George Washington Papers

General Orders, 13 November 1778

General Orders

Head-Quarters Frederick’s burgh [N.Y.] Friday Novr 13th 1778.

ParoleC. Signs

Lieutt Benjamin Lodge and Ensign James Allen of the sixth Pennsylvania Regiment are appointed the first Adjutant and the second Quarter Master to the same from the first day of August last.1

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Benjamin Lodge, Jr. (1749–1801) was appointed an ensign in the 12th Pennsylvania Regiment in October 1776, and was promoted to second lieutenant in March 1777 and to first lieutenant in October 1777. He transferred to the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment in July 1778 and to the 3d Pennsylvania Regiment, where he also served as paymaster, in January 1783. Later that year he transferred to the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment, serving again as a paymaster. James Allen, who had been appointed an ensign in the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment in June 1778, left the army in January 1780.

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