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Results 79061-79070 of 184,264 sorted by relevance
79061[Diary entry: 10 March 1774] (Washington Papers)
10. Wind abt. So. West & tolerably fresh, but pleasant notwithstanding being also clear.
I have suffered, Sir, a great contrariety not to be able to keep the engagement which I had taken with you, to give you, at our arrival, an account of our passage, which has been long and tedious. I have had at every moment the painful thought that my Brother could not support the end of the voyage. He is arrived in a pitiful state, and nevertheless has been recover’d. As to me I was tolerably...
Mr Cassady (who will have the honour of delivering this Letter to you) being a Gentleman of respectable Character, and having been long resident at Detroit, is dispatched by me to that place, in order to find out the dispositions of the Inhabitants and to make any inquiries which may be useful to you on your arrival. I am the rather induced to adopt this measure for fear you should be delayed...
J’ai bien des remerciemens à vous faire pour la bonté que vous avez eu de parcourir le manuscrit que je vous adressai envoyai le mois passé. Je m’empresse, maintenant, de vous adresser le Prospectus de l’ouvrage. La méthode, comme vous y verrez, est applicable à l’enseignement même d’un seul individu; Sans cela, elle eût été défectueuse, et ne pouvait convenir comme vous l’avez, Justement,...
I am quite ashamed to have neglected to this time any acknowledgement of the various civilities I have received from your friendly hand. I very heartily thank you for the fromage de Rocford, which was a high regale to me and Some of my friends, who had learned in france to estimate the value of it. The Segars are excellent, as well as those heretofore received. I Shall never be able to make...
A Major who was on Duty on the Lines last Night, this moment informs me, that the Enemy are in Motion—marching off—my Picket at the Mill drove the Enemy of[f] last Eveng & kept the Ground. I have the honor to be Your Excellency’s Most Ob. St I am moving down two or three hundred Men to amuse & detain them—& have parties out to gain Intelligence—shall take down the whole of my troops, as soon,...
I am greatly obliged to you for your Favour , by the last Post. From the Examination, which I have been able, as yet, to give the Work, it appears to contain much valuable Information; & to do real Honour to the mathematical Talents of it’s Author. But for your Goodness, it is probable, I should have remained a Stranger to so interesting a Work; especially as the Americans have not been,...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] April 28, 1779 . Explains why Arnold’s trial has been postponed. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
In the Gazette of Amsterdam of the 4 th: of March which has this day come to hand, we read, On débite que les Etats-Unis de l’Amerique nommeront un nouveau Ministre auprès de cette République, à la place de M r: Jean Adams, qui se trouve actuellement à Paris, et qui aussitot après avoir reçu la ratification du Congrès, reviendra ici pour prendre congé, et partira ensuite avec M r: Van Berkel à...
I find in my minutes the following story to have been reported, the truth or error of which I wish to have ascertained, & therefore make my application to You as the proper person to establish or contradict it, viz., “When Genl Washington was at Morris Town in 1777 with the fewest men, a British officer was taken in a skirmish, who was permitted to go about upon his parole; within a few days...