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Results 78801-78850 of 184,431 sorted by author
Th: Jefferson salutes mr Smith & having copied the inclosed, returns it with some queries &...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Dr. Barton. he is just now beginning to copy the Indian...
This indenture made on the third day of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty one between...
My flour of the last year being still unsold, I have said nothing to you yet on the subject of a...
The principle that every religious sect is to maintain it’s own teachers and institutions is too...
I had recieved from you on a former occasion the four first volumes of the Memoirs of the...
I am growing old, and am grown lazy, and particularly [in wri]ting letters. Yet, when any...
I have just recieved a letter from mr Cardelli to whom the box was addressed for which I asked...
Th: Jefferson requests the favour of The Hon’ble Mr Cutts to dine with him the day after tomorrow...
My last letters to you have been of the 7th. of May and 4th. inst. Since the last date yours of...
According to the desire expressed in your resolution of the 23d. instant, I now transmit a report...
Your’s of Dec. 25. came to hand yesterday. I shall observe your directions with respect to the...
Th: Jefferson, being obliged for form’s sake to direct the inclosed to the Secretary of the...
From the account you were so good as to furnish me I make out the inclosed statement for the last...
By Mrs. Barclay I had the honour of sending you letters of the 3d. 10th. and 11th. of August:...
1. D.W. Coxe & the ship Comet. the application to send another vessel to the Havanna to bring...
Since your favor of July 10. mine have been of July 17. 23. & 28. the last inclosed a bill of...
Th:J. returns his thanks to mr Nathan Pollard for the vol. of Reports he has been so kind as to...
Th: Jefferson with his friendly respects to mrs Lewis asks her acceptance of some wine which he...
Yours has been duly recieved , and the clover seed goes tomorrow in the schooner Industry, Capt....
Your favor of Oct. 17. with a P.S. of Oct. 20. came to hand a few days ago, and I am now to thank...
The bearer hereof is mr Isham Lewis , son of Col o Charles L. Lewis of Buckisland , whom you must...
I received yesterday your favor of the 4th. inst. and will immediately have Mr. Peyton’s name...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Cover addressed to “James Madison junr. esq. Orange. to the care of mr...
Your several favors of July 19. 21. and 22. are now before me. I have enquired into the state of...
I am just making the last arrangements for my departure. the inclosed proposition of Monsr....
Your’s of the 6th. is recieved. I have not yet heard any thing from mr Hancocke respecting the...
Your favor of Aug. 14. was recieved after an unusual delay of the post. I formerly believed it...
In obedience to the Ordinance for the government of the territories of the United States,...
The bearer hereof Colo. Senf being sent by Majr. Genl. Marquis Fayette to have the bridges and...
In digging for the Western offices of the President’s H. the following assortment of labour,...
Your favor of the 3 d was recieved some days ago and I have taken time to make a thorough search...
Since my last, nothing new has happened. Our accounts of the battle of Charleston have become...
As possibly an authentic copy of the decree against Henderson may be wanted at the hearing of his...
Mr Tenche Coxe, a gentleman of eminence in these [states] […] in commerce & of great...
When Capt Lewis’s mission was under contemplation, and it’s principal object the obtaining a...
1793. May 23. I had sent to the President yesterday, draughts of a letter from him to the...
My brother and myself having had a final settlement of our affairs with Mr. Nicholas on behalf of...
I have duly received your favor of the 21st. with the letter from sundry inhabitants of George...
My letters of Jan. 13. and Feb. 6. informed you that I had sent to your address 1. a couffe of...
The inclosed letter which came by a flag of truce from New-York, will, I imagine, inform you that...
The omission of the affidavit to my bill v. Michie was from want of reflection and recollection....
‘Not having any letters on my file unanswered, I shall not trouble you further.’—Is this you?—...
I will endeavor to give you the best information I can on the subject of your enquiries about the...
You know we are engaged in the establishment of a Central college near Charlottesville , and we...
I nominate Joseph Willcox, whose commission as Marshall of the district of Connecticut will...
Had it been predicted to you that you would receive a letter from me of this date you would...
Feb. 15. 98. I dined this day with mr Adams (the Presidt.) the company was large. after dinner I...
Your favor of June 20. is just now recieved. it havin g been deemed expedient to employ our whole...
Your letter of the 26 th has been recieved, as had been that of the 5 th . the preceding ones had...