Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to William Frazer, 2 February 1795

To William Frazer1

Feby. 2d. 1795

My Dear Sir

The near approach of the time of my departure from this City prevented my sending back Master Philip. I thank you for your obliging conduct in regard to him and my other boy2 & generally towards this family.

Have the goodness, My Dear Sir, to send me your account with as little delay as possible.

Mrs Hamilton also requests that you will send here by the first opportunity Philip’s Bedstead Bedding & Books & joins in best compliments to the ladies.

With great regard   I am Sir   Your Obedt serv

* P S. These articles may perhaps now come by Water.

A Hamilton

The Reverend Mr. Frazer

ALS, Charles Roberts Autograph Collection of the Haverford College Library, Haverford, Pennsylvania.

1Frazer was an Episcopal clergyman and the rector of St. Michael’s Church, Trenton, New Jersey. He had been a Tory during the American Revolution, but after the war was permitted to resume his duties at St. Michael’s. In 1791 H sent his oldest son, Philip, to study at the school which Frazer conducted in Trenton. See H to Philip A. Hamilton, December 5, 1791.

2Alexander Hamilton, Jr., H’s second son, was born on May 16, 1786. He also attended Frazer’s school in Trenton. See H to Philip A. and Alexander Hamilton, Jr., September 29, 1794.

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