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We have before us your Excellency’s esteem’d favour of 2 inst, we shall when M r Dumas furnishes the acc ts. you are pleased to mention of, pay and charge the same in conformity of your order and write the amount to your Excellency. We have received with pleasure the dispatches from Congress, we are but sorry not to be so much advanced as his Excellency M r. Morris Seems to Suppose, and as...
Your Family were pretty well yesterday; also Mr. Cranches and mine; N Q has a bad cold. I have been sick a few days, but am now better, so as to be abroad again. Yesterday a Gentleman arrived here, said to be a Prussian Knight, from France to the W Indies, thence bound to Philadelphia, but brot on upon the back of the Cape, from thence hither, and now at head Quarters, has many Letters for Dr....
The enclosed should have been forwarded sooner; but by some accident was overlooked. No assurances can be necessary to convince you, Sir, of the peculiar gratification your presence would afford, if your health & strength should permit. For all are deeply sensible of your great influence in securing the Indepence we celebrate; and all unite in feelings of the highest respect for yourself &...
Mr Robinson Respectfully presents his Compliments to the Vice President with Information that he is So unwell by Reason of taking a Suden Cold. he is not able to attend the Senate to day— DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I take the liberty of sending to you herewith the copy of an Oration which I was unexpectedly called upon to deliver on the 5h. July last commemorative of the declaration of our Independence, in all the initiative measures leading to it, and in all the subsequent to maintain it, you acted so honorable and conspicuous a part It must be a great satisfaction to you to have lived to behold the...
I intended to have written to you some posts ago, But I found that a few of your things had been lock’d up in a Chamber at Auteuil, and left there with some matters belonging to M rs. Barclay, and that they had Escaped her Memory and My knowledge. There are Two Coat’s and 2 laced hats belonging to your servants—1 lamp to write by with 2 Ink stands, a Coat of Arms in a Frame, 2 wooden stands...
With all the respect which is due to your public station, and with the regard I entertain for your private character, the following representation is presented to your consideration. If in the course of it, any expression should escape me which may appear to be incompatible with either, let the purity of my intentions; the candour of my declarations; and a due respect for my own character, be...
I received some days since your kind favour containing the account of your occupations and amusements; and I have this day that of my brother dated at the close of the last and commencement of the present year—I have occasionally forwarded such public documents to you, as I supposed would be worthy of your perusal, together with the Journals of the two Houses—That of the Senate will I hope...
I have the honour to request, that I may be permitted to resign the office of Secretary of the Department of war, and that my resignation be accepted, to take place on the first day of June next. Explanations may be desired of some parts of the business of the War Department, while under my direction, which I shall be very ready to give, and can more conveniently do so by continuing in an...
Your Man and Horse arrived the 22 day of this Month. The Horse and Man look pretty low in flesh. You advise me to sell the Horse, but I think upon the whole after consulting my Friends it will not be prudent. It will be but a little more than 3 months before I hope to send for you. If I should sell him, I should be put to great difficulty to procure an other as good Horses are very scarce....
I put the outline of the report on manures which you were so kind as to send me into the hands of Mr Boardley, while he was reading it he made notes on several parts of it and has transcribed them for me, as they may be of service in preparing general observations on the report in the manner proposed by the author I take the liberty to transmit them to you. I am enjoying a delightful calm,...
The time which has elapsed since my letter of the first of August was delivered to you precludes the further expectation of an answer. From this silence, I will draw no inference; nor will I presume to judge of the fitness of silence on such an occasion, on the part of The Chief Magistrate of a Republic, towards a citizen, who without a stain has discharged so many important public trusts. But...
I have already written to you this Day by the Marquis de Lafayatte. This passes thro the Hands of Count de Noailles whom you did me the Honor to introduce to me. I duly acknowledgd the Receipt of your Favor which he brought me; but the Loss of my Letter was attended with an infinitely greater, that of Collo Palfrey. I wrote to you largely by him. The Son in Law of one of our good Friends has...
