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Results 7901-7950 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Your favors of the 7 th: & 31 st: of March & 3 d: of April, are yet unacknowledged, though they have been some time received. No vessel has sailed directly for your port, since I last wrote; until the ship Benjamin, on board of which I sent you a packet of the port folio. I also sent a packet for my Brother, but I apprehend he will have left Berlin before it can arrive, though possibly he may...
It falls to my lot to do things so repugnant to my inclination & so contrary to my sense of strict propriety, that I know not what apology to offer for complying, in opposition to both, with the absurd customs of the times, which so often impose a necessity of thus betraying my judgment. What answer can be given to a man who after living for a few months under the same roof with you, though in...
If any one had foretold that three or four months would have passed away at Stonnyfield, and that I should have written but one short line to my dear Thomas, I should have resented the prediction, as an affront to my understanding, if not to my heart—yet so it is. I have not even acknowledged yours of 21 st. of May. My heart was too full to write upon the subject of that of your letter which...
I told William Shaw of the event which You have s[. . . .]olely questioned, and from the best Authority, even the hand writing of the Father in a letter to me; of the 14 of April. “The day before yesterday at half past three oclock afternoon, my dear Louissa gave me a son, she has had a very severe time through the winter, and is now so ill that I dare not write to her Mother to give her...
I received yours of the 4 th with double pleasure occasioned by the Encouragement you give me to hope that I shall See you Soon at this chosen Spot. There are indeed in this Country, all the Characters and humours that you describe, and there will be such for many years to come, which will keep alive the extravagant Spirit of democracy, longer than it would live of itself. Exaggerations of...
I am much delighted to learn that you intend making a visit to the old mansion. I wish you could have accomplished it So as to have been here by this time, which would have given You an opportunity of being at commencment, meeting many of your old acquaintance, and visiting the Seat of science where You received your first Rudiments; I shall look daily for you You will find your Father in his...
For the communications by Mrs Black, you have my grateful acknowledgements. She made me only a Vis—short, & sweet. I was very sorry she could not tarry longer. I rejoice to hear that after many dissappointments your Eldest Son, is at length made the happy Father of a living Child. May his & your joy be complete, by seeing it grow up, a comfort to its Parents, an honour & a blessing to the...
Our city has sustained a very great loss in the death of Dr. Bailey. As health officer, he was obliged to reside upon Staten Island, to which the sick from the vessels that came in were carried, and the hospitals have been crowded all summer with the Irish emigrants; he has taken the fever from them, and was only ill four or five days. He has not left his equal as a physician most certainly in...
As it is a rainy morning which of Cource prevents my going to Church—I feel a greater propensity to scold you first—then read my Bible— did you not Say you wou’d return in August— how then coud you let so favorable an Oppertunity pass, as Thomas Adams and not fulfill your engagement— when I heard his Name announcd I ran with eagar expectation to meet you—but to my great disappointment he told...
I received your kind and Friendly Letter of the 2d, and beg you to accept my thanks for your kind invitation to your Hospitable Mansion. I know not any Visit from which I could promise my self more pleasure “from Friends of more than 20 summers ripening grow not thick on every Bow,” Friends whom no change of political Sentiments have warped, nor party Spirit deluded— I have frequently inquired...
In our absence from home, you was so obliging as to address a line to M rs Gerry, which she has desired me to acknowledge, & to inform you, that in leiu of the first volume of Wraxall, that of Volneys travels was by mistake enclosed to her. this is sent to M r Smiths, & if the volume of Wraxall should be sent there, or at M rs Catharine Davis’ in tremont Street, I will order my servant to call...
After a passage of 58 days from Hamburg we have this day landed here, where we purpose to stay five or six days— My wife will then go to spend a few weeks with her parents at Washington, and I shall hasten towards Quincy where I hope within three weeks to present myself before you— Her health though yet very infirm is better than we could have expected, and your little Grandson is as hearty as...
