Benjamin Franklin Papers

Franklin and Hall: Notice to the Public, 26 February 1754

Franklin and Hall: Notice to the Public

Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette, February 26, 1754.

Our Subscribers in Virginia, are desired to pay their respective Ballances due for this Gazette, to William Hunter, Esq; of Williamsburgh; those on the Western Shore of Maryland, to William Young, Esq; of Baltimore County; and those on the Eastern Shore, to Thomas Ringold, Esq; of Chester Town; their several Accounts being left with those Gentlemen for that Purpose, who are fully impowered by us to receive, give Discharges, &c.8

Franklin and Hall

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8BF left Philadelphia on January 2 for several weeks of post office business in Maryland. He and William Hunter, his co-deputy postmaster general and printer of Williamsburg, arrived in Annapolis, as reported in Md. Gaz., Jan. 17, 1754. William Young (d. 1772), of Joppa, Md., sheriff of Baltimore Co., had collected debts for BF before. On Ringgold, see above, IV, 471 n. The unpaid accounts referred to, which Young was authorized to collect at this time, came to £346 16s. 5d., and he was allowed a 15 per cent commission on all he collected. He advertised in Md. Gaz., Feb. 21, 1754, for BF’s debtors to “make speedy Payment … else they must expect Trouble from their humble Servant, William Young.” Eddy, LedgerD,” pp. 111, 125–6; Arch. of Md., I, 135.

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