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Results 7901-7950 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
7901 Willink, Wilhem & Jan (business) Adams, John To John Adams from Wilhem & Jan Willink, 14 November … 1782-11-14 We have before us your Excellency’s esteem’d favour of 2 inst, we shall when M r Dumas furnishes...
7902 Palmer, Joseph Adams, John To John Adams from Joseph Palmer, 19 – 24 February 1776 1776-02-19 Your Family were pretty well yesterday; also Mr. Cranches and mine; N Q has a bad cold. I have...
7903 Bradford, Alden Adams, John To John Adams from Alden Bradford, 30 June 1823 1823-06-30 The enclosed should have been forwarded sooner; but by some accident was overlooked. No...
7904 Robinson, Moses Adams, John To John Adams from Moses Robinson, 22 November 1794 1794-11-22 Mr Robinson Respectfully presents his Compliments to the Vice President with Information that he...
7905 Lee, Richard Bland Adams, John To John Adams from Richard Bland Lee, 2 August 1819 1819-08-02 I take the liberty of sending to you herewith the copy of an Oration which I was unexpectedly...
7906 Barclay, Thomas Adams, John Thomas Barclay to John Adams, 5 July 1784 1784-07-05 I intended to have written to you some posts ago, But I found that a few of your things had been...
7907 Washington, George Adams, John From George Washington to John Adams, 25 September 1798 1798-09-25 With all the respect which is due to your public station, and with the regard I entertain for...
7908 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 14 January 1806 1806-01-14 I received some days since your kind favour containing the account of your occupations and...
7909 McHenry, James Adams, John To John Adams from James McHenry, 6 May 1800 1800-05-06 I have the honour to request, that I may be permitted to resign the office of Secretary of the...
7910 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 27 August 1777 1777-08-27 Your Man and Horse arrived the 22 day of this Month. The Horse and Man look pretty low in flesh....
7911 Rutherford, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Rutherford, 28 June 1796 1796-06-28 I put the outline of the report on manures which you were so kind as to send me into the hands of...
7912 Hamilton, Alexander Adams, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Adams, 1 October 1800 1800-10-01 The time which has elapsed since my letter of the first of August was delivered to you precludes...
7913 Adams, Samuel Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel Adams, 18 December 1781 1781-12-18 I have already written to you this Day by the Marquis de Lafayatte. This passes thro the Hands of...
7914 Boylston, Ward Nicholas Adams, John To John Adams from Ward Nicholas Boylston, 1 February … 1821-02-01 For such you have allowed me to call you, (the evidence of wch. I shall retain as long as I...
7915 Dana, Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Francis Dana, [29 July 1783] 1783-07-29 ’Tis done. The bolt of your Vulcan has hit its aim. The idea you mentioned to me some time since,...
7916 Carey, Mathew Adams, John To John Adams from Mathew Carey, 6 August 1813 1813-08-06 I enclose a letter for Mr Marston, by his request—& likewise some papers, recd. some months...
7917 Jay, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Jay, 19 July 1782 1782-07-19 My arrival in this kingdom is a matter so trivial in itself, that I should not think of saying...
7918 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 27 June 1822 1822-06-27 Your kind letter of the 11 th has given me great satisfaction for altho’ I could not doubt but...
7919 Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. Adams, John To John Adams from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 22 August 1798 1798-08-22 I have the honour to enclose to the President a letter from Mr. Bayard of the House of...
7920 Milligan, Joseph Adams, John To John Adams from Joseph Milligan, 30 November 1818 1818-11-30 Your esteemed favour of the 20th inst was received this day I am happy to have it in my power to...
7921 President of Congress Adams, John To John Adams from the President of the Congress, 22 … 1778-01-22 On the 19th. Instant I had the honour of receiving and presenting to Congress, your favor of the...
7922 Adams, Thomas Boylston Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Boylston Adams, 8 February … 1819-02-08 I have reflected with mingled emotions of filial tenderness and respect upon the proposal you...
7923 Madison, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Madison, 5 August 1819 1819-08-05 I pay with much pleasure the debt of thanks for the copy of Mr. Wells’s Oration so kindly...
7924 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Adams, John To John Adams from the Marquis de Lafayette, 19 … 1780-02-19 As I came but this morning from Versailles, it was not in my power sooner to answer to the letter...
7925 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 1 November 1822 1822-11-01 I have racked my memory, and ransacked my papers to enable myself to answer the enquiries of your...
