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Results 78841-78870 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
78841General Orders, 13 November 1778 (Washington Papers)
Lieutt Benjamin Lodge and Ensign James Allen of the sixth Pennsylvania Regiment are appointed the first Adjutant and the second Quarter Master to the same from the first day of August last. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Benjamin Lodge, Jr. (1749–1801) was appointed an ensign in the 12th Pennsylvania Regiment in October 1776, and was promoted to second lieutenant in March 1777 and to first...
Letter not found: to Benedict Arnold, 13 Nov. 1778. On 20 Nov., Arnold acknowledged “Your Excellencys favor of the 13th Inst., by General Du Portail.”
Being detaind by almost two days heavy Rain I did not arrive at this Place before to day, where I found the Convention troops just arrived Under the Command of Brigr Hamilton, the Escort from the Massachussetts being Commanded by Col. Gearish. they are Marched in Six divisions about Seven Hundred in each division. the last division, was to March from their Place of Cantonment on Wednesday...
I have the honor to acquaint your Excellency, that by the particular desire of Major Genl Heath I went from Cambridge to New York to lay before His Excellency Sir Henry Clinton the Continental Accounts against the Convention Army. A few days since advice was received that orders were given for the march of that Army to Virginia & I have received a very pressing Letter from Major General...
This letter will be presented to your Excellency by Mr Dodge, who has lately escaped from Quebec, in company with a Sachem of the Cognawaga Nation of Indians; he brings your Excellency the latest, and best intelligence from Canada. I am, Sir, Your Excellency’s Most Obedient Servant LS , DLC:GW ; ADfS , NHi : Gates Papers. John Dodge’s undated report, which GW docketed “John Dodge’s acct of the...
In compliance with Your Excellency’s commands I now venture to offer my Sentiments on the Subject of Chastising the Savages in that part of Our Western world with which I am acquainted To effect which it will be highly expedient to reduce the Garrison of Detroit situated at the Streights between the Lakes Erie & Huron, to Establish intermediate posts & to erect Garrisons one at Post St...
last Sunday Night I was on Long Island & ingaged some Persons to go to N. York for the Purpose of obtaining Intellegence and have this Morning received my Information from them, they left the City last Tuesday and inform that a large Fleet of more than one hundred Vessels have put to Sea last Saturday, that on thursday Night last Week the Hessian Troops were Imbarking all the Night, and that...
When I wrote your Excy from Albany 10th I mentioned the information I had of an intended Attack on Cherry Valley, & the Steps I had taken to prevent the Ill effects of it, but unluckily, the Enemys Sudden Approach & our Own Tardiness has prevented a timely relief. The Enemy (in what numbers I cant learn) came on Col. Alden by Surprise the 11th what has Since happend, the Inclosed letters from...
Baron De Steuben will have the honor of delivering you this. He waits upon Congress on the subject of the Inspectorship, which he is extremely anxious should be put upon some decided footing. He appears to be sensible of some difficulties in the plan formerly proposed and which I had the honor some time since to transmit my observations upon; and desirous that they should not prove an...
Unless the new ara[n]gement takes place now, Many officers of Companies will not have the benefit of the orders for furloughs, as they are to have officers promoted from Serjeants and for the reasons I have mentiond. My affairs and those of the Division did not permit me to Sett off as I intended, but expect to do it in an Hour. I have the Honor to be, Your very Humble Servant ALS , DLC:GW ....
I received your letter of the 7th Inst. with the inclosed representation of your officers. When a general plan of arrangement is once established for wintering the army, any alteration whatso[e]ver might be introductory of difficulties and confusion, but independent of considerations of this kind, the reasons on which your officers found their request does not operate in favor of the change...
The Comasary of Genl Borgoins army Is now at my Quarters on his way to Boston. I have detaind him untill Your Excellencys Pleasure is known, and have Forwarded the letters he b[e]ars by express. The Weather has been so bad that I hant been able to git any intellegence for Several days, the enemy are out this morning about two miles above Claps Tavern, with about 200 Horse. I cant Yet Learn...
I wrote your Excellency the Evening before last; and have been impatiently watching the motions of the Enemy Since, they will not let me get any thing from Staten Island. But I have this Instant received the enclosed report from Amboy by which it appears their third Embarkation is begining to move, the thirty Eight Sail which fell down to the hook yesterday Afternoon I make no doubt will be...
I this morning Received the Inclosed Intelligence from Colo. Greene and have no doubt but the Fleet he mentions is Byrons or that part of it which has Escaped The Late Storms. by Some Reports A part of that Fleet viz. three Ships were Cast away on Nantucket Shoals—The Newport paper gives an Account that Euleven British A Number of Foreign Regiments & Several of the New Raised Corps have Sailed...
