78901To Thomas Jefferson from George Hay, 21 October 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
I have forwarded by the mail which Carries this letter, Bollmans Communications and letters. They are under a cover addressed to yourself. I have sent to the Atto: genl. all the evidence that has been exhibited in the prosecutions with perhaps two or three exceptions. The deficiency will be Supplied as soon as the notes Can be corrected, transcr i bed, and printed. I also expect to Send...
78902John Harvie to Thomas Jefferson, 27 April 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
My excursion to the westward being somewhat hastened by the prospect of comrades and being on the point of starting I take the liberty of requesting you to inform my friend M r Geo Gilmer who will hand you this letter whether the deed of relinquishment to the four hundred and ninety acre entry has been made and acknowledged on your part. He is authorised in that event to hand you an order on...
78903To Thomas Jefferson from Grand & Cie., 28 June 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
Paris, 28 June 1788 . In accordance with TJ’s request of 26 June, they transmit letter of credit for £80 sterling and ask that he acknowledge receipt of it. They will also follow TJ’s wishes respecting Paradise’s letter of credit for £300 remaining in their hands. RC ( DLC ); in French; 2 p. TJ’s letter acknowledging receipt of the letter of credit has not been found.
78904To Thomas Jefferson from John Marrast, 18 July 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
J’ay l’honneur de vous avizér que J’ay chargé sur la Goellete Maria, Capne O’mares, à votre adresse, une Caisse Contenant quarante deux livres bougie Blanche; Il m’est de toute inposibilité pour le momant de Completér vos ordres. Par le defaut de pouvoir me procurér de la Cireverte soudin que je pourrois en trouvér. Je m’en priseray à vous l’Expédier; Jay l’honneur d’Etre trés Respécteusemt...
78905To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 28 October 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
My last was from Turin, and being now able to ascertain my route with more precision, finding it will be doubtful whether your letter would overtake me on the road, I am to beg you to do me the favor to write to me poste restante à Rome. I came here on wednesday the 22d. and found Rutledge. Shippen had gone 24. hours before my arrival, for Genoa, in order to return to England by the way of...
78906To Thomas Jefferson from William Tatham, 21 July 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Capt. Decatur & Capt. Hull will be with me tomorrow, at Lynhaven, in order to examine that place touching the Gun boat service: My whale boat, which arrived here yesterday morning at two O’Clock, will therefore return to meet them in Lynhaven; without pursuing her intended destination to Cape Charles, & its neighbourhood, at present. I regret that a severe rain, all this Forenoon, has so...
78907To Thomas Jefferson from Horatio Gates, 6 October 1780 (Jefferson Papers)
Forty of your 18 Months Men from Bottetourt County Arrived in this Camp Yesterday, they are intirely unequiped, and unprovided, with every thing that is necessary for the Service they are intended to perform, and for the Term they are engaged to serve. I must beg Sir this may be Seriously consider’d by the Executive, whom I must request, will not send any Men into the Field, or even to this...
78908To Thomas Jefferson from James Wilson, on or before 16 September 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
It is with considrable embarassment I attempt to address you, conscious that I have no Claim to your Patronage either from recommendation or services done the states, my dependance is entirely upon your Known Benevolence towards the necessitous it is this that induces me in this manner earnestly to solicit your Favour that you would be pleas’d in your Goodness to have me promot’d to some...
78909To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 18 January 1800 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor of the 12th. inclosing a Treasury draft for $:800—& an order on the Treasurer of the James River Company in favor of Mr. Barnes for whatever sums of principal or Interest there may be due from the company to Mr. Short, is duly received. I have endeavoured as you desired to assist Mr. Brydie in the disposal of a draught for Mr. Key’s money, but without effect. I have just sent to him...
78910James W. Wallace to Thomas Jefferson, 25 June 1821 (Jefferson Papers)
M r Rodes affords me an opportunity of sending to you a few articles which I hope will arrive safe and be acceptable: their labels will give all necessary information. Since I saw you three years ago, great changes have been effected in my more immediate feelings: death has devoured all of my friends: circulating blood warms not a breast which affords a pleasant and safe anchorage for my...