Inclosed is a Letter for your Brother should he arrive as we expect in Philadelphia; I am told by mr Welch who was yesterday to see us that you have Letters from Hamburgh from your Brother dated in july— if He & family should arrive in health, as I pray God they may, there first visit will be I presume to Washington, I think as they will be so near, it ought to be—tho I can scarcly give up the...
The 11 th. of September is reckoned among the happiest days of my Life: The Navy officers who composed the late Court Martial on Capt Little, came out to visit me, with M r shaw who brought me your favor of the 4 th dated at Philadelphia, informing me of your arrival on that day with my Daughter and Grandson in as good health as could be expected.— You do not expressly say whether you intend...
Welcome, Welcome, my dear Son to your native Land after a seven years absence from it, God be praised that you and Louissa, and my dear John George &c have arrived in Safety. but I have trembled for you, least the extreem Heat you must have experienced since your arrival Should be too much for you all. the Sudden change we have experienced of no less than 30 degrees, is equally trying to weak...
Have a care, that you do not let Captain Duane know, that I am reading Cicero de Senectute again: because he will immediately insert in his Aurora Borealis, that I recollected, those Words in the 17 th Chapter “nihil ei tam regale videri, quam Studium agri colendi.” He will Say that there is nothing in building Stone Wall, or in collecting Heaps of Compost, but the tang of Royalty and...
On Sunday morning, after a cold and somewhat tedious ride all the preceding night I reached Newark— Pass’d the day and next night there, and on Monday, your sister took me into town with her. I have bespoke my passage for Providence, and am waiting only for a wind. Old M rs: Smith and her daughter Nancy were very obliging, and the Col l: is friendly and hospitable as usual.— He has introduced...
I was so much fatigued from my journey that I found it impossible to write by Whitcomb he will tell you how very much the poor baby suffered and I hope it will be an inducement for you to come and fetch us as I really feel that George will be almost too great a charge for me alone he has quite recovered his fatigue and looks as well as ever the meeting with my friends was almost too much for...
I received your favor of the 10 th: inst t: the Day before yesterday, with an enclosure for J Q A & his wife, which I forwarded to her, as I perceived it was addressed to them, both. They spent a week with me here, during the hottest spell of weather, we have experienced, this summer, and though much overcome by it, I was surprized to find, that they bore it so well. D r: Rush, in the absence...
I have your letter of the 14 th: with a paper for which I thank you. M r: Reed, has written to you, in consequence of the information respecting the demur, about delivering his trunk, and contrary to my advice, has sent money to pay Bills, which he says he had already, once discharged. I never will recommend any of my friends to that vile house so help me, truth! Since my return, I have been...
I ought to have acknowledgd Your kind favour of July 23 at an earlier period; but the heat of Summer usually unfits me for every occupation; and I never expect to conquer that disposition to an intermitting fever which always assails me whenever I am debilitated by Heat, or any other indisposition; I have had a very severe attack of the disorder incident to the Fall, and tho it did not amount...
I should have answered your very affectionate letter by this days post had I not been confined by one of my fits of the cramps &c: which owing to the fatigue of my journey and the unusual agitation of my spirits was attended with a considerable degree of fever I am however much better today and should be perfectly well if it was not for my hands which are extremely painful it is a return of...
I hope you have duly received the letter which I wrote you, from New-York, giving you a regular account of my proceedings untill I reached that city.— T[he] packet on board of which I took passage was detained by adverse winds untill Friday , the 18 th: when we sailed at about 5 in the afternoon— Of all the passages by water that I ever made, this I think was the most perfectly pleasant; and...
I arrived here in three days from New-York, last Monday Evening, the 21 st: inst t: — I found my father in good health and spirits— My mother has been very unwell, but I am happy to tell you is upon the recovery. Whitcomb got here two days ago, and brought me, your facetious letter of the 18 th: —with the Port-Folio, for which I give you my thanks— But it is still incomplete for the prospectus...
Last friday Evening, the 25 th. Whitcomb to my great joy arrived and brought the tidings of your safe arrival at Washington; he was detained four days at New-York; so that your letter of the 16 th: reached me at the same time— I enjoyed over again the happiness of your meeting with your parents and family; and as you are apprehensive of too much inconvenience on your journey hither without me,...
