78801To Thomas Jefferson from John Benson, 25 March 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Permit me to congratulate you, on the arrival of Col Bur, who was brout in town this evening under a guard of 9 men, at the very moment he arrived, Mr. Ford also arrived, with despatches to the Officer, and at 12 OClock we shall start Them for Richmond, in haste May you live to enjoy peasce . Your frend DLC : Burr Conspiracy Collection.
78802To Thomas Jefferson from William John Coffee, 19 August 1825 (Jefferson Papers)
Some time ago, M r Antrim The Plastorer for the University, called on me with Drawings for ornaments to decorate the in side of the Rotondo, and requested that I would state to M r Brockingbrow the terms on which I would execute them, this I did in as plain a manner as I could, but owing to something I have not receved any reply to those terms so long sent in, or to a letter since sent to M r...
78803To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Law, 4 December 1800 (Jefferson Papers)
As you feel an interest in every measure for the amelioration of the condition of man, I will not apologize for submitting to your perusal some Lres which occasioned Security & prosperity to 50 Millions of Asiatics, but I must make my excuses for the trouble I have caused by not being versed in the art of Book making—If you begin at page 38 where I have put some papers, you will perhaps obtain...
78804Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Thomas G. Watkins, [after 9 August 1821] (Jefferson Papers)
M r Jefferson To Tho G Watkins D r $ Cts 1821 July 20. Prescription & medicine at
78805To Thomas Jefferson from Harry Innes, 30 September 1791 (Jefferson Papers)
Impressed with an idea of the necessity and great utility which would result to government by uniting the views and interests of the Inhabitants of Kentucky with those on the North West side of the Ohio, and adopting some measures for reconciling existing jars between the Fœdral Troops and the people of this District, I take the liberty of suggesting to you an opinion on the Subject, with the...
78806James Ligon (for Patrick Gibson) to Thomas Jefferson, 4 January 1815 (Jefferson Papers)
I send you inclosed as directed in yours of the 31 st ult o $100, (25$ in 1 & 2$ notes & the Balance in 5$ notes) we I could not obtain any more Small notes as the Banks here are without them Patrick Gibson P. Js Ligon RC ( MHi ); in Ligon’s hand; endorsed by TJ as received 7 Jan. 1815 and so recorded in SJL
78807To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 18 September 1787 (Jefferson Papers)
Yesterday put an end to the business of the Fœdral Convention. Inclosed is a copy of the Constitution, by it agreed to. Not doubting but that you have participated in the general anxiety which has agitated the minds of your Countrymen on this interesting occasion, I shall be excused I am certain for this endeavor to relieve you from it, especially when I assure you of the sincere regard and...
78808To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 19 March 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
I should sooner have acknowledged the receipt of your favor of the 12th. inclosing 435$.— I have likewise too long delayed informing you, that I do not suppose you could get groceries here on as good terms as you can in Alexandria; as our Grocers do not themselves import, but are supply’d from Norfolk Philadelphia & New York—where, or in Alexandria, I suppose you can procure them on as good...
78809Elihu F. Marshall to Thomas Jefferson, 17 February 1820 (Jefferson Papers)
As thy publick interestedness is well known to the inhabitants of the United States by numberless specimens , wilt thou be pleased to extend thy usefulness a little further and give the “American Tutor’s Assistant” a perusal and send me the result of thy reflections respecting the work? No doubt but there are some typographical errours in the work which shall receive prompt correction in a...
78810Bernard McMahon to Thomas Jefferson, 24 October 1812 (Jefferson Papers)
I had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 11 th ins t and am happy that the articles sent to you last spring have succeeded to your satisfaction, and that you rec d the few roots I lately sent you in good condition. I am much obliged to you for your former favors and also for you r intention of sending me the box of seeds you were pleased to mention. With this letter I expect you will...
78811To Thomas Jefferson from James Taylor, 3 February 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
Agreeably to my promise I now send you the Monthly Strawberry vines promised you when I had the pleasure of seeing you at the City of Washington. I also send you some Nectarine grafts, the fruit of which is superior to any thing of the kind I ever tasted. They are called the Rose coloured Nectarines, they are of the free stone kind, are large and of a tolerable deep red on the out side. I have...
78812To Thomas Jefferson from John Griscom, 24 March 1824 (Jefferson Papers)
In compliance with my request I have this morning gone over a file of catalogues of Chemical & Philosophical Apparatus of London & Paris I have selected such articles as my own experience, together with an Acquaintance with the chemical arrangements of most of our eastern Colleges, induces me to believe will be best adapted to the wants of your new Institution. The furniture of a Laboratory is...