78855General Orders, 14 November 1778 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
You wrote lately to our company of Otis & Andrews, for blue drab cloth, and trimmings of it’s colour, for a Surtout; I am sorry it has not been in their power to procure either; but I take the liberty of sending, and Your Excellency will do me the honor of receiving, a pattern of blue & scarlet, which I happend to have lying by, in my house; with such trimmings, as after writing to several...
I received your favor of the 13th instant. General Scott has my instructions that you may proceed by the most convenient route to Cambridge or the troops of Convention. And that nothing may be wanting which can add to their ease and comfort, you may if you choose it signify to Sir Henry Clinton that I will receive at Kings ferry the necessaries and money you mention and take immediate measures...
I received your Excellencys letter of the 10th instant thro’ Mr Clarke. I have transmitted Congress a copy of your proposition relative to an exchange of the troops of Convention and shall do myself the honor to communicate their decision the moment it is made known. Mr Clarke has my permission to proceed by the most convenient route to the troops of Convention. I have the honor to be with all...
Permission is granted to send a Flag Boat from New York to King’s Ferry with Cloathing and other necessaries for the troops of the Convention who may be shortly expected at Fishkill on their way to Virginia. Upon the arrival of the British Boat at King’s Ferry, you are to procure a proper Vessel and take the goods out of her and send them under the care of an Officer who is to deliver them to...
As I design to embark soon for England I must once more apply to you on a Subject which has given me much Concern. I allude to your Letter of the 17th of August 1776, in which a Charge was brought against Me for a Breach of Parole. You cannot but remember my Letter to you two Days after, in which I desire a personal Interview with you at New York at that Time the Head-Quarters of the Army...
On the 24th of October last, I had the Honr to Command a Guard that Stood at a place calld the old point, near Elizath Town, about Twelve oclock I went to Dine with Capt. Burrass, who Commanded the next Guard, and at my return which was about Three Oclock in the afternoon, I found that my Guard had Discovered Some fish nets in the River Opposite the Guard House, and had lifted Sd nets and...
I have for some time past been overseeing the repairing of highways between this and Hartford by order of Genll Gates. I was last evening at Norwalk but gain’d no inteligence of the Enemy more than what is Containd in Majr Grays letter which waits on your Excellency with this. I am at this place for the recovery of my wounds which are mostly heald, but have no use of my right hand —I am your...
I am favd with yours of the 7th. We are yet under as much uncertainty as ever respecting the evacuation of New York. My advices from Lord Stirling of the 11th say that another fleet of one hundred sail had collected at the watering place, and that they had some Hessians and troops of other kinds on board, but he does not mention the estimated number. He also adds that but few ships are left at...
Inclosed is Colo. Biddles Letter to me upon the distressed state of the Forage Department. Our Cattle for this ten days past have not had one half the necessary allowance of Forage. The Resolution of Congress prohibiting the use of Wheat and the Restrictive Laws in the several States, in the Neighbourhood of Camp, renders it impossible to subsist the Cattle, unless some further aid can be...
This will be accompanied by an Official Letter on the subject of the proposed Expedition against Canada —You will perceive I have only considered it in a Military light—indeed I was not authorized to consider it in any other, and I am not without apprehensions, that I may be thought in what I have done, to have exceeded the limits intended by Congress—But my sollicitude for the public welfare...
I do myself the honor to transmit you the copy of a letter of the 10th instant, which I recd yesterday from Sir Henry Clinton, on the subject of exchanging the prisoners of the Convention. Should the proposition be agreeable to Congress, I shall be glad to receive powers to enter into a negotiation as soon as possible, as it may probably releive our Officers, upon parole, from the disagreeable...
Since my last of the 6th Instant I have had the honor of receiving and presenting to Congress Your Excellencys’ favor of that date. Under Cover with this Your Excellency will receive an Act of Congress of the 12th Instant containing a state of Doctor Conollys’ case, and a Resolve of Congress thereupon which you will be pleased Sir, to send in to the Commanding Officer of the Enemys’ troops in...
By orders receiv’d of Captain Jones, from your Excellency, I have made an exact return of the remainder of our Regiment, which you have inclosed. Those Horses return’d Sick and Lame, will never be fit for the Service Longer, Should be glad to know your Excellencys pleasure what would be best done with them, the Qr Master Complains that the forrage they have already distroyed is more than they...
I have your favour of the 9th and 13th. I think it will be on every account better for the Officers of the Connecticut line, to take their places as they were posted by the new arrangement, and I desire that General’s Huntington and Parson may do it. I have received advice from Boston that the Sommerset of 64 guns, one of Admiral Byrons Fleet, went on shore on Cape Cod in a Gale of wind the...
I have to acknowlege your favor of yesterday, and one by Colonel Grahams. When Colonel Grahams was up here I received from Count d’Estaing a number of declarations to the french inhabitants of America, addressed to them in the name of his most christian majesty Each of The gentlemen who were at table got one of those declarations—As I do not think it proper they should be made public by me in...