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Results 78891-78940 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I am at length able to give you some answer on the subject of the map in the hands of Dr. Smith ....
I have taken a Liberty to Rite to you hopeing you will Pardon me it Proseeds from A Desire of...
78893[Diary entry: 2 August 1771] (Washington Papers)
2. At home all day a writing Letters & Advertisements of Harry who run away the 29th. Ulto. GW...
[ Baltimore, October 21, 1789. ] On October 29, 1789, Hamilton wrote to Barney : “I have duly...
Having perused, with attention, your Letter of yesterday, and the Papers enclosed in it...
I have the honor to enclose a general return of the hospitals and Sick of the Army from the first...
78897Cash Accounts, February 1772 (Washington Papers)
Cash Feby 22— To Ditto [cash] recd of Colo. [George William] Fairfax £14.0.0 & £2.8.10 £16. 8.10...
I send you herewith a memorial from Lt Col: Regnier of the 4th New York regiment, explaining the...
J’eus l’honneur de vous addresser au mois de Juillet de l’année dernière une dépèche relative à...
789001766. Novr. 9. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Fine Weather Yet. Heard Mr. Penniman all Day. Spent Evening with Dr. Savil.
Agreeable to a resolve of Congress 6th Inst: I yesterday forwarded your Excellency 3 Cases Fire...
On the 8th inst: I received the favor of your letter of the 30th of May: In answer to it I can...
I have long intended to write to you but somehow or other have neglected it—it is a long while...
There is a vessel fitting out at N. York formerly called the Emperor now the James, or the Brutus...
This is principally to acknowledge the Receipt of your favour of the 1st Instant.—Previous to the...
Of the last 5. months I have past 4 at a possession 90. or 100 miles S.W. from hence. this must...
Late last night I received your favour of the 5th. with the enclosure for Mr. Verplanck, which I...
I have duly received your favor of the 1st. instant , and in answer can only observe that I am...
AD : American Philosophical Society Nous soussignés en vertu de nos pouvoirs donnons ordre et...
The Marquis de la fyette, and Monsieur de Cornie, have made several propositions to me, for...
I received two days ago your favour of July 24th inclosing a of the Otsego Herald and several...
General Lee (who went from hence on wednesday last) informed me that you intended being here, so...
Whereas in consequence of certain resolutions of General assembly the Governor with the advice of...
En effet ce servit les priver du Secours de leurs vaisseaux ou provisions au Continent et nous...
I take the opportunity of Mr Commissary Mersereau’s Express to inform you, Sir, that Major...
No Mail beyond Baltimore (Southerly) was received at the Post Office in this City yesterday;...
I lately heard from Mr Barbour that it is the wish of the Visitors of the Univ. of Va. to procure...
The writer of the enclosed Letter delivered it to me in person, and requested it might be laid...
To his Excellency General Washington The Citizens of Annapolis feel themselves happy in having an...
28 September 1770. MS not found. Prepared by a committee appointed 27 September, composed of...
The Commander in Chief will have occasion immediately for duplicate abstracts of the Musters of...
in answer to the questions propos’d yesterday, Rispecting the Quartering Army this winter I am...
You will lay before the House of Representatives such papers from your Department as are...
Whereas at a late Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Vermont John Curtis, of...
Looking over the Records I find that Your premium of $89.80. is not paid yet. When I had the...
I had the Honour of yours of 24 Jan. only yesterday. F. Silas Deane is indeed arrived here, but I...
I had the honor of writeing to you the 30th Ulto incloseing Inventory of the Military Stores,...
Notes of a conversation with Mr. Hammond June 3. 1792 Having received Mr. Hammond’s letter of...
LS and copy: Library of Congress I received, my dear Friends, kind Letter of the 15th. Instant,...
On my return home after a long absence, I find here your favor of Nov. 23. with Col o Taylor ’s...
I enclose you a copy of my letters to Lord Mulgrave relative to the late seizure of our vessels...
[ Mount Vernon, August 11, 1799. Letter not found. ] “List of Letters from G—— Washington to...
On the desire of our mutual Friend Mr. Daniel Parker I have the honour to advise your Excellency,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook summary: Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Depuis...
I Received yours of the 16 th of July —and have sent according to your Orders a Gold Watch which...
Retaining but an imperfect recollection of the facts that influenced the decision on Mr Guenets...
78937[Diary entry: 6 August 1798] (Washington Papers)
6. Morning heavy with great appearances of Rain but none fell. Mer. at 74 in the morng. & 80 at...
I have taken the liberty of Laying before Your Excllencey, the Statement of General Henry...
Translated from the Italian in Giuseppe A. F. G. Eandi, Memorie istoriche intorno gli studi del...
Congress have as yet come to no resolution as to the general redemption of paper money. That it...