Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 17 September 1802

To Albert Gallatin

Monticello Sep. 17. 1802.

Dear Sir

Your’s of the 9th. came to hand yesterday only so that it has missed a post somewhere. I thought that in my letter of Aug. 20. answering your’s of Aug. 17. that I had answered every point distinctly; but I find on recurring to it that the recommendations of messrs. Langdon & Whipple for Hopley Yeaton to be master and Benjamin Gunnison 1st. mate of the revenue cutter in Newhampshire, tho’ intended to have been approved were omitted. I now approve of them.

Mine of the 8th. will have informed you that I had countermanded the sailing of the John Adams on an invitation of the Emperor of Marocco to Simpson to remain. but I have yesterday recieved a letter from mr R. Smith strongly dissuading that countermand and pressing for her departure. I do not answer finally by this post, because mr Madison is to be with me tomorrow & we will consider the subject on your’s & mr Smith’s letters. I had thought the thing so plain on general grounds, that I had asked no advice on it. but I have now written to Genl. Dearborn for his opinion. I confess I see no argument for 6. frigates which does not go to 12.

I shall be at Washington on the last day of this, or 1st. of the next month. Accept my affectionate salutations & respect.

Th: Jefferson

RC (NHi: Gallatin Papers); addressed: “Albert Gallatin Secretary of the Treasury Washington”; franked; postmarked Milton; endorsed. PrC (DLC). Recorded in SJL as a letter to the Treasury Department with notation “do.” for “the John Adams” and “master &c of revenue cutter.”


WRITTEN TO GENL. DEARBORN: see the preceding letter.

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