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Results 78901-78950 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Since writing the within, a Caucas was held last evening in the Senate Chamber, at which, near...
New York, 7 Dec. 1785 . Sent yesterday the Daily Advertiser containing Lewis Littlepage’s letter...
Agreeably to instructions received from the Secretary of the Treasury, I set out from New Haven...
I have to acknowledge the Reception of Your Excellency’s letter of the 5th Instant and to express...
Accept my grateful acknowledgement of the letter which you did me the honor to write on the 10th....
Both Branches of our Legislature have just this moment concurred, on sending you an address as...
I did myself the pleasure to address you a few days since on the subject of your wine from...
Inclosed your Excellency will receive a Copy of the Articles of Capitulation agreed on between...
Enclos’d I have the Honor to transmit a Letter I have just recievd from Mr. Appelton, the...
Observations On drawings delivered by Doctor Thornton, for a Capitol to be built in the City of...
Finding on my arrival at Princeton that both Docr. Witherspoon and Smith had made excursions in...
Lorsque j’ai crû devoir Vous instruire de toutes les sinuositès par les quelles le Courremt de...
Last night Mr. Randal arrived with yours of the 9th. If the Prussian Treaty arrives to you, I...
Maria and children 600 George 275 Phill 400 Edmond 300 James Hanah s husbn d 300 Hanah 175 2050...
I returned to this place (where I have taken shelter from the prevailing fever , & which I am...
M r Rich d Ware who hands you this letter is a respectable Master Carpenter from Philadelphia who...
Three Boxes, directed To The President of the United States, were imported into this District, in...
I have recd. yours of the 24 Apl. and return the letter inclosed in it; after having made the...
I am very much pleased that it is convenient for you to meet those debts £47. the 10th July &...
I now send you My dear Sir, the seperate communication promised you; It would have been sent...
Hemos recibido la favorecida de V.S. de ahièr, y en su contestacion debemos asegurar que nos ès...
I had yesterday the pleasure of receiving a line from you dated Aug. 6. enclosg enclosing the...
Hereto adjoined is a copy of a Circular we have addressed to each Member of both Houses of...
I must beg leave to suggest some few alterations in the arcade in front of Hotel A without...
Liverpool, 12 July 1791 . Since his of the 23rd he has received TJ’s of 1 and 13 May. He will...
I recieved my Dear Grandpapas letter with great pleasure and should have answered it last post...
This is the sixteenth day that I have been confin’d in the Provost Guard, without any kind of...
When I had the pleasure of seeing you last summer at my Mothers , I informed you, that M r...
Mr. Blaetterman called upon me a few days ago, to make some inquiries relative to the University....
The more my Sorrow increases, or the more justice is postpon’d; the more myself & family,...
I received your last to the 21st. May. I am just now informed of Msr. Parker and Cutting setting...
Being always anxious to support the honor and fair fame of the Republican cause, to the utmost...
I have received on the 9th. instant the letter which you did me the honour to write to me on the...
I received yesterday from the Baron de Rieger Minister of Wirtemberg a paper which he enclosed to...
Philadelphia, 24 May 1781 . Encloses the following resolves of Congress of 22 May, and expects...
My personal acquaintance with you and the kind attention you have been pleased to bestow on me in...
I have been honoured by the receipt of your Letter of the 13th. ulto. and notice the alarm of...
The following application to your Excellency, comes from a young man, who would not have the...
Calling to day at Governor McKean’s, he was so good as to shew me part of letter from you...
 By the Act of Congress passed the 21st April 1806 it is provided, that the whole number of able...
I have just been informed by Mr. C. Burrall that he has reced. a letter from his Brother the...
I Have Been for a Long While Anxiously Expecting Answers to Several Letters of Mine Which I...
J’ay l’honneur de vous envoyer les tableaux relatifs à l’extinction de la dette américaine en...
Philadelphia, 22 Nov. 1779 . Circular to the state executives enclosing resolves of Congress of...
Governor Fenner happened to be at the Post Office on Sunday Morning last, when the Mail was...
I am compell’d from dire necessity once more to beg your interference with the heads of...
I much regret that a circumstance So painful as the loss of a most Sincere and affectionate...
Inclosed are the Copies of the Letters which you requested in one of yours. I have no tolerable...
The hurry of preparation my Dearest Father must apologise for this note. we shall be at...
I wish you a good health, and I expect that You have been well Since I had the honour to receive...