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Results 78901-78950 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
78901 Pettit, Charles Enclosure U: Letter from Charles Pettit, 16 March 1788 1788-03-16 Your favor of the 11th instant was handed to me yesterday-afternoon, desiring my evidence...
78902 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 March 1788] 1788-03-16 Sunday 16th. Thermometer at 43 in the Morning—55 at Noon and 50 at Night. Morning clear with the...
78903 Biddle, Clement Washington, George To George Washington from Clement Biddle, 16 March 1788 1788-03-16 My last of 5 covered four hundred Dollars in Bank Post Notes which I hope Came safe to your Hands...
78904 Hanson, Samuel (of Samuel) Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Hanson, 16 March 1788 1788-03-16 I have just been informed by Mr McWhir that it will be utterly inconvenient to him to accommodate...
78905 Jefferson, Thomas Jay, John To John Jay from Thomas Jefferson, 16 March 1788 1788-03-16 In a letter of the 13 th inst which I had the honor of addressing you from this place, I...
78906 Jefferson, Thomas Dumas, Charles William Frederick From Thomas Jefferson to C. W. F. Dumas, 16 March 1788 1788-03-16 I return you many thanks for your kind attention in forwarding my letters. I shall probably...
78907 Jefferson, Thomas Jay, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, with Enclosures, 16 … 1788-03-16 In a letter of the 13th. inst. which I had the honor of addressing you from this place, I...
78908 Adams, John Quincy 17th. 1788-03-17 Mr. Parsons held a court this forenoon at ten; and at the same hour I attended at Mr. Atkins’s,...
78909 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 March 1788] 1788-03-17 Monday 17th. Thermometer at 37 in the Morning— at Noon and at Night. Clear all day and pleasant....
78910 Smith, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Smith, 17 March 1788 … 1788-03-17 Letter not found: from Thomas Smith, 17 Mar. 1788. GW wrote Smith on 3 April : “your letter of...
78911 Griffin, Cyrus Madison, James To James Madison from Cyrus Griffin, 17 March 1788 1788-03-17 Neither the french or the english packets have yet arrived, which is not a little extraordinary....
78912 Brailsford & Morris Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Brailsford & Morris, 17 March … 1788-03-17 Charlestown, S.C., 17 Mch. 1788 . Enclose a bill for 726 livres tournois, drawn by the French...
78913 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 17 March 1788 1788-03-17 I cannot let the post go off without sending you some intelligence of your little family at the...
78914 Adams, John Quincy 18th. 1788-03-18 I am sinking again into the same insipidity which I have so often lamented. The circumstances...
78915 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 71, [18 March 1788] 1788-03-18 To the People of the State of New-York. DURATION in office has been mentioned as the second...
78916 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 March 1788] 1788-03-18 Tuesday 18th. Thermometer at 39 in the Morning—46 at Noon and 40 at Night. Wind at East & So. Et....
78917 Washington, George Hanson, Samuel (of Samuel) From George Washington to Samuel Hanson, 18 March 1788 1788-03-18 Your letter of the 16th Inst. was handed to me yesterday in Alexandria as I was going to dinner:...
78918 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Washington, George To George Washington from Lafayette, 18 March 1788 1788-03-18 I wish I Could Begin this letter With the Aknowledgement of a late favour from You, But None...
78919 Leuchsenring, Carl von Washington, George To George Washington from Carl von Leuchsenring, 18 … 1788-03-18 The known fame throughout the World of your Excellencies humanity, emboldens me to Address myself...
78920 Carr, Peter Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Peter Carr, 18 March 1788 1788-03-18 Mr. Paradise being about to sail to Europe in a few days, furnishes me with an opportunity of...
78921 Jefferson, Thomas Damme, Pieter Bernhard van From Thomas Jefferson to Van Damme, 18 March 1788 1788-03-18 les Numeros sont de Debeurre 4184. Strabo. Lugduni. Gabr. Coterius. 1559. 2.vols. in 16s. 4771....
78922 Dumas, Charles William Frederick Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from C. W. F. Dumas, 18 March 1788 1788-03-18 En réponse à l’obligeante Lettre de Votre Excellence, d’avanthier, je recevrai avec bien de la...
78923 Jefferson, Thomas Geismar, Baron von From Thomas Jefferson to Geismar, 18 March 1788 1788-03-18 Having been called hither, my dear friend, by business, and being somewhat at liberty as to my...
78924 Jones, John Paul Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Paul Jones, 18 March 1788 1788-03-18 Copenhagen, 18 Mch. 1788 . Was presented at court the previous day by the French minister, La...
78925 Short, William Jay, John William Short to John Jay, 18 March 1788 1788-03-18 I have the honor of inclosing for your Excellency a letter forwarded to me here from Mr....
