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Results 78871-78880 of 184,431 sorted by author
The people of Europe seem still to think that America is a mere garden plat, and that whatever is sent to one place is at home as to every other. the volume I forward you by this mail was found on Maj r Cartwright’s death, to have in his own handwriting an address for you altho’ mistaking your Christian name. his friends having occn to write to me on another subject, and supposing we were but...
Your favor of Feb. 29. came to hand yesterday. That of Feb. 24. a week ago. I inclose you a statement of my demand against Mr. Bannister, the vouchers for which I believe I left in your hands, and sufficiently establish the account. However I have sworn to the statement to get rid of all objections. I received yesterday the account of my sale, miserable enough, the negroes having averaged only...
The stage calling at our door three days a go I sent by it a part of the South American loaf of sug ar to be deposited in your office . the merchants having often occasion to call there will have opportunities of seeing it, which I presume was the object in sending it to me. but neither price, place, nor person have been mentioned, it is but a blind indication. I salute you with esteem and...
Your favor which I recieved at Monticello was so long on the road that I expected you would be with us yourself very soon after. finding however the season advance beyond the time for expecting you, without these expectations being realised, I wrote to you and directed my letter to be put into mr Mc.lure’s hands, and I hope you got it safely. on my arrival here I recieved a letter from Genl...
I have for several years past declined subscribing for new publications, from the uncertainty of my living to recieve them, and an unwillingness to leave my family subject to multiplied calls. I break through my rule however by subscribing to that you propose, and now return your paper with my name and best wishes for it’s success, and assurances of my respects. NNGL .
I drew on you lately for 43. D 27 C in favor of the Mutual assurance company , and must now ask the favor of you to send me by the return of post one hundred Dollars in bills from 20. to 5. D. I find it will be indispensable to reinstate 1500.D. of my late note in the bank: for within a fortnight of from this time I shall be obliged to draw on you from Bedford for 600.D. in favor of Brown &...
I received your favor from Richmond, and recieved it with great pleasure, as it assured me you were alive and well: but I should with more pleasure have recieved yourself here. You would have been obliged to give a history of things from the time I left France till you left it, that I might at length have learned the truths which have been floating undistinguished on the ocean of lies with...
I detained the inclosed letters awhile to enable me to write my letter of informn. addnal. to our Report to the Governor, and then in expectation some of the Visitors might call on their way to the legislature and wish to read them. None have called however, and I now inclose them for your perusal. On the reciept of Gilmer’s letter of Sep. 15. from London which came to hand 3. days after those...
Craven Peyton on a contract for corn in acc t with Th: Jefferson D r
Besides the difficulty you mentioned with respect to Jack’s trip to the Indian treaty, one has occurred here from a necessity, not expected, of circumscribing the number of persons who are to go, within as narrow limits as possible. Under these circumstances it becomes necessary to consider what would be his best plan for the summer. Tho’ I have promised to remain here longer than I had...