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Results 79061-79070 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Letter not found: from Anthony Wayne, 27 Nov. 1778. On 28 Nov., GW wrote Wayne : “I recd yours of Yesterday late last Evening.”
Upon the receipt of Your Excellency’s Letter of the 16th I marched the two Regiments with the Artillery of my Brigade to Fishkill, where I received your second Letter of the 20th requesting me immediately to proceed to Albany —After giving the necessary Orders for the embarcation of the Troops, I set forward, & arrived at this Place the 25th Instant. On my Arrival I found that Genl Hand had...
Since my last I have been honour’d by the rect of your Excys Favours of the 12th 16th & 20th. in that of the 16th I am order’d to Consult Genl Schuyler & others on the Practicability of Offensive measures at this season—Genl Schuyler I have confer’d with at Saratoga—the result of Our deliberations yr Excy has Inclosed, having first communicated it to Genl Clinton —by yr Order of the 20th I am...
After writing to Your Excellency Yesterday Morning, I had the honor of presenting to Congress Your Excellency’s Letters of the 20th and 21st. The latter was sent to the Board of War where the Papers respecting the Inspectorship are said to be lying, the former produced an Act for disbanding Bedels’ Regiment, which with an Act of the same date the 27th for allowing additional Pay to the...
I have writ to you thrice my dear General since my Sojourning in this Kingdom; and although I know that the Person who charged himself with one of my Letters arrived safe in America, yet I have heard of so many being thrown into the Sea, that it is not impossible that mine to you may have shared the same Fate: I therefore write again, and renew to you my dear Sir my Assurances of Friendship...
If I could be persuaded that the Service really required my stay in the army, the application for leave to resign the Commission you were pleased to honor me with, would be exceedingly painful to me, but when I consider the peculiar Situation of the Service in which I am placed, I am lead to conclude that such an application will not be disagreeable, & to a person under my particular...
I wrote your Excellency yesterday Evening that the fleet which had been so long between the Hook & the Watering place were at lenght gone to Sea. Capt. Burrow’s from the Highlands of Navesinks since informs me that at Sun set Yesterday they were twenty Miles from Sandy hook Standing South a little Easterly which was the only Course they Could Steer as the Wind hung, unless they were going to...
Malgré tous mes efforts et ma diligence Je n’ai pu me rendre à Charles-town que le 18 de ce mois—J’avois à peine commencé à me familiariser avec les importants du pays, et à songer Serieusement aux travaux de ma mission, lorsqu’on recut la nouvelle de l’Invasion de la Georgie par une partie des troupes de la floride sous les ordres des Col:s Presvot & Fuser —Nous partimes la même nuit avec le...
I recd yours of Yesterday late last Evening. Genl Muhlenberg had directions not to move from his Ground untill the 2d division of the Convention Troops had passed the North River. This I imagine was effected on the 26th and that the Virginia Troops would march Yesterday Morning: If so, they will have passed you before this reaches you. If they should not, be pleased to send to Genl Muhlenberg...
I have yours of the 18th inclosing a Return of Continental Cloathing in your Hands. I desire that the whole may be sent as expeditiously as possible to this place and delivered to Mr Measam or to his Deputy in his Absence. When you make the Return lately called for by the Board of War of the quantity of Goods purchased by you and how disposed of; you are to specify particularly what was...