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Results 78801-78850 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
78801 Washington, George McDougall, Alexander From George Washington to Major General Alexander … 1778-11-08 As I am obliged to go from Head Quarters this morning on business of consequence —I am under the...
78802 Washington, George Malcom, William From George Washington to Colonel William Malcom, 8 … 1778-11-08 I recd yours of the 5th inclosing a weekly Return of the Garrison. If you will make a Return of...
78803 Washington, George Scott, Charles From George Washington to Brigadier General Charles … 1778-11-08 I received your favor of the 7th with its inclosure last night thro’ the hands of Cornet Wells...
78804 Washington, George Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) From George Washington to Major General Stirling, 8 … 1778-11-08 Colo. Blands Regiment is ordered to Winchester in Virginia on Acct of their peculiar...
78805 Washington, George Temple, Benjamin From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin … 1778-11-08 Colonel Bland having been ordered upon another Duty, you will take the command of the 1st Regt of...
78806 Washington, George General Orders, 9 November 1778 1778-11-09 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
78807 La Rouërie, Armand-Charles Tuffin, marquis de Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Armand, 9 November … 1778-11-09 i took the liberty to acquaint your Exellency with the necessity which I am under to beg your...
78808 McDougall, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Alexander … 1778-11-09 I was honored with your Favor of Yestarday in the Evening. The two Connecticut Brigades are still...
78809 Scott, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles … 1778-11-09 Your Excellencys letter of Yesterdays date Came to hand Last evening. the letter which I sent You...
78810 Washington, George General Orders, 10 November 1778 1778-11-10 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
78811 Clinton, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from General Henry Clinton, 10 … 1778-11-10 It is not necessary at present to resume the Consideration of the principal Questions relating to...
78812 Gates, Horatio Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Horatio Gates … 1778-11-10 Your Excellency’s Letters of the 3rd & 5th Instant, are now before me. The First Divission of the...
78813 Hand, Edward Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Edward … 1778-11-10 On the 2d Inst. I set out from this place on a Visit to the posts on The Western Frontier, in...
78814 Washington, George Pulaski, Casimir From George Washington to Brigadier General Casimir … 1778-11-10 Your favr of the 6th was delivered to me at Fishkill by Mr Gerard. I am sorry your indisposition...
78815 Scott, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles … 1778-11-10 I this moment Recd a letter from Capt. Leavenworth who is from long Island this Morning. he...
78816 Sullivan, John Washington, George To George Washington from Major General John Sullivan … 1778-11-10 I had the honor of Receiving your Excellenceys favors of the 3d & 5th Instant & have Since waited...
78817 Washington, George Van Cortlandt, Philip From George Washington to Colonel Philip Van Cortlandt … 1778-11-10 Since writing to you to move to Minisink I have ordered Count Pulaskis Legion to that place. If...
78818 Washington, George General Orders, 11 November 1778 1778-11-11 Lieutenant Joseph Crocker of Coll Greaton’s Regiment is appointed Pay-Master—Lieutt William...
78819 Greene, Nathanael Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Nathanael … 1778-11-11 We find ourselves exceedingly distressed for want of Waggoners. Mr Thomson Waggon Master General...
78820 Hand, Edward Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Edward … 1778-11-11 I have this moment recd an Express from Schohory. Six parties are out from that post, no...
78821 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 11 November … 1778-11-11 On Wednesday afternoon I received a Letter from the Honble Mr Lee & Mr Lovell, of the Committee...
78822 Washington, George Mitchell, John From George Washington to John Mitchell, 11 November … 1778-11-11 I have been favoured with your Letter of the 3d and have received the three Table Cloths which...
78823 Morris, Gouverneur Washington, George To George Washington from Gouverneur Morris, 11 … 1778-11-11 As Congress have delegated to a Committee, of which I have the Honor to be a Member, the...
78824 Washington, George Peters, Richard From George Washington to Richard Peters, 11 November … 1778-11-11 I have been honored with yours of the 19th 27th 28th and 29th Ulto. A tolerable supply of Shoes...
78825 Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Stirling, 11 … 1778-11-11 The last letter I have had the honor to receive from your Excellency is dated the 7th Inst. The...