78911To Thomas Jefferson from Lyman Spalding, 3 February 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
Be pleased to accept the Portsmouth bill of Mortality, which I have done myself the honour to inclose. I am Sir Yours DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
78912David Isaacs to Thomas Jefferson, 1 May 1814 (Jefferson Papers)
t T he Boy just arrived and i hasten to forward you Six of the best they Brot the trip has been a long one, and the Fish cost 1/6 a peice on Shore I cant Sell them for less than 3/—to Save myself—I hope they will meet your approbation RC ( MHi ); dateline beneath signature; at foot of text: “Tho s Jefferson Esq r ”; endorsed by TJ as a letter of May 1814. TJ recorded paying Isaacs $3 on this...
78913To Thomas Jefferson from William Carmichael, 25 March 1787 (Jefferson Papers)
I received somewhat later than I should have expected from its date the Letter you did me the honor to write me the 18th. Ulto. I have forwarded the duplicate of the recall of Mr. Lamb to that Gentleman and have also transmitted to Mr. Barclay the joint confirmation of the Morrocco treaty together with the Letter to Fennish which however is without your signature. Mr. Barclay writes me from...
78914To Thomas Jefferson from Giovanni Fabbroni, 15 September 1776 (Jefferson Papers)
Tis need less to tell You that the present troubles of America postponed the return of Mr. Mazzei’s Vessel to Virginia deprived me also of the pleasure of accepting the him [kind?] offers You were so good as to make me. I was not a Little chagrined to find my self all at once bereft (at Least for some time) of the hopes of Seeng that fine Contry the fertility of wich can be equalled by...
78915To Thomas Jefferson from William Needham, 5 July 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
To his Excellency Thomas Jefferson President of the Unnited States I have the honor Sir to enclose to you certain resolutions which ware adopted at A Numerious meeting of the Inhabitants of this and the adjoining towns assembled on the 4th. Instant for the purpose of Celebrating the day whih gave birth to this Nation. I have the honor Sir, to be your most Obedient and Verry humble Servant—...
78916To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 20 December 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
When Doctr. Bache went to New Orleans we allowed him a salary at the rate of 1000 dollars commencing on the 16th Nover. when he left Virginia. Of that he received a quarter in advance, & has received three other quarters from D. Clarke in New Orleans. On the 16th Nov’er. when he left that city, he obtained another draft for 250 dollars on the Treasury from Mr Clark. As he has received his...
78917To Thomas Jefferson from Delamotte, 1 October 1800 (Jefferson Papers)
Aprés que nous avons été si Longtems privés de moyens de correspondre avec l’Amérique, je Saisis avec joye une Occasion bien interessante de me rappeller á vous. C’est celle du retour de vos Commissaires, aprés avoir Signé un traité qui retablit les liens d’amitié qui éxistoient entre les deux nations & qui n’auroient point dû etre rompûs. Voilá donc ces liens d’amitié retablis dans un moment...
78918To Thomas Jefferson from William Montgomery, 2 March 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
Our Chamber of Commerce directed their President to inform the Secretary of State the Amot this City had at risque beyond the Cape of Good Hope & to ask such protection as the Government thought proper to afford. If the British Government mean to go to War with us they will Capture many of those Vessels but the Wisdom & prudence you exhibit in continuing the Negociations may secure us from...
78919To Thomas Jefferson from George Gilmer, 6 June 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor inclosing the paper with Madns. observations, I much thank you for, and had trespassed on you long since, but finding no incident worth observation laid it by till the present moment, when I can inform you of an incident that reflects an evidence of my still retaining some small degree of my former elasticity Lucy having on the 25th. Inst. blessed me with a fine girl and is now...
78920To Thomas Jefferson from John Francis Vacher, 5 April 1790 (Jefferson Papers)
New York, 5 Apr. 1790 . Having learned that an “interpreter and Secretary in the foreign Languages” would be needed in the Department of State, he offers himself as a candidate: “Being a Native of France and having a Knowledge of the Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Languages, I have flatter’d my-self that it would not be deemed presumptive in me, after fourteen years Residence in this Country...