For such you have allowed me to call you, (the evidence of wch. I shall retain as long as I retain any thing in my possession, and, shall cherish with delight—tho’ rank’d in age with the Patriarchs of the old Testament times—Indeed I think I begin to feel the infirmities of that age by a Rheumatic afliction in both arms, both legs, & indeed universial—or you wou’d have seen me at Quincy before...
’Tis done. The bolt of your Vulcan has hit its aim. The idea you mentioned to me some time since, relative to the use of the Credit I had asked for, and which in reply I told you was not new to me, that the same had been repeatedly thrown out here by persons, whom to suspect of sinister or interested views wou’d be deemed by some a most damnable political heresy, has crossed the Atlantic and...
I enclose a letter for Mr Marston, by his request—& likewise some papers, recd. some months since, under an injunction that they should not leave my house. I return them, in order to ascertain whether it be agreeable to you to have them delivered to Mr Clarke, which, without your permission, it wd. be improper to do. I remain, very respectfully, / your obt. hble. servt MHi : Adams Papers.
My arrival in this kingdom is a matter so trivial in itself, that I should not think of saying any thing to Your Excellency about it, if certain paragraphs in some of the Public Papers did not seem to render it proper at this Juncture. I cannot suppose that those paragraphs, suggesting that I am authorised by Congress to negotiate with the British Court, can at any rate make the least...
Your kind letter of the 11 th has given me great satisfaction for altho’ I could not doubt but that the hand of age was pressing heavily on you, as on myself, yet we like to know the particulars and the degree of that pressure. much reflection too has been produced by your suggestion of lending my letter of the 1 st to a printer. I have generally great aversion to the insertion of my letters...
I have the honour to enclose to the President a letter from Mr. Bayard of the House of Representatives, dated the 13th. instant informing me, that Mr. Isaac Cooper who was appointed one of the Commissioners for making the valuations of Houses & Lands &c in the State of Delaware has been appointed to an Office which oblidges him to decline the appointment. To save time I transmit the draft of a...
Your esteemed favour of the 20th inst was received this day I am happy to have it in my power to give you the information that you desire respecting the health of Mr: Jefferson you will see by the enclosed letter in his own hand writing (to my esteemed friend John Barnes eqr collector of the port of Georgetown) that his health is improving and by a copy of a book on Political Economy that has...
On the 19th. Instant I had the honour of receiving and presenting to Congress, your favor of the 23d. Ultimo—the Contents of which afforded great satisfaction to the House. It is now the wish of every friend to American Independence to learn speedily of your safe arrival at the Court of Versailles, where your sagacity, vigilance, integrity and knowledge of American affairs are extremely wanted...
I have reflected with mingled emotions of filial tenderness and respect upon the proposal you made me, yesterday, to take up my abode with you and to make one family of your’s and mine. As a proposal of such a nature, would not be proper on my part, it is my duty to consider it and to answer it, as made by you. And I prefer the freedom of epistolary communication on this occasion to oral,...
I pay with much pleasure the debt of thanks for the copy of Mr. Wells’s Oration so kindly forwarded by you. It is a concise and well presented view of the great event celebrated, with a judicious selection of circumstances proper to be combined with it. I avail myself of this as of every occasion of renewing to you assurances of my high esteem and best wishes. MHi : Adams-Hull Collection.
As I came but this morning from Versailles, it was not in my power sooner to answer to the letter you have honor’d me with, and this duty I now perform with the more pleasure that it is of some importance to the interests of America. Since the first day when I had the happiness of making myself, and of being considered in the World as an American, I have always observ’d that among so many ways...
I have racked my memory, and ransacked my papers to enable myself to answer the enquiries of your favor of Oct. 15. but to little purpose. my papers furnish me nothing, my memory generalities only. I know that while I was in Europe, & anxious about the fate of our seafaring men, for some of whom, then in captivity in Algiers we were treating, and all were in like danger, I formed undoubtingly...
I have received at once your letters 11. and 13. March—and 22. and 23. April—They were brought by Mr Gallatin and Mr Bayard, who arrived here on the 21st: of July. I am always grateful for your advice, which I know proceeds from the kindest affection, and combines the wisdom of this World, with that which comes from a higher source—You have offered me all the Consolations of Religion and of...
