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Results 78961-78990 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
J’Etais fort Jeune Lorsque Vous allates a Paris, mais je me Rapele parfaitement bien D’avoir Eu...
My correspondence with you for some time past has been unsettled and lingering, as well on...
The intention of this is to consult you on a point on which my mind is perfectly made up that is...
I take the Liberty of introducing to your acquaintance and Civilities the Honorable Captain John...
I beg leave to address you, on a subject, Relit i ve to the war, worn, Officers and Soldiers of...
Your favour of 4th of March was deliverd me on sunday last. I am much oblig’d by the pleasure you...
Convinced that in your retirement, the concerns of your country arrest your attention, & as the...
I herewith return you M r Coffey’s work on the state Prison of New York, with my best thanks for...
I wrote you by Major Giles from the Camp at Hickes Creek the 24th. January. I then informed you I...
I have this morning procured a small quantity of Vaccine Infection, taken the 9th day of the...
An excursion into the country with a sick child has prevented my writing for several days. But I...
Gibraltar, 30 Apr. 1793 . He last wrote on 19 Feb. by the schooner Fredericksburgh Packet . Muley...
M r Hare was elected to the chemical Chair of this University to day: Hare 10. Cooper 7....
Le Sr. Mary, négociant de cette ville, qui Expédie pour votre province de virginie son brigantin...
Mine by last post will account to you for my being this day in Town, without seeing the British...
I hope you are well, it gives me great pleasure to be able to write to you I have been through my...
The Hague, 23 Mch. 1788 . Hopes TJ received the last letter he forwarded from Paris; saw Adams...
Yours of the 22 nd inst. I received only three days ago—Being abscent in the country with my...
I do myself the honor of informing you that at one oClock this day the election for Electors for...
1806 April 26 To J. March To Binding History of England (Baxter) Calf Gilt $3.00 4 Vols 8vo....
Mr Laportes Order on your letter of Credit due 1 st December last for three Hundred Dollars is...
yours of 12th. inst. reached us the 25th. that of 19th. last night. Nothing of Arnold yet—the...
Je n’ai reçu qu’aujourd’hui l’honneur de vos missives datées 27 Aout et 3 Septembre en vous...
I have just now received a letter from Dr Waterhouse in which he has requested me to address you...
Although we are unknown to you, permit us to express our sense of the benefits resulting from...
1) Il y a ici un Francais, nommè de Latullaye, cidevant officier de la Marine, grand Amateur et...
It was only on last Saturday that your esteemed favor reached me— I hope to be at Monticello...
Mr. John Clay of the City of New Orleans is desirous of being appointed Surveyor and Inspector of...
In the Course of public business it has been my lot and duty to meet a gentleman, who held a...
Philadelphia, 14 July 1779 . Circular letter to the state executives enclosing resolves of...