78921To Thomas Jefferson from Elizabeth Chester, 15 March 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
The Memorial of Elizabeth Chester Most humbly Sheweth That Your Memorialist’s Husband Samuel Chester formerly a Recruiting Officer last American War, during which time he had Enlisted 7,500 Men for the service of the United States and learned them their Exercise, and he has been Dead about 5 Months left me destitute of house or home, as he had nothing himself and Your Memorialist has been...
78922To Thomas Jefferson from the Senators and Representatives of Maryland, [23 April 1792] (Jefferson Papers)
The subscribing Senators and Representatives of the State of Maryland in the Congress of the United States, in reply to the enquiries addressed to them by the Secretary of State, not having in this City, the necessary documents, to which they might particularly refer, can only inform him generally; That soon after the pacification between these States and Great Britain, complaints of an...
78923William F. Gray to Thomas Jefferson, 14 March 1816 (Jefferson Papers)
I this day forward to you, by the Mail Cart, a small bundle of Books , sent to my care by M r Milligan of George Town . Wishing them safe to hand RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Tho s Jefferson Esq. Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as received 15 Mar. 1816 and so recorded in SJL . For the small bundle of books
78924To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Mazzei, 4 March 1780 (Jefferson Papers)
From Rappannack, or york River, I wrote to Col. Maddison, that the season being so far advanced I had a mind not to wait untill I got to Italy to propose the exchange of goods on the terms expressed in my Instructions, and that least I should be taken, and of course be obliged to throw my papers over-board, I had interlined in some of my private old papers the cifer and the substance of the...
78925To Thomas Jefferson from Jean Decout, 24 August 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
la renommée qui a si bien sù faire connaître ches toutes les nations civilisée, vos vertus civiles et morales; m’autorise aujourd’huy a mettre sous vos yeux le récit particulier de mes malheurs, persuadé que le fil qui les a conduit ne peut étre indiferent a un homme d’etat, qui comme vous, développe tant de Sagesse et de Sagacité, dans l’art difficile de gouverner. ce seroit pour moi, sans...
78926To Thomas Jefferson from Collen Williamson, 11 June 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
pleas remember that soon after your being apointed to the high office of presedente, I called upon you at your lodging and hade ashort Intercouse, one the subjct of the commissioners how they have behaved Towards me, and others that was in there employe and that I hade got a Judgment for the contents of my contract, thiy pleaded to refer the execution to the nixt court that if they hade any...
78927To Thomas Jefferson from George Wythe, 24 July 1792 (Jefferson Papers)
I wish, my dear sir, to refer the whole business of the seal to your judgment; and if the cost excede the general assembly’s allowance so much as twenty pounds, will advance the money, although they may refuse to reimburse it. My best wishes ever attend you and your connections. A seal of a small size seems most convenient; but I know not the fit size to admit a proper exhibition of the...
78928To Thomas Jefferson from John Bondfield, 14 January 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
I have to reply to the Honor of your favor of the 14 Ulto. I made recherches at the Prevoté to find out the two Americans who petitiond your intervention. They are not within the limits of this Jurisdiction. The Season has been most uncommonly severe, since the 24 our River is full of Ice, great Loss’s are sustaind on the Navigation, many ship are Lost and others greatly Damaged. Last night I...
78929Report from John Lenthall, 30 November 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Quantity, in measurement, of Sheet Iron put on the Roof of the Presidents house in the City of Washington —Novr. 1804— —Dimensions— Length of the South or North Side as finished on the bottom— 156.8 Ditto on the Top 103.0 Ditto on the East or West end at bottom do 74.3 Ditto on the top 20.6 Length of the Rafter—Ditto 32.0 North and South Sides 8309.4 East and West ends 3039.4 5 Dormer Roofs
78930To Thomas Jefferson from Mary Hazard, 30 October 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Je vois bien, que vous n’avez pas envie d’entre en correspondence avec moi, mais, je vous dis, que je ne cesserai pas de vous ecrire, jusque les temps que je serai repondue. Vous pensez, peutetre, que je suis homme, qui n’ecrivet que pour s’en faire quelquechose de plaisenterie, mais, en verité, ce n’est pas ausi; je suis femme; et pauvre femme; et si vous ne le croyez pas, venez et voir; et...