourt County Arrived in this Camp Yesterday, they are intirely unequiped, and unprovided, with every thing that is necessary for the Service they are intended to perform, and for the Term they are engaged to serve. I must beg Sir this may be Seriously consider’d by the Executive, whom I must request, will not send any Men into the Field, or even to this...
It is with considrable embarassment I attempt to address you, conscious that I have no Claim to your Patronage either from recommendation or services done the states, my dependance is entirely upon your Known Benevolence towards the necessitous it is this that induces me in this manner earnestly to solicit your Favour that you would be pleas’d in your Goodness to have me promot’d to some...
Your favor of the 12th. inclosing a Treasury draft for $:800—& an order on the Treasurer of the James River Company in favor of Mr. Barnes for whatever sums of principal or Interest there may be due from the company to Mr. Short, is duly received. I have endeavoured as you desired to assist Mr. Brydie in the disposal of a draught for Mr. Key’s money, but without effect. I have just sent to him...
M r Rodes affords me an opportunity of sending to you a few articles which I hope will arrive safe and be acceptable: their labels will give all necessary information. Since I saw you three years ago, great changes have been effected in my more immediate feelings: death has devoured all of my friends: circulating blood warms not a breast which affords a pleasant and safe anchorage for my...
Be pleased to accept the Portsmouth bill of Mortality, which I have done myself the honour to inclose. I am Sir Yours DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.