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Results 78901-78950 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
78901 Jefferson, Thomas Sargeant, William H. From Thomas Jefferson to William H. Sargeant, 8 July … 1786-07-08 I have been honoured with your favor of June 15. inclosing a letter to young Mr. Bannister, which...
78902 Jefferson, Thomas Cabot, George From Thomas Jefferson to —— Cabot, 24 July 1784 1784-07-24 I deliver to Mr. Tracy to be returned to you the copy of Don Quixot which you were so obliging as...
78903 Jefferson, Thomas Pleasants, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Pleasants, 24 November … 1824-11-24 The Report of the Rector & Visitors of the University of Virga which accompanies this letter,...
78904 Jefferson, Thomas Alexander, Eli Thomas Jefferson to Eli Alexander, 25 January 1811 1811-01-25 Having some heavy sums to pay at our March & April courts I should be glad if in the disposal of...
78905 Jefferson, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Jefferson, 8 May 1793 1793-05-08 I had wished to have kept back the issuing passports for sea vessels, till the question should be...
78906 Jefferson, Thomas Appleton, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Appleton, 30 March 1807 1807-03-30 I wrote you on the 29th. of Apr. & 26. Oct. 1806. your last which has been recieved was of Nov....
78907 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 28 September 1787 1787-09-28 I received your favors by Mr. Cutting, and thank you sincerely for the copy of your book. The...
78908 Jefferson, Thomas Shepherd, David From Thomas Jefferson to David Shepherd, 18 June 1779 1779-06-18 You are desired to give notice to such recruits under the act of Assembly passed last winter as...
78909 Jefferson, Thomas Massie, Charles From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Massie, 26 October … 1825-10-26 I will be glad to take of you the present year about 9 or 100. gall s of cyder, which I hope you...
78910 Jefferson, Thomas Hammuda Pasha, Bey of Tunis From Thomas Jefferson to Bey of Tunis Hammuda Pasha, 28 … 1806-06-28 I learned with great concern that the Commander of our squadron in the Mediterranean, Commodore...
78911 Jefferson, Thomas Crèvecoeur, Michel Guillaume St. John de From Thomas Jefferson to St. John de Crèvecoeur, 26 … 1786-08-26 I have duly received the honour of your letter of the 20th . inst. Mr. Barclay has been long gone...
78912 Jefferson, Thomas Cooper, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 1 September … 1807-09-01 Your favor of the 9th. is recieved & with it the copy of Dr. Priestley’s Memoirs, for which I...
78913 Jefferson, Thomas Brown, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Brown, 8 April 1823 1823-04-08 I communicated to the Visitors of the University, at their meeting yesterday your favor of the 24...
78914 Jefferson, Thomas Virginia Assembly From Thomas Jefferson to the Speaker of the House of … 1781-03-10 At the request of Major General Baron Steuben expressed in the inclosed letter, I take the...
78915 Jefferson, Thomas Ritchie, Thomas Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Ritchie, 10 June 1822 1822-06-10 I have to return you infinite thanks for the kind interest you have taken in the late...
78916 Jefferson, Thomas Warden, David Bailie Thomas Jefferson to David Bailie Warden, 17 May 1816 1816-05-17 I recieved last night your favor of Feb. 20. and hasten to acknolege it by return of mail, in the...
78917 Jefferson, Thomas Carey, Mathew From Thomas Jefferson to Mathew Carey, 6 January 1805 1805-01-06 Th Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr. Cary and will thank him if he can advise him of the...
78918 Jefferson, Thomas Limozin, André From Thomas Jefferson to André Limozin, 28 June 1788 1788-06-28 I think I recollect to have written, about a year ago, to Virginia for a small package of tobacco...
78919 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 6 March 1804 1804-03-06 The inclosed paper got mislaid by accident so as to escape my earlier attention. I do not know...
78920 Jefferson, Thomas Walsh, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Walsh, 26 June 1824 1824-06-26 I have duly recieved your favor of the 20 th recommending mr Constant to a place in our...
78921 Jefferson, Thomas Hogendorp, G. K. van [From Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp, 24 July … 1784-07-24 [ On board the Ceres, off Scilly Isles, 24 July 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Ceres. off Scilly. G....
78922 Jefferson, Thomas Giles, William Branch From Thomas Jefferson to William Branch Giles, 17 … 1794-12-17 I have made Mr. Bannister’s affair the subject of a separate letter , containing a full...
78923 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Bernard From Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 8 July 1823 1823-07-08 I must ask the favor of you to procure for me a safe bill of excha. on London to nett there,...
78924 Jefferson, Thomas Claiborne, Richard From Thomas Jefferson to Richard Claiborne, 18 January … 1781-01-18 It being necessary to collect at Hoods as large a number of boats as possible to transport men...
78925 Jefferson, Thomas Currie, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Currie, 19 October 1801 1801-10-19 I recieved your favor accompanying the award of the Arbitrators in the case between mr Ross &...