78813To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 24 October 1785 (Jefferson Papers)
Mr. Preston arrived here, two days ago, but had lost his Letters. I hope he had none of Consequence. He dont remember he had any for me. He tells me from you, that the Doctor is arrived at Philadelphia which I am glad to hear, and those oracles of Truth the English Newspapers tell us, he had an honourable Reception, which I should not however have doubted, if I had not any such respectable...
78814To Thomas Jefferson from Edmund Randolph, 10 August 1790 (Jefferson Papers)
I have examined the papers which you did me the honor of submitting to me yesterday, on the subject of the Georgia confiscations. But in the present mutilation of the necessary documents, it is impossible for me to form a satisfactory opinion. The act of May 1782 is not among the enclosures of Sir John Temple, but is the groundwork of the proceeding complained of. The last act appears in part...
78815To Thomas Jefferson from Daniel Bradley, 6 October 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
In answer to yours this day received I have to inform you that I apprehended your Negroe On the 3d of September last at this place then in possession of the within papers endeavouring to pass as a freeman which Convinced me that he was runaway. I then had him Committed to Jail and assoon as he Confessed the truth (which was On the 7th same Month) I wrote to you informing you of the whole...
78816Daniel Brent to Thomas Jefferson, 5 December 1818 (Jefferson Papers)
I had the pleasure of receiving, some days ago, your Letter of the 27th of last month , enclosing two packets addressed to M r Gallatin , which I committed, the day before yesterday, to D n Luis Noeli , Secretary to the Spanish Legation here, who will embark in two or three days on board the British packet at New york , to proceed, by the way of England and France ; to Spain
78817To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 26 August 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
You have, I presume, heard of the death of the Commissioner of loans of Connecticut. I have not received any applications on the subject; but doubtless you have; and I will only observe that it is an office wh. must be filled immediately; as no deputy being allowed, every thing is at a stand until a successor be appointed. If you have obtained sufficient information, it would be eligible that...
78818To Thomas Jefferson from Gideon Johnston, 18 December 1780 (Jefferson Papers)
York, 18 Dec. 1780. Acted as brigade quartermaster to the troops which marched south under Col. Porterfield last May, “and some time after was ordered to Virginia to receive and forward on the necessary Cloathing for the Regiment of State Artillery, in which I have the honour to hold a Captain’s Commission.” Is deeply concerned that he will not be able to serve much longer “except I can be...
78819To Thomas Jefferson from Philippe Reibelt, 13 December 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Le dernier Exemplaire, qui me restoit, des Plans des Maisons de Paris —n’a certainement pú être mieux placès que dans Votre bibliothéque. Je n’en ai plus, mais j’en attends et j’aurois l’honneur de Vous en envoÿer 2 Exempl. aussitot, que je les aurai recûs. J’ai encore un Exemplaire de l’histoire naturelle de la Montagne de S. Pierre & par Faujas &c.—N’en pourriez Vous pas en disposer? Je suis...
78820To Thomas Jefferson from Winthrop Sargent, 7 February 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
I conceive it my duty Sir, in the absence of Governour St: Clair to represent to the General Government, that considerable public embarrassments, and injury, accrue to this Territory, from the absence of the Judges thereof. Our Code of laws materially deficient to promote the welfare and happiness of the people (as observation must evince) can know no alteration from this cause, at the same...
78821To Thomas Jefferson from Jean Claude de La Métherie, 12 May 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
J’aurai bien desiré pouvoir soumettre à vos lumieres le projet de constitution que je presente aux etats generaux. Mais, craignant que vos occupations ne vous le permissent pas, je n’ai point osé vous le demander. Cependant si vous avies quelques moments libres que vous puissies m’accorder, je serai bien flatté de converser avec vous de ces objets. Je suis avec respect Monsieur Votre tres...
78822Samuel E. Mifflin to Thomas Jefferson, [ca. 26 September 1814] (Jefferson Papers)
I wish to know of you Sir, whether you recollect to have observed during the American War, by the then general Thomas Mifflin any opposition to have been made to the sanctity and spirit of General Washington Whether that opposit i on and the eternal spring of patriotism given to the American breast by the genius the valour the intelligence and the virtue of Mifflin did not rescue this Country...