Je ne sais si vous aurez reçu de moi un pacquet que je remis il y a quelques mois à un Français qui partait pour Philadelphie & où je vous accusais la réception de votre lettre. J’ai apprécié Monsieur comme je le devais, la confiance avec la quelle vous vous y entreteniez avec moi, & autant cette confiance m’a flatté, autant j’ai eu de regrets en voyant que j’avais pu me servir en parlant de...
I was in hopes you would have just called as you went out of Town, more especially as I Asked the favor I wanted to have troubled you with the inclosed —but you forgot me. I Sent and got the Group it is Admirally well done as far as it go’s, but, pauca desunt , vizt. Act. II. Scene I. The persons are, Hateall, Hazlerod, Monsieur, Beau-Trumps, Simple, Humbug, Sr. Sparrow, yet the first part...
Copy of the Resolution of their noble and most powerful lords of the states of Holland and West Friesland. Is goed gevonden en verstaen, dat de zaak van wegens hun Edele Groot Mog. ter Generaliteit daarheen zal worden gedirigeerd, en daarop ten Sterksten geinsteerd, dat de Heer Adams als Afgezant van de Vereenigde Staten van America ten spoedigsten by hun Hoog-Mog: moge worden geadmitteerd en...
A number of the inhabitants of Hamilton county in the Territory Northwest of the Ohio river, haveing assembled at Columbia for the purpose of celebrateing the auspicious day on which the United States took rank among the nations, and takeing into view the horrid depredations committed on the property of the citizens of the Union, By the cruisers of the French republic, and the neglect of the...
Congress took into consideration the report of the committee on the letters of 23 and 24 March last from the honble. John Adams minister plenipotentiary for negotiating a treaty of Peace and a treaty of commerce with the king of G Britain and thereupon Resolved That the said minister be informed it is clearly the Opinion of Congress that a short truce would be highly dangerous to these United...
We take the liberty through necessity of troubling you with this anonymous letter, which we send with good intention; for we are the Persons who endeavoured to communicate to General Washington by two Special Messengers one of whom miscaried in a Vessel he sailed in from New Orleans which was lost on her Voyage. And the other who was Mr S——n who we suppose hath made his Virbal Report: the...
M r. Laurens & Son arrived here last Evening from Paris— I waited upon them immediately, and learnt that they were going over to England as soon as M r. Barclay should arrive, which will be to day, in all probability, as he left Paris the 29 th. instant. Capt Barney, it seems, is directed to give M r. Laurens a Passage to Portsmouth, which is but a short run from hence— M r. Laurens will, upon...
Without any of your excellency’s esteemed favors, we wish to give you in consideration whether it would not be convenient & proper to appoint a Consul here, as we are assured is in Hambg. as your Capns. may here frequent occasions for legal assistance, as Likewise Germans to settle in your Country, if your Government may find it usefull, we should be happy if one of us was appointed thereto as...
Upon your return to Cambridge at the beginning of your Senior year, I wish to remind you of your father’s hopes and wishes by a word of encouragement and advice—Although upon the half-yearly list in June last your standing in your Class was not so high as you had expected, and I had flattered myself it would be, yet the testimonial of President Kirkland, both with regard to your conduct, and...
Uncertain whether you have seen the paper from which I send you enclosed an Extract I do myself the pleasure to forward that to you by the earliest opportunity. It was put into my hands by one of my friends here; who I told you in a late letter desired his complements to you, too late for the last post. The whole has not yet been communicated; as I am told, to any one here, but will be in a...
I have only a Minute to Cover the Inclosed Letters. I have been on an Excursion to Plymouth for a Week and returned Yesterday with Mrs. Warren. On our way we Called a little while on Mrs. Adams as you may well suppose, have the pleasure to Inform you we left her well, and hope to see her here in a few days. The rest the Inclosed will tell you. We Condole with her, and you on the great Loss...
