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Results 79101-79150 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
79101 Pearce, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Pearce, 18 Jan. 1795 … 1795-01-18 Letter not found: from William Pearce, 18 Jan. 1795. On 25 Jan., GW wrote Pearce: “I have...
79102 Washington, George Washington, Harriott From George Washington to Harriot Washington, 18 Jan. … 1795-01-18 Letter not found: to Harriot Washington, 18 Jan. 1795. On 17 Feb., Harriot Washington wrote GW:...
79103 Dawson, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Dawson, 18 January 1795 1795-01-18 We have an account here that France has made peace with Prussia, which seems to gain belief—the...
79104 Adams, John Smith, William Stephens John Adams to William Stephens Smith, 17 January 1795 1795-01-17 I received yesterday your kind letter of the 9th of the month. The letters to Vergennes were sent...
79105 Bradford, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Bradford, [17 … 1795-01-17 [ Philadelphia, January 17, 1795. On January 28, 1795, Hamilton wrote to Tench Coxe : “I send you...
79106 Glascock, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Glascock, 17 January … 1795-01-17 Augusta [ Georgia ], January 17, 1795 . Requests that payment be made to the various employees...
79107 Lewis, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Lewis, 17 January 1795 1795-01-17 I have just returned from Berkley and Frederick where I have been in order to receive your rents;...
79108 Washington, George Morgan, Charles From George Washington to Charles Morgan, 17 January … 1795-01-17 Your letter of the 26th of Novr came safe (but not expeditiously) to hand. I hope Colo. Cannon...
79109 White, Alexander Madison, James To James Madison from Alexander White, 17 January 1795 1795-01-17 Your favr. of 28 Ulo. would have been sooner acknowledged, had not the winter arrangement of the...
79110 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 16 January 1795 1795-01-16 I yesterday received yours of Jan ry 1 st 4 th and 5 th. I See by the papers the judicious Motion...
79111 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 16 January 1795 1795-01-16 The Travelling I Suppose has retarded the Post of this Week, till to Day, when I received your...
79112 Adams, John Belknap, Jeremy From John Adams to Jeremy Belknap, 16 January 1795 1795-01-16 Your kind Letter of the 2d. was brought to me from the Post office this morning, and I thank you...
79113 Adams, John Marchant, Henry From John Adams to Henry Marchant, 16 January 1795 1795-01-16 I received your kind Letter of the 19. Ult. with Pleasure, as I ever have and always shall...
79114 Hamilton, Alexander Adams, John To John Adams from Alexander Hamilton, 16 January 1795 1795-01-16 I beg leave through you to inform the Senate..... that pursuant to the second Section of the Act...
79115 Hamilton, Alexander Adams, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Adams, 16 January 1795 1795-01-16 I beg leave through you to inform the Senate that pursuant to the second Section of the Act...
79116 Coxe, Tench Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 16 January 1795 1795-01-16 Treasury Department, Revenue Office, January 16, 1795. “I have this moment sent over to your...
79117 Hamilton, Alexander Muhlenberg, Frederick A. C. From Alexander Hamilton to Frederick A. C. Muhlenberg … 1795-01-16 Treasury Department, January 16, 1795. The letter which Hamilton wrote to John Adams on January...
79118 Hamilton, Alexander Speaker of the House of Representatives Report on a Plan for the Further Support of Public … 1795-01-16 [To the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate] The Secretary of...
79119 Bouysson, Peter Washington, George To George Washington from Peter Bouysson, 16 Jan. 1795 … 1795-01-16 Letter not found: from Peter Bouysson, 16 Jan. 1795. On 16 Feb. 1795 Edmund Randolph wrote...
79120 Taylor, Hubbard Madison, James To James Madison from Hubbard Taylor, 16 January 1795 1795-01-16 I Recd. yours soon after my arrival in Kentucky, informing me that you had acceeded to my...
79121 Madison, James Excise, [16 January] 1795 1795-01-16 In Committee of the Whole, Smith (Maryland) opposed excises hut asked rhetorically, “Why not lay...
79122 Hamilton, Alexander Clarkson, Matthew From Alexander Hamilton to Matthew Clarkson, 15 January … 1795-01-15 Philadelphia, January 15, 1795. “I am directed by the President to inform you that the Office of...
79123 Pollock, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Pollock, 15 January … 1795-01-15 New York, January 15, 1795. “I have understood from common report that it is Your Intention very...
79124 Tredwell, Samuel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Samuel Tredwell, 15 January … 1795-01-15 Edenton [ North Carolina ] January 15, 1795 . “I had the Honor to write you on the 29 July last...