78926 Jefferson, Thomas Syme, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Syme, 17 March 1793 1793-03-17 I received yesterday your favor of the 8th. covering one to Mr. Barclay, and, the moment before,...
78927 Jefferson, Thomas Koenig, Amand From Thomas Jefferson to Amand Koenig, 18 August 1789 1789-08-18 J’ai l’honneur de vous accuser la réception des livres que vous m’avez annoncé par votre lettre...
78928 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 12 June 1807 1807-06-12 Your letter of the 9th. was recieved last night; but in the mean time mine of yesterday had gone...
78929 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Thomas Eston Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Eston Randolph, 10 September … 1822-09-10 Yours of the 8 th was duly recieved. on the question of any suspension of current rent the facts...
78930 Jefferson, Thomas Graham, John Thomas Jefferson to John Graham, 17 August 1815 1815-08-17 I avail myself as usual of your kindness in asking the benefit of the government channel for the...
78931 Jefferson, Thomas Clark, William Thomas Jefferson to William Clark, 18 August 1816 1816-08-18 The bearer of this letter, mr Robert Sthreshley , for some time a neighbor of mine has sold his...
78932 Jefferson, Thomas Leitch, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Leitch, 30 May 1825 1825-05-30 a sack of salt. ViCMRL .
78933 Jefferson, Thomas Cardelli, Peter Thomas Jefferson to Peter Cardelli, 7 November 1819 1819-11-07 Your letter of Oct: 24. was not recieved until the 4 t h instant. I think you left us in June,...
78934 Jefferson, Thomas Eppes, Francis From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Eppes, 5 February 1785 1785-02-05 By the Marquis Fayette, who arrived here the 26th of Jan., I received yours of Sept. 16th,...
78935 Jefferson, Thomas Ellicott, Andrew Thomas Jefferson to Andrew Ellicott, 24 June 1812 1812-06-24 I have duly recieved your favor of the 3 d & thank you in advance for that of a copy of your...
78936 Jefferson, Thomas Girardin, Louis Hue Thomas Jefferson to Louis H. Girardin, 31 October 1809 1809-10-31 The bearer hereof, T. Jefferson Randolph , my grandson, proceeds to Richmond with a view to enter...
78937 Jefferson, Thomas Barnes, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, 12 August 1795 1795-08-12 This serves to advise you that I have this day drawn on you in favor of Robert Pollard or order...
78938 Jefferson, Thomas Latrobe, Benjamin H. From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin H. Latrobe, 6 March … 1803-03-06 The letter in which this is inclosed being a public one, and to be produced whenever necessary as...
78939 Jefferson, Thomas Page, Mann From Thomas Jefferson to Mann Page, 2 January 1798 1798-01-02 I do not know whether you have seen some very furious abuse of me in the Baltimore papers by a mr...
78940 Jefferson, Thomas Pini, Andrea From Thomas Jefferson to Andrea Pini, 8 October 1823 1823-10-08 Your favor of April 17. did not come to hand until the 17 th of the last month, 5 months after...
78941 Jefferson, Thomas Muter, George [From Thomas Jefferson to George Muter, 6? February … 1781-02-06 [ Richmond, 6? Feb. 1781. War Office Journal (Vi) has the following entry under 6 Feb.: “Letter,...
78942 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Thomas Mann, Jr. From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., 21 … 1793-04-21 I have intended this fortnight to make out a list of the packages of furniture I have sent to...
78943 Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Paine, 19 June 1792 1792-06-19 [ Ed. Note: TJ’s letter to Paine of 19 June 1792 was printed in Vol. 20: 312–13 as part of a...
78944 Jefferson, Thomas Weedon, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Weedon, 10 April 1781 1781-04-10 We shall with very great Chearfulness contribute as far as within our power to render the...
78945 Jefferson, Thomas Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 22 … 1826-06-22 M r Willard undertakes our clock, and, without regard to price, says that it shall be as good a...
78946 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 10 March 1788 1788-03-10 After two days of prosperous journey I had a good gleam of hope of reaching this place in the...
78947 Jefferson, Thomas Watson, John Fanning Thomas Jefferson to John F. Watson, 17 May 1814 1814-05-17 I have long been a subscriber to the edition of the Edinburgh review first published by mr...
78948 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 7 April 1787 1787-04-07 I received yesterday at Marseilles your favor of Mar. 26. I was just then setting out for this...
78949 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 11 July 1808 1808-07-11 Your’s of the 8th. came to hand last night, and I now inclose you 30. D. for Bishop’s order in...
78950 Jefferson, Thomas Sherburne, John Henry From Thomas Jefferson to John Henry Sherburne, 5 August … 1825-08-05 Th: Jefferson returns thanks to mr Sherburne for the copy of the life of the Cheval r J. P. Jones...