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Results 79101-79150 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have the honor of proposing, for your approbation Doctr. Nathan Kennedy of Kentucky as Surgeons...
If you should have the patience to peruse the enclosed observations, you will find among them an...
I thank you for your last letter, My dear friend, it is short, tho’ a long while indeed writing,...
The above is a copy of a letter accompanying sundry packages for your inspection, your letter of...
War Office [ Richmond ], 19 Dec. 1780 . Capt. [Thomas] Quirk has applied to Muter to procure him...
I have had the honour, to address you under dates of the 1st of March, 20th of May, 3d of July,...
It is not for me as an individual to point out to your duty, or to direct you in any part of it....
I have the honor of acknowleging the receipt of your favor of the 9th in which you were pleased...
You are surprized no doubt that the letters which came to Charlottesville for you in the last...
I inclose for perusal a letter from Mr. Dupont D. N. What does he mean by his desire “to...
Le 19 Mars dernier j’ai eu L’honneur de vous ecrire pour reclamer vos bontés et vous prier de me...
I have inclosed and addressed to you today the papers you left with Patsy except the pamphlet...
Propriety & duty seem to require of me to communicate, that according to request as signified to...
I flattered myself with the hopes of seeing you on my return to Philadelphia, but found you had...
I have the honor to enclose herewith a list containing the names of the five persons whom I have...
On the 29 th Ins t Ult o I sold your 43 bls. flour to E. Williams and on the 5 th inst a the rem...
A circular Letter addressed to the respective States of the 9th Day of November last communicated...
About four years ago you were so good as to state that if the life of Henry was not destined to...
I annex a note of persons qualified for the office of comrs. under the bankrupt law, for the...
I beg you to excuse the liberty & the inconvenience of this application, & to believe that...
On the 17 th of last June I call’d on You, and Stayed until the next day. My business was of So...
Arrivé hier au Soir de Newyork, Je m’enpresse à remettre à Votre Excellence, deux lettres de Mr....
I received yours of July 15th a few days past, and Immediately communicated your Sentiments and...
We, the Orleans Navigation Company, with the most profound sentiments of respect, beg leave to...
Being a personal stranger to you, it may be considered presumption in me to address you, but...
The receipt of your letter of the 17 th inst: which I am to day, favoured with; in bringing a...
Bordeaux, 1 Jan. 1785 . He has been delayed in reaching Marseilles, where he had intended to...
My last to you was dated 27 October by the way of London since which I have been honored with...
Last night at 8 o’Clock died our friend D r Caspar Wistar aged 56. The vacancy occasioned by his...
I have forwarded by the mail which Carries this letter, Bollmans Communications and letters. They...
My excursion to the westward being somewhat hastened by the prospect of comrades and being on the...
Paris, 28 June 1788 . In accordance with TJ’s request of 26 June, they transmit letter of credit...
J’ay l’honneur de vous avizér que J’ay chargé sur la Goellete Maria, Capne O’mares, à votre...
My last was from Turin, and being now able to ascertain my route with more precision, finding it...
Capt. Decatur & Capt. Hull will be with me tomorrow, at Lynhaven, in order to examine that place...
Forty of your 18 Months Men from Bottetourt County Arrived in this Camp Yesterday, they are...
It is with considrable embarassment I attempt to address you, conscious that I have no Claim to...
Your favor of the 12th. inclosing a Treasury draft for $:800—& an order on the Treasurer of the...
M r Rodes affords me an opportunity of sending to you a few articles which I hope will arrive...
Be pleased to accept the Portsmouth bill of Mortality, which I have done myself the honour to...
t T he Boy just arrived and i hasten to forward you Six of the best they Brot the trip has been a...
I received somewhat later than I should have expected from its date the Letter you did me the...
Tis need less to tell You that the present troubles of America postponed the return of Mr....
To his Excellency Thomas Jefferson President of the Unnited States I have the honor Sir to...
When Doctr. Bache went to New Orleans we allowed him a salary at the rate of 1000 dollars...
Aprés que nous avons été si Longtems privés de moyens de correspondre avec l’Amérique, je Saisis...
Our Chamber of Commerce directed their President to inform the Secretary of State the Amot this...
Your favor inclosing the paper with Madns. observations, I much thank you for, and had trespassed...
New York, 5 Apr. 1790 . Having learned that an “interpreter and Secretary in the foreign...
The Memorial of Elizabeth Chester Most humbly Sheweth That Your Memorialist’s Husband Samuel...