I have recieved your very kind letters and should certainly have answer’d them sooner had I not been prevented by a disagreeable complaint in my hands I was very to understand from your last letter that you had again suffered an attack of your former illness I hope however that you have now entirely recove’d your health and that the sight of your beloved Son will prove a cordial and contribute...
I recieved your very kind letter late last night and hasten to answer it although I have already written by this post. You need be under no apprehension about your dear Boy as it is impossible for a child to be in better health and the terrible eruption proved to be nothing more than bug bites he has taken his weaning like a little hero and continues to grow very stout and hearty I talk to him...
The day after I last wrote you, I received your favour of 22 d: Sept r: and am much distress’d to find that you had again been ill with the cramps, and continued to suffer the pain in your hands which has so much afflicted us heretofore— I hope with you it is not imputable to the cause our friends apprehend, and that it will subside when the agitation upon your spirits occasioned by our...
I do not know why it is thus—but I am dissatisfied with myself untill I acknowledge your tender remembrance— Your sentiments are so consonant with my Ideas of resigned sensibility—so replete with that tenderness which has ever been displayed in all your actions— that I view it as a duty to emulate what I admire and approve— If nature has been partial in the distribution of her favores—and...
I have duly received your letter enclosing the 8 per Cents, and the bank bill, for which I am to give you my best thanks. I arrived here safely after a fatiguing journey of thirty hours from Philadelphia, and had the happiness to find my wife and child in very good health— Louisa looks better than she has for years before, and I flatter my self with the hope that she will find this climate...
I have received your favors of the 5 th: & 12 th: curr t: ; the first containing the mournful tidings of the death of our venerable Uncle Quincy; and the latter, by my brother, directing me to procure for you a mourning ring. I hope by the time my brother returns from Washington, to have your commission complied with, but as you gave me no particular directions respecting the fashion of the...
Some time since Andrew Foster, a relation of Mrs. Otis, applied to Mr. Otis for admission as student of law in his office— Mr. O. told him, that he then had his full number, the bar having limited themselves to three students at one time—that he could not then admit him, but that probably on Mr Adams return, I should prefer studying in his office, and if so, Foster then might fill my vacancy....
I have intended every day since my arrival here to write you a line and inform you of my having safely reached it; but have hitherto been prevented, partly by business, and partly by the waste of time in visits, dinners and other avocations of the like nature: I say partly by business, for I have found much more of that to do here than I was aware of: upon undertaking to settle my accounts...
We left Washington on the 3 d: inst t: as I informed you in my letter from that place of the 1 st: it was our intention to do.— M r: and M rs: Johnson and their two youngest daughters accompanied us to Frederick— But M r: Johnson and my child were both taken so ill on the road that we had some difficulty to complete our day’s journey— M r. Johnson’s illness detained us a week at...
The remnant of our pilgrimage since we left you at M rs: Roberts’s door, stands thus— Monday Nov r: 16. lodg’d at Trenton—Tuesday, at M rs: Smith’s in Newark; where we found only the old lady and little Abby—M rs: Charles Adams was in New-York— Wednesday morning we reached that place— The roads began to be deep and reminded us that we were quite late enough in the season— Two days at New-York—...
I have just now received your favor of the 28 th: ult. with the enclosures; Dennie stepp’d in a moment after, and I gave him the fable, for which he thanks you. He desires me to add, that as he cannot expect, from your present, unsettled State, you will have much time to bestow in producing original matter, he will be grateful for any thing, you may Send him, from your stock on hand. I was...
I hope my Dear Sister, has had her Cup of happiness filled, by having an amiable long absent Son, with his wife & little One, sit at her Thansgiving Table. I have not heard of his return from Washington, but presumed it would be an object with him, to be with his beloved Parents upon that Day. I thought of the pleasurable Circle, & sincerely wished myself one of the Affectionate Band, for I...