7926 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 10 August 1813 1813-08-10 I have received at once your letters 11. and 13. March—and 22. and 23. April—They were brought by...
7927 D’Ivernois, François Adams, John To John Adams from François D’Ivernois, 30 July 1796 1796-07-30 Je ne sais si vous aurez reçu de moi un pacquet que je remis il y a quelques mois à un Français...
7928 Swift, Samuel Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel Swift, 31 March 1775 1775-03-31 I was in hopes you would have just called as you went out of Town, more especially as I Asked the...
7929 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Adams, John C. W. F. Dumas to John Adams: A Translation, 29 March … 1781-03-29 Copy of the Resolution of their noble and most powerful lords of the states of Holland and West...
7930 Spencer, Oliver Adams, John To John Adams from Oliver Spencer, 4 July 1798 1798-07-04 A number of the inhabitants of Hamilton county in the Territory Northwest of the Ohio river,...
7931 Continental Congress Adams, John Additional Instructions Respecting a Peace Treaty with … 1780-10-18 Congress took into consideration the report of the committee on the letters of 23 and 24 March...
7932 Anonymous Adams, John To John Adams from Anonymous, 3 May 1797 1797-05-03 We take the liberty through necessity of troubling you with this anonymous letter, which we send...
7933 Thaxter, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Thaxter, 31 July 1783 1783-07-31 M r. Laurens & Son arrived here last Evening from Paris— I waited upon them immediately, and...
7934 Willink, Jan Adams, John To John Adams from Jan Willink, 24 May 1792 1792-05-24 Without any of your excellency’s esteemed favors, we wish to give you in consideration whether it...
7935 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John From John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 26 September 1822 1822-09-26 Upon your return to Cambridge at the beginning of your Senior year, I wish to remind you of your...
7936 Dana, Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Francis Dana, 22 July 1782 1782-07-22 Uncertain whether you have seen the paper from which I send you enclosed an Extract I do myself...
7937 Warren, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Warren, 12 October 1775 1775-10-12 I have only a Minute to Cover the Inclosed Letters. I have been on an Excursion to Plymouth for a...
7938 Fales, Nehemiah Adams, John To John Adams from Nehemiah Fales, 23 August 1798 1798-08-23 The Grand Jury for the County of Norfolk cannot depart from the exercise of the duties assigned...
7939 Franklin, Benjamin Adams, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Adams, 7 April 1781 1781-04-07 ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress Among the late intercepted...
7940 Barrett, Nathaniel Adams, John To John Adams from Nathaniel Barrett, 29 January 1786 1786-01-29 I have delayed for some Time writing to your Excellency, being desirous of compleating some g. of...
7941 Adams, David Adams, John To John Adams from David Adams, 18 February 1813 1813-02-18 Having a disposition and inclination to Join the Army—if I could by the influence of friends...
7942 Jay, John Adams, John From John Jay to John Adams, 4 June 1780 1780-06-04 There is a Distinction between Ceremony & Attention which is not always observed tho often...
7943 Knox, Henry Adams, John To John Adams from Henry Knox, 17 March 1794 1794-03-17 I have the honor to submit to the Senate of the United States, a report on the petitions of...
7944 United States Senate Adams, John To John Adams from United States Senate, 25 November … 1800-11-25 Impressed with the important truth, that the hearts of Rulers and People are in the hand of the...
7945 Harrison, Richard Adams, John To John Adams from Richard Harrison, 16 December 1795 1795-12-16 According to an Opinion of the Attorney General, taken some time since, your Salary, as...
7946 McHenry, James Adams, John To John Adams from James McHenry, 11 September 1799 1799-09-11 I have the honour to inclose, the proceedings and sentence, of a general court martial, held at...
7947 Leblanc Adams, John To John Adams from Leblanc, 20 February 1799 1799-02-20 J’ai eu l’honneur de me Presenter Le Lendemain de mon arrivée Ches le Ministre de la marine, ou...
7948 McHenry, James Adams, John To John Adams from James McHenry, 18 June 1798 1798-06-18 I have the honor to submit, the enclosed papers Nos. 1. to 4 inclusive relative to my proceedings...
7949 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 20 December 1793 1793-12-20 I have to acknowledge your two kind Letters one of the first the other of the 5th of december...
7950 Marshall, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Marshall, 27 February 1801 1801-02-27 The order of the House of Representatives of the 24th of this month, requesting an account of the...