I Dined with Townsend at Mrs. Hooper’s. Amory went to Portsmouth on Monday, with several of his friends. They return’d this day to dinner at Davenport’s. We called to see them; and sat with them drinking and singing till five o’clock, when they went for Ipswich. I pass’d the evening with Pickman, at Doctor Smith’s. Townsend, went there with us, but found himself so unwell, that he went home very early. His cough has return’d, with several disagreeable symptoms. I fear exceedingly, that he is not long for this world.
We play’d whist an hour or two at Dr. Smith’s and between 10 and 11. retired.1
1. JQA also mentions a “Perkins” in his line-a-day entry (D/JQA/13, Adams Papers, Microfilms, Reel No. 16).