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Results 78841-78850 of 184,431 sorted by author
The inclosed letter which came by a flag of truce from New-York, will, I imagine, inform you that prisoners from your state are sent here for the purpose of exchange. A copy of a letter from the master of the flag I also take the liberty of inclosing, as it will give you further information of their arrival here and escape from the flag. The master is to await the return of the prisoners whom...
The omission of the affidavit to my bill v. Michie was from want of reflection and recollection. I know that in a suit at Common law where depositions are desired lest the witnesses should die before trial, an affidavit is always required and altho ours is a different case, yet it was not worth while to run any risk for want of a mere formality. I have therefore prepared an affidavit stating...
‘Not having any letters on my file unanswered, I shall not trouble you further.’—Is this you?— Did you count 10 . distinctly between the origin of that thought, and the committing it to paper? How could you, my dear Sir, add reproach to misfortune with a poor cripple who but now begins to use his pen, a little, and that with so much pain that it is real martyrdom? However I believe I am even...
I will endeavor to give you the best information I can on the subject of your enquiries about the 200,000 acres of land in the counties of Fayette, Montgomery and Ohio which Mr. Pentecost and his partner oblige themselves to have conveyed to you by patents or otherwise as a security for 8000£ Pennsylvania money, and which you are desired to sell. By the term ‘patent’ I presume they had not in...
You know we are engaged in the establishment of a Central college near Charlottesville , and we are sure you will have your children educated at it. on that ground we claim a right to give you occasional trouble with it’s concerns. we wish to cover our buildings with slate, and we believe all our lands on Henderson’s & B. island creeks to be full of what is excellent, we wish therefore to get...
I nominate Joseph Willcox, whose commission as Marshall of the district of Connecticut will expire on the 20th. inst. to be Marshall of the same district for four years next ensuing that date. Benjamin Wall, whose commission as Marshall of the district of Georgia will expire on the 26th. of January next, to be marshall of the same district for four years next ensuing that date. Joseph...
Had it been predicted to you that you would receive a letter from me of this date you would probably have expected it would be from the other side the Atlantic. I had proceeded to Baltimore to embark on board the Romulus. The number of cruisers then off our capes deterred her from sailing. In the mean time I received a copy of the king’s speech, and wrote to submit to Congress a...
Feb. 15. 98. I dined this day with mr Adams (the Presidt.) the company was large. after dinner I was sitting next to him, & our conversn was first on the enormous price of labour, house rent, & other things. we both concurred in ascribing it chiefly to the floods of bank paper now afloat, and in condemning those institns. we then got on the constitn & in the course of our conversn he said,...
Your favor of June 20. is just now recieved. it havin g been deemed expedient to employ our whole funds, in the erecting the necessary buildings for our university , all determination s respecting professors are postponed until that object is accomplished. nor can the term of the opening of the University be at all ascertained at this time. accept the tender of my gre at respect. PoC ( MoSHi:...
Your letter of the 26 th has been recieved, as had been that of the 5 th . the preceding ones had been complied with by applications verbal and written to the members of the government, to which I could expect no specific answers, their whole time being due to the public, & employed on their concerns. had it been my good fortune to preserve at the age of seventy all the activity of body & mind...