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Results 79001-79010 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I understand that a Corps of Artillery and Engeneers is raising, of which the Field officers and Commander in chief have not been yet appointed. Please, Sir, to remember my Services in the American Army, the loss of my right arm; that I have been brought up as an Artillery officer and Served fourteen years in that Corps where lessons and instructions Constituting a good Engeneer were also...
I have recd. your favor of Decr. 28. but [not] till three weeks after the date of it. It was my purpose to have answered it particularly, but I have been robbed of the time reserved for the purpose. I must of consequence limit myself to a few lines and to my promise given to the Fresco Painter to forward you the inclosed letter. Nothing since my last from Jay or Monroe. The Newspapers as usual...
Your favr. of the 5th. came to hand a few days ago only. I must leave it to your judgment to dispose of my wheat at Sawney’s. If there he any doubt about the fate of the flour to be made from it, I had rather it shd. go to Mr. Dunbar without that risk, or to Mr. Triplet if the conveyance cannot be procured. If it can, I had rather Mr. D. should have it, as my business is with him. I am sorry I...
I have received your favor of Decr. 28. but [not] till three weeks after the date of it. It was my purpose to have answered it particularly, but I have been robbed of the time reserved for the purpose. I must of consequence limit myself to a few lines and to my promise given to the Fresco Painter to forward you the enclosed letter. Nothing since my last from Jay or Monroe. The Newspapers as...
The inclosed copy of a Letter of this date to Messrs. Wilhem & Jan Willink &c will inform you an arrangement which has been made for the payment of a Sum of principal and interest of the Dutch Debt which will accrue on the first of June next (vizt.) Florins Principal 1000000 Interest  270000 and of the direction to them to concert with you the best arrangement of the matter. If you find it...
You were so obliging as to cause it to be intimated that the payment of the loan of two hundred thousand dollars had of your Institution might be deferred if the service of the United States should require it. It will be a great convenience to this Department to avail itself of the permission, so as to defer the reimbursement of the principal of that sum to a year from its commencement. The...
I have received your letter of the 5th instant. You will find by the inclosed extract of a letter from our Commissioners at Amsterdam, that reliance cannot be had on the success & the measures heretofore taken for procuring the loan at Amsterdam. It is more than possible that subsequent events may have enhanced the difficulty. New expedients must be adopted; but in order to these it is...
Agreeably to your request I have made inquiry concerning the copper of which an offer was some time since made for the use of the Public by the proprietors or Managers of a Mine in New Jersey. The result appears in the inclosed papers. On more particular examination, I found that The Director of the Mint is expressly charged with procuring Copper for its use. This discovery terminates my...
It was my intention at the time of the Receipt of your Note of the 20th. of September last, transmitting a letter of the same date from Mr. Jaudenes to you (now returned) to have made you a full and particular communication of the result of my enquiry into the affair. But the hurry of the moment, the western insurrection pressing among other objects, diverted my attention from it so...
Since my last there has been a full meeting of friends, In which I declared that I hoped every Gentleman who had a feeling for my reputation, would Vote for Mr King. If the adverse party should propose me, that I was determined at all events, If elected instantly to resign, and that in such an event all wished the reelection of Mr. King, that the other party I was well informed had changed...