78826 Washington, George General Orders, 12 November 1778 1778-11-12 The North-Carolina Brigade to march tomorrow morning 8’ôClock—The Commanding Officer will receive...
78827 Washington, George Butler, William From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel William … 1778-11-12 your letter of the 28th Ulto was duly communicated by Doctor Jones. The arrangements for the...
78828 Washington, George Hand, Edward From George Washington to Brigadier General Edward … 1778-11-12 I have to acknowlege your letter of the 29th Ulto with its several inclosures. The two militia...
78829 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to Major General William Heath … 1778-11-12 I have your favs. of the 31st ulto and 2d and 3d instants. As I do not think myself at liberty to...
78830 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1778-11-12 On the 8th I received the honor of yours of the 3d Instant and this evening of that of the 6th....
78831 Johnston, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Johnston, 12 November … 1778-11-12 The rations as settled by Congress before the 10th June 1777 were rated a 8d. from that to the...
78832 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 12 November … 1778-11-12 Inclosed I have the honor to transmit the Copy of a letter from Brig: General Hamilton to Genl...
78833 Malcom, William Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel William Malcom, 12 … 1778-11-12 The Weekly return of this Garrison is herewith inclosed. The Garrison is now so reduced that...
78834 Washington, George Morgan, Daniel From George Washington to Colonel Daniel Morgan, 12 … 1778-11-12 The inclosed extract of an Act of the State of Virginia for recruiting the Continental Army was...
78835 Peters, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Peters, 12 November … 1778-11-12 Letter not found: from Richard Peters, 12 Nov. 1778. On 23 Nov., GW wrote Peters : “I have your...
78836 Washington, George Sullivan, John From George Washington to Major General John Sullivan … 1778-11-12 I was duly favoured with your letter of the 4th instant. The officers of Colonel Henleys Regiment...
78837 Sullivan, John Washington, George To George Washington from Major General John Sullivan … 1778-11-12 Mr Temple is now on his way to Fredericksburgh with an intention to pay his Respects to your...
78838 Washington, George Tracy, Nathaniel From George Washington to Nathaniel Tracy, 12 November … 1778-11-12 It was not till the return of Major Gibbs from the Eastward that I discovered how much the...
78839 Whipple, Abraham Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Abraham Whipple, 12 … 1778-11-12 Having made my passage good, through a Blockaded River, in attempting of which recieved no...
78840 Wood, James Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel James Wood, 12 … 1778-11-12 I have been here near three weeks, without being able as yet, to get a final Determination On any...
78841 Washington, George General Orders, 13 November 1778 1778-11-13 Lieutt Benjamin Lodge and Ensign James Allen of the sixth Pennsylvania Regiment are appointed the...
78842 Washington, George Arnold, Benedict From George Washington to Benedict Arnold, 13 November … 1778-11-13 Letter not found: to Benedict Arnold, 13 Nov. 1778. On 20 Nov., Arnold acknowledged “Your...
78843 Bland, Theodorick Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Theodorick Bland, 13 … 1778-11-13 Being detaind by almost two days heavy Rain I did not arrive at this Place before to day, where I...
78844 Clarke, Jonathan Washington, George To George Washington from Jonathan Clarke, 13 November … 1778-11-13 I have the honor to acquaint your Excellency, that by the particular desire of Major Genl Heath I...
78845 Gates, Horatio Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Horatio Gates … 1778-11-13 This letter will be presented to your Excellency by Mr Dodge, who has lately escaped from Quebec,...
78846 Gibson, George Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel George Gibson, 13 … 1778-11-13 In compliance with Your Excellency’s commands I now venture to offer my Sentiments on the Subject...
78847 Gray, Ebenezer Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Ebenezer … 1778-11-13 last Sunday Night I was on Long Island & ingaged some Persons to go to N. York for the Purpose of...
78848 Hand, Edward Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Edward … 1778-11-13 When I wrote your Excy from Albany 10th I mentioned the information I had of an intended Attack...
78849 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 13 November … 1778-11-13 Baron De Steuben will have the honor of delivering you this. He waits upon Congress on the...
78850 McDougall, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Alexander … 1778-11-13 Unless the new ara[n]gement takes place now, Many officers of Companies will not have the benefit...