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Results 78881-78890 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I seize the earliest moment to inform you of my safe arrival here (after a most disagreeable passage of sixty one days) on the very urgent & important business, stated in my three last letters from Lisbon (Nrs 149, 150 & 151) to the Secretary of State. I hope the Originals will have reached him; or, if they should have miscarried, that the Copies (which I forwarded at Sea, on the 28th of...
I beg leave to inclose for your perusal a letter of the first instant from Captain Bruff of the corps of artillerists and engineers, at Baltimore, respecting the arrest and character of William B. Smith of the same corps; and a letter of the 27th ulto from Lieutenant Smith, asking to be removed to Norfolk, under pretence that Baltimore disagrees with his health, and declaring, “if he is not...
I have been induced to this delay in acknowledging your letter of the 23d, inclosing one to you from Mr. Belknap of the 2d. Ulto. by a desire to obtain from my memory all the information it might have ever possessed in relation to the error in Docr. Kippis’ life of Capt: Cook. I was not a member of Congress till March 1780. It is probable therefore that, if his directions to American...
The subject of this is confidential. I have lately been told by a Gent. well acquainted with you, that he believed you were of opinion that a part of America is systematically struggling for a Government incompatible with equal rights, & that your political conduct is governed by this apprehension. This has induced me strongly to wish for a conversation with you on the subject, if perfectly...
Inclosed you will receive some papers respecting a late decision of our Court of appeals, which has given rise to great deal of argumentation respecting the Claims of Settlements & pre-emptions granted by the Commissione[r]s in the years 79 & 80. The Memorial is said [to] be drawn by Mr. Jno. Brackengridge, signed chiefly by the holders of Settlts. & preemptts. That great indavidual disstress...
The Committee of the Whole rejected Nicholas’s report on the military establishment and took up Dayton’s resolution. Mr. Madison, after all that had been said, was still of opinion that there had been a change in our situation, and so there might be a possibility that a reduction was proper. By the arrangements made in this session, it might be practicable to reduce the numbers nominally and...
This Morning I received your favour of the 21 st. of January. I am Sure your People do a great deal of Work, So dont be concern’d— I am very well Satisfied with your Agricultural Diary. The venerable Governor made the best Speech he ever made—but the old Leaven ferments a little in it.— I wonder you had not rec d two Letters from Thomas which I inclosed to you. I now inclose you one from M r...
A Letter from M r Jay of the 24. of November informs me, that he had rec d two Letters from your Brother in Holland, one of the 14 th. and another of the 20 th. the first at the Hague the last at Amsterdam, which inform’d him that your Brother had been presented to their High Mightinesses, and rec d and acknowledged by them, and that he had Afterwards had an Audience of the statholder. so that...
[To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully makes the following report to the House of Representatives. According to the present laws imposing duties on articles imported into the United States, not much Short of one third of the whole amount of the duties is derived from articles rated advalorem. In other nations, where this branch of revenue,...
The Hague, February 2, 1795. Discusses the political situation and the money market in Europe. LC , Adams Family Papers, deposited in the Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. This letter is incorrectly addressed to H as Secretary of the Treasury. He had resigned from that position on January 31, 1795, and was succeeded by Oliver Wolcott, Jr. See H to George Washington, January 31, 1795 ,...