78871Elias Earle to Thomas Jefferson, 28 January 1814 (Jefferson Papers)
I have taken the liberty of Laying before Your Excllencey, the Statement of General Henry...
78872From Benjamin Franklin to Giambatista Beccaria, 21 September 1768 (Franklin Papers)
Translated from the Italian in Giuseppe A. F. G. Eandi, Memorie istoriche intorno gli studi del...
78873From Thomas Jefferson to St. John de Crèvecoeur, 6 November 1786 (Jefferson Papers)
Congress have as yet come to no resolution as to the general redemption of paper money. That it...
78874From George Washington to Major General William Heath, 22 November 1779 (Washington Papers)
I received your favor of the 21st last night, and have this morning transmitted an extract...
78875I. George Washington to Major Samuel Darby, 17 November 1780 (Washington Papers)
You will take charge of the Boats with the Army, and see that they are provided with Oars & held...
78876Henry Knox to Tobias Lear, 31 January 1792 (Washington Papers)
War Department, Philadelphia, 31 Jan. 1792. Please submit to the president the enclosed papers,...
78877From John Adams to William Taylor Barry, 21 July 1822 (Adams Papers)
I know not that I ever received a letter with more pleasure than yours of the 30 June last except...
78878Tuesday. July 1st. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Went to Town. Mr. Thatcher . You have read a great deal, Mr. Adams, in the Roman History,...
78879[Diary entry: 12 May 1781] (Washington Papers)
12th. Colo. Dayton’s intelligence, so far as respected the Sailing of Troops, was confirmed by...
78880To James Madison from Daniel Hewes Jr., [ca. 1 May 1815] (Madison Papers)
Respectfully represents, Daniel Hewes jr of Boston in the State of Massachusetts, Merchant, that...