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Results 78881-78910 of 184,431 sorted by author
The appointment of Commissioner to the War Office of this State having lately become vacant, the...
Will you be so good as to peruse the inclosed and have some conversation with me on it to-day? RC...
I wrote you on the 14 th from Montpelier (the President ’s) requesting you to send on La Croix ’s...
I thank you for the information contained in your letter of the 6th. inst. which merits attention...
I hear of a conveyance which allows me but a moment to write to you. I inclose a copy of a letter...
a letter from the shadows of 41. to 43. (for these I suppose are the years of our births) is like...
reduced the number from about 20. to 15. for each county adding to 11. of those named by mr Adams...
Your favor of Sep. 24. is recieved, and I thank you for the seeds it covered. too old to plant...
Your’s of the 9th. came to hand yesterday only so that it has missed a post somewhere. I thought...
 75. ℔ of coffee, as old as you can. (not green) 125. ℔ brown sugar. clean and dry.  50. ℔ white...
In my letter of Feb 28 I informed you I had drawn on you in favor of Craven Peyton for a thousand...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inclose to the President a letter from the Commissioners of...
An old account between mr Wayles’s & Bathurst Skelton’s estate is shortly to be settled between...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments & thanks to mr Wagner for the translation of the German...
Your’s of June 22. was recieved in due time. since that the Postmaster General has returned to...
I see with great concern that unavoidable delays are likely still to procrastinate your...
I am much indebted to you, Sir, for your present of the bust of my friend mr Adams. without...
I am uncertain whether you know that you have been anticipated in the translation of Botta . the...
FC (Photostat in Virginia State Library of copy in British Museum: Addington MSS 38,650). We...
Your favor of Feb. 14. has been duly recieved, and the MS of the Commentary on Montesquieu is...
I have been honoured with your favor of June 15. inclosing a letter to young Mr. Bannister, which...
I deliver to Mr. Tracy to be returned to you the copy of Don Quixot which you were so obliging as...
The Report of the Rector & Visitors of the University of Virga which accompanies this letter,...
Having some heavy sums to pay at our March & April courts I should be glad if in the disposal of...
I had wished to have kept back the issuing passports for sea vessels, till the question should be...
I wrote you on the 29th. of Apr. & 26. Oct. 1806. your last which has been recieved was of Nov....
I received your favors by Mr. Cutting, and thank you sincerely for the copy of your book. The...
You are desired to give notice to such recruits under the act of Assembly passed last winter as...
I will be glad to take of you the present year about 9 or 100. gall s of cyder, which I hope you...
I learned with great concern that the Commander of our squadron in the Mediterranean, Commodore...