78926 Adams, John Quincy 19th. 1788-03-19 The weather was dull, gloomy, and part of the day rainy. Amory invited me to dine with him and...
78927 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 72, [19 March 1788] 1788-03-19 To the People of the State of New-York. THE Administration of government, in its largest sense,...
78928 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 March 1788] 1788-03-19 Wednesday 19th. Thermometer at 50 in the Morning—58 at Noon and 56 at Night. Wind fresh from the...
78929 Lincoln, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Lincoln, 19 March … 1788-03-19 I was this morning honoured with the receipt of your Excellencys favor of the 29th Ulto. Nothing...
78930 Muse, Battaile Washington, George To George Washington from Battaile Muse, 19 March 1788 1788-03-19 I stand Indebted in acct Current with you at this Time about Seventy pounds on acct of my...
78931 Collow Frères, Carmichael & Co. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Collow Frères, Carmichael & … 1788-03-19 Le Havre, 19 Mch. 1788 . The ship Portsmouth , Capt. Oldner, arrived with tobacco from Virginia...
78932 Adams, John Quincy 20th. Thursday. 1788-03-20 We met this evening at Thompson’s. Pickman came; but rather late in the evening. Young Sawyer was...
78933 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 March 1788] 1788-03-20 Thursday 20th. Thermometer at 40 in the Morning—42 at Noon and 40 at Night. The Wind came from...
78934 Collow Frères, Carmichael & Co. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Collow Frères, Carmichael & … 1788-03-20 Le Havre, 20 Mch. 1788 . Patrick Parker, a passenger on the Portsmouth , has just delivered the...
78935 Jones, John Paul Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Paul Jones, 20 March 1788 1788-03-20 I embrace the occasion of a young Gentleman, just arrived here Express from St. Petersburg, and...
78936 Randolph, Thomas Mann, Jr. Jefferson, Thomas [To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., 20 … 1788-03-20 [ 20 Mch. 1788 . Recorded in SJL Index. Not found.]
78937 Adams, John Quincy 21st. 1788-03-21 I can read tolerably well when I am alone in the office, and make as much progress in one day, as...
78938 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 73, [21 March 1788] 1788-03-21 To the People of the State of New-York. THE third ingredient towards constituting the vigor of...
78939 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 March 1788] 1788-03-21 Friday 21st. Thermometer at 37 in the Morning—50 at Noon And 50 at Night. Clear Morning and Mild,...
78940 Pemberton, Edward Washington, George To George Washington from Edward Pemberton, 21 March … 1788-03-21 The Distinguishd Rank which You will hold in the Annals of Mankind, might rather descourage me...
78941 Boissel, François Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from François Boissel, 21 March … 1788-03-21 J’ay Lu, dans L’introduction de L’importance des opinions religieuse de M. Neker, que la...
78942 Jefferson, Thomas Damme, Pieter Bernhard van From Thomas Jefferson to Van Damme, 21 March 1788 1788-03-21 M. Jefferson prie M. Van Damme d’ajouter encore à sa catalogue 1788. Hippocratis opera omnia. Gr....
78943 Adams, John Quincy 22d. 1788-03-22 Amory and Stacey, return’d from their expedition: They got to Cape-Ann at about twelve on...
78944 Adams, Abigail Smith, Margaret Abigail Adams to Margaret Smith, 22 [March?] 1788 1788-03-22 Altho I have heithertoo felt a diffidence in addressing a Lady with whom I have not the pleasure...
78945 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 March 1788] 1788-03-22 Saturday 22d. Thermometer at 42 in the Morning—48 at Noon and 46 at Night. Southerly Wind all...
78946 Washington, George Ingraham, Nathaniel From George Washington to Nathaniel Ingraham, 22 March … 1788-03-22 When I requested you to procure a Gardener for me in Holland, which you was so obliging as to...
78947 Newenham, Edward Washington, George To George Washington from Edward Newenham, 22 March … 1788-03-22 Letter not found: from Edward Newenham, 22 Mar. 1788. On 29 Aug. GW wrote Newenham : “your...
78948 La Boullaye, Gabriel Isaac Douet de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from La Boullaye, 22 March 1788 1788-03-22 Paris, 22 Mch. 1788 . Acknowledges TJ’s letter of 18 Feb. 1788 ; is pleased to inform him that,...
78949 Adams, John Quincy 23d. 1788-03-23 Pickman had agreed to go with me, and hear Parson Tucker preach this forenoon; but some...
78950 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 23 March 1788 1788-03-23 I received yours of the 14 th and ever Since thursday have been in Hourly expectation of seeing...