The Grand Jury for the County of Norfolk cannot depart from the exercise of the duties assigned them by the laws of the land, without reflecting on the inestimable value of those laws and on the distinction as well as security, of the freedom which they confer exclusively upon us and the country of our ancestors. Reflections of this sort have been feelingly and deeply impressed upon us by the...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress Among the late intercepted Letters from London, is one from the Army Agent there to the Traitor Arnold, by which it appears that his Bribe was 5000£ Sterling, in Bills drawn on Harley & Drummond, who are the Contractors for furnishing the Army with money. Inclos’d I send you a Copy of that Letter, and shall send you others by...
I have delayed for some Time writing to your Excellency, being desirous of compleating some g. of Importance.— I have now the pleasure of informing you, that I have contracted in my own Name, & in behalf of others in America, for Oil to the Am t of 400,000 Livres per annum, for 6 years, at a price which I think will answer, I have the Guarrantee of Mess Le Couteulx, for accepting 1/3 bills on...
Having a disposition and inclination to Join the Army—if I could by the influence of friends obtain an appointment—and trusting in your candor and friendship—I have thought proper to communicate my wishes to you on the subject—I wish you would assist me in obtaining an appointment as Surgeon or Surgeons Mate to a Regiment—By lending me your assistance you will confer a peculiar favor on Sir...
There is a Distinction between Ceremony & Attention which is not always observed tho often useful. I Of the latter ^ former ^ I hope there will be little ^ of it ^ between us; of the latter much. public as well as personal Considerations, dictate this Conduct on my Part, and I am happy to find by your favor of the 15 Inst. ^ Ult ^ , that you
I have the honor to submit to the Senate of the United States, a report on the petitions of Theodore Chartier , Jean Bapt: Laperty Labrientoy—Joseph Page—Augustin Gingrass—and Peter Deton. I have the honor to be / Sir, / with great respect, / Your most obedt: Servt: DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
Impressed with the important truth, that the hearts of Rulers and People are in the hand of the Almighty: the Senate of the United States most cordially join in your invocations for appropriate blessings upon the Government and People of this Union. We meet you, Sir, and the other Branch of the National Legislature, in the City, which is honored by the name of our late Hero and Sage, the...
According to an Opinion of the Attorney General, taken some time since, your Salary, as Vice-President of the United States, is to commence from the day on which you left home for the Seat of Government, after your first Election— Being now about to state your Accot. to the 30th. Sept: last I take the liberty of requesting information, from you when that day was, no record of it appearing in...
I have the honour to inclose, the proceedings and sentence, of a general court martial, held at Loftus’s heights, on the 11th day of April last, by order of Brigadier General Wilkinson. At this Court Lieutenant Jacob Kreemer, of the first Regiment of Infantry, was tried and sentenced. The sentence conformably to the 18 section of “an act to ascertain and fix the military establishment of the...
J’ai eu l’honneur de me Presenter Le Lendemain de mon arrivée Ches le Ministre de la marine, ou je fus conduit Par le Capitaine Bainbridge. je lui remis à Sa requisition, les Paquets dont j’étois chargé Par le General Desfourneaux, agent Particulier du Directoire Executif a la Guadeloupe, Pour le President des états unis, & que j’imaginois devoir être remis en vos mains Pour lui Parvenir. Sur...
I have the honor to submit, the enclosed papers Nos. 1. to 4 inclusive relative to my proceedings at New-York. I am Sir / with the greatest respect / your most obedient / humble servant. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I have to acknowledge your two kind Letters one of the first the other of the 5th of december from philadelphia my anxiety has in some measure abated since I found you went immediatly to your old Lodgings, as no person was sick in that house if the air of it had been properly Changed by opening & airing I should hope theire might be no danger, this winter. the spring will be the most dangerous...
The order of the House of Representatives of the 24th of this month, requesting an account of the depredations committed on the commerce of the United States by vessels of Great Britain, of which complaint has been made to the Government, having been referred to this department, I have the honor to transmit herewith an abstract of such cases as have been complained of since the commencement of...