Friday 14th. Thermometer at 52 in the Morning—60 at Noon And 60 at Night. The Wind pretty fresh from the Southward and weather exceedingly hazy with heavy clouds but no rain.
Went with Mrs. Washington to Alexandria. Visited Captn. Conway Doctr. Craik, Colo. Saml. Hanson, Mr. Murray, & Mr. Porter with the last of whom we dined. Returned in the Eve.
Samuel Hanson of Samuel had served as a lieutenant colonel of the Charles County, Md., militia during the Revolution (GW to George Steptoe Washington, 23 Mar. 1789, DLC:GW). They returned to Hanson’s home in April of this year where they remained until April 1789 when they went to live with Dr. James Craik.
, 2:194). He had boarded GW’s two nephews, George Steptoe and Lawrence Augustine Washington, while they attended the Alexandria Academy ( , 151;