79125 Washington, George Ross, James From George Washington to James Ross, 15 January 1795 1795-01-15 I avail myself of your obliging offer to dispose of the lands I hold in the counties of Fayette &...
79126 Madison, James Excise, [15 January] 1795 1795-01-15 In his 19 November 1794 annual address to Congress, Washington urged “a definitive plan for the...
79127 Moylan, Stephen Madison, James To James Madison from Stephen Moylan, 15 January 1795 1795-01-15 Letter not found. 15 January 1795, Philadelphia. Described as a two-page letter in the lists...
79128 Jefferson, Thomas Banks, Henry From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Banks, 15 January 1795 1795-01-15 I have to acknolege the receipt of your favor on the subject of disposing of the Greenbrier lands...
79129 Jefferson, Martha (Martha Jefferson Randolph) Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Martha Jefferson Randolph, 15 … 1795-01-15 We intended writing to my Dearest Father from Richmond but that care devolving upon me on account...
79130 Coxe, Tench Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 14 January 1795 1795-01-14 It may be useful in the case of the suit for the carriage tax in Virginia, that the Attorney...
79131 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [14 … 1795-01-14 Mr Hamilton presents his respects to the President. He has written the Letter to Mr Clarkeson...
79132 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 14 … 1795-01-14 Mr Hamilton presents his respects to the President. he has written the Letter to Mr Clarkeson...
79133 Washington, George Shreve, Israel From George Washington to Israel Shreve, 14 January … 1795-01-14 Your letter of the 23d of December came to my hands yesterday. The land on which you live is yet...
79134 Bradford, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Bradford, 13 January … 1795-01-13 In conformity to your request I have perused the records annexed to the Writs of error sued out...
79135 Cazenove, Théophile Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Théophile Cazenove, [13 … 1795-01-13 Quelques détails Sur les circonstances & le Carracterre des propriétaires des titres à la charge...
79136 Laurance, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Laurance, 13 January … 1795-01-13 Mr Fitzsimmons was to have paid an acceptance of mine, yesterday, for 1500 Drs, which was...
79137 Carroll, Daniel Washington, George To George Washington from Daniel Carroll, 13 January … 1795-01-13 Your favor of the 7th Instant, affords me an opportunity of mentioning, that the Commissioners...
79138 Randolph, Edmund Washington, George To George Washington from Edmund Randolph, 13 January … 1795-01-13 The Secretary of State has the honor of submitting to the President two representations from the...
79139 Seagrove, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Seagrove, 13 January … 1795-01-13 I hope you will pardon my presumtion in troubling you with a letter at this time, which I am...
79140 Jones, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Jones, 13 January 1795 1795-01-13 I have a letter from Mr. Randolph authorising me to draw on him for £200 on Monroes account which...
79141 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 12 January 1795 1795-01-12 Last Week I received through M r Izard a kind Invitation to dine with M rs Powell, whom I had not...
79142 Hamilton, Alexander Cazenove, Théophile From Alexander Hamilton to Théophile Cazenove, [12 … 1795-01-12 I mentioned to you some time since my wish if practicable to change the foreign into Domestic...
79143 Delany, Sharp Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Sharp Delany, William … 1795-01-12 Philadelphia, January 12, 1795. “Among that Class of your Fellow Citizens, who truly lament your...
79144 Hamilton, Alexander Randolph, Edmund From Alexander Hamilton to Edmund Randolph, 12 January … 1795-01-12 In reply to your letter of the 10. instant I am to inform you, that I have this day accepted the...
79145 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 12 … 1795-01-12 For a considerable time past the Commissioner of Loans for New York, has laboured under a degree...
79146 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 12 … 1795-01-12 For a considerable time past the Commissioner of Loans for New York, has laboured under a degree...
79147 Washington, George Lear, Tobias From George Washington to Tobias Lear, 12 January 1795 1795-01-12 On friday last I wrote you a few lines, and assigned reasons for not writing more fully. In...
79148 Madison, James Cabinet Secretaries’ Reports, [12 January] 1795 1795-01-12 On 30 December 1794 Washington sent to Congress a message submitting a report from the secretary...
79149 Wallace, Gustavus B. Madison, James To James Madison from Gustavus B. Wallace, 12 January … 1795-01-12 12 January 1795, Charleston, South Carolina. Introduces [Robert Goodloe] Harper and asks JM to...
79150 Butler, Pierce Madison, James To James Madison from Pierce Butler, ca. 12 January … 1795-01-12 Letter not found. Ca. 12 January 1795. Mentioned in Butler to JM, 23 Jan. 1795 . Introduces...