I received with great pleasure your kind Letter of December 15. I regreeted that I had not the pleasure of a visit from you before you left this part of the Country. old Friends and old wine are always valuable, they both tend to exhilirate the Spirits; and to enliven the declining part of Life: tho I am not particuliarly attachd to the latter, the first Stand foremost in my estimation. Some...
We came to the City on the 4 th. The weather & roads were as favorable as could be expected for the season. At New-York we had the pleasure to hear from M rs Smith, that your health was much better than when we were at Quincey. Judge Cranch was so good as to engage us lodgings; they are as agreeable as any here, although not so pleasant to us as the last winter. I have been twice to see M rs...
I have not written you a Letter for a long time, yet I have not been unthoughtfull of you. my mind is often anxiously engaged for the welfare of my children. when my tongue is silent, and my pen inactive; Your Brother and Family have been with me ever since their arrival, untill last week when they got into their House in Boston; Mrs Adams has had a very allarming cough & pain in her Breast...
I have received three letters from you without making the proper returns— The occasion of which has been the continual occupation I have found in moving, repairing and furnishing my house, and entering upon my office— These things are now chiefly accomplish’d, and I hope in future to have more leisure for making communications to you.— I can however not promise much in that respect.— My time...
Two months having elapsed since I made the proposal respecting the note of hand due from your brother Justus to me, and being still without an answer from him, I presume either that the proposal was not agreeable to him, or that some accident has delayed or misdirected his answer, and prevented its coming to hand. I have now settled once more in this town, and resumed the practice of the law—...
Yours of the 10 th Instant was presented this morning— I am happy you again experience the Utility of the pen— I began to apprehend you had Imbibed an aversion to the little Implement—which I own was a source of regret to me for I am one of those beings who delight in the sweets of participation—and experience a peculiar pleasure in haveing my friends attached—to whatever I feel a partiallity...
I have to acknowledge your favor of the 13 th: ult o: . The principal subject in which you dwelt; viz: the intention to destroy the main pillar of our political edifice, has since undergone a very serious discussion; and you have doubtless listened with peculiar interest to the spirited debates, which the motion of M r: Brackenridge has produced in the Senate of the United States. The...
Politicks are forbidden fruit to me, at present, and what other Subject can I choose for a Letter? Shall I tell you what Books I read? or how many times a Week I go into the Woods? These Informations would not be interesting to you. I Suppose I may hint at a Question of Law without giving offence to the Powers that be, or the Powers that once were, but be not. A great noise has been made about...
I received Your kind Letter, began at Washington, and finished at Philadelphia. I received much pleasure from the perusal. the communications were of a nature to excite Sober reflections: I find your sentiments in perfect unison with my own; we have both of us been for a series of years so intimately connected with political affairs that we must have been very inattentive observers not to have...
Your Letter of the   Jan’ry I received near a fortnight ago, and have thought every day since that I would write to you; but few occurrences arise to amuse You, or entertain You of a domestick nature, and dissertations are not what you want; Your proposed project of removing to the state of Newyork occupies my attention. I know it must be urksome to you to pluck up stakes, (as the saying is)...
I had the pleasure to receive, this morning, your favor of the 1 st: curr t: and now hasten to acknowledge it, with more eagerness, on account of the long interval, which has elapsed, since I have written particularly to yourself. I am not sorry, that you consider politicks, as forbidden fruit, for though you cannot fail to form an opinion, upon the very novel & extraordinary occurrences, in...
I have your favor of the 7 th: inst t: before me; the letter for M rs: Adams, which came with it, was sent to her the day after, I received it, and the same day, she called in a carriage at my Office, to inform me of its receipt. Her daughter was with her and in good health. I have not been able to visit her so often as I wished, but before she returns to NewYork I will try to see her again. I...
Your Father received a Letter from you last Evening; full of political information, and judicious reflection’s; there is a darkness visible; upon all our national prospects; which cast a Gloom upon my declining days. What of Life remains to me, I should rejoice to pass in tranquility; but danger takes rapid strides; and faction and party Rage will soon involve us in a civil war: or a Lethargy...