78823To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Henry Latrobe, 29 April 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Having now made all the arrangements necessary to enable Mr Lenthall to carry on the work during my absence, I shall this evening leave Washington by the Mail, and return in about 3 weeks, which time it will require to settle my affairs in Philadelphia so as to remove my family hither. The state of the work is this. The plaisterers are employed in every part of the Office story excepting three...
78824George Hebb to Thomas Jefferson, 21 May 1822 (Jefferson Papers)
I read some time since, but not with much attention, the charge exhibited against you by “ a Native of Virginia ” as I thought it so improbable, that a Person, who had served their Country so many years, in various Departments of the Governments, would, particularly for so small and inconsiderable a Sum, have committed an Act unworthy of himself and disreputable to his Government— but since...
78825Enclosure: Invoice of Books for Thomas Jefferson Purchased from Mathew Carey & Son, 8 January 1818 (Jefferson Papers)
Hon. Tho s Jefferson Bo t of M. Carey & Son N o 798 1 Register of Officers 1.50 2202 1 Worrall
78826To Thomas Jefferson from William C. C. Claiborne, 25 July 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
After a most disagreeable passage of near three days from the Mississippi, I arrived on yesterday morning at the County Town of Attackapas, much fatigued, very wet (for I was exposed for more than two hours to a heavy rain) and extremely unwell. I am now however at a most charming Situation, and in comfortable quarters; where I have the benefit of a pure Country air, and the most agreeable Sea...
78827To Thomas Jefferson from Mary Glenholmes, 11 March 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Great Monark—please to pardon my Boldness in troubling your Honour with those lines. I single Surcomstance hapened with in the Surcomferance of my acquaintance which I think worthy of notice—But Shold your wisdom—and prudiance think it not worthey of the Slightest Glance—I humbley submit to your Superior judgement in this Case—Being moved By this Surcomstance in pity to this famely about whom...
78828To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 4 April 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
I enclose Van pradelle’s application for the office of Register of the land office of New Orleans. I think for that office his claim the best as he is commissioner which is a temporary appointment & has been faithful. Mr. Robertson who has already a permanent office, might be then appointed commissioner. Two applications for the Baltimore collectorship are enclosed. Brice the deputy collector...
78829To Thomas Jefferson from John Preston, 4 March 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
I take the liberty, to adress you on a subject which after making all possible inquiry, have not been able to obtain any information. Trusting, that, as you have it in your power, you will give yourself the trouble to satisfy anxious Freinds, and a disconsolate Mother, respecting James Gickie a young Lad, who went from this place October 1801—A John White of Albemarle Countie who went from...
78830To Thomas Jefferson from George Hammond, 7 November 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
In a letter, which I had the honor of addressing to you on the 6th. of September, I acquainted you with my having received information, that in the course of the last five or six weeks, antecedent to that date, a privateer, named the Industry, had been illegally fitted out in the port of Baltimore. As you never controverted my assertion, nor required from me any evidence to substantiate it, I...
78831To Thomas Jefferson from Wilson Miles Cary, 4 June 1784 (Jefferson Papers)
Not having had the pleasure of seeing you for some Time, and your appointment to the Court of France having been notified to us lately, I could not neglect felicitating you on your Embassy so honourable to yourself, and I trust so beneficial to your Country, by our Friend Mr. Short who has kindly promised to deliver this. My son Wilson called upon me a Day or two since on his Way to Goochland...
78832To Thomas Jefferson from John Barnes, 3 August 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Previous to the receipt of your favr 30th. which I had the Honr. of receiving by Yesterdays Mail—I had Notice from Mr Penington (to whom your late draft on Mr Smith had been remitted to.) of Mr Smiths transmitting you their Bank post Note, which you now inclosed me—and by this Mail returned Mr Smith—of course Mr Penington will receive paymt. for your late draft.— with reference to the $198. I...
78833To Thomas Jefferson from François D’Ivernois, 4 October 1794 (Jefferson Papers)
Au Duplicata du No. 5 que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous expédier by the Peggy bound for Virginia , je joins ici la continuation de la lamentable histoire des convulsions de Geneve. Sa lecture vous fera juger suffisamment combien est praticable et pressant l’établissement que j’ai proposé à la Virginie ou plutot que je sollicite d’elle en faveur des malheureux Genevois. Elle me justifiera en meme...
78834To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Hiester, 24 September 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
You will have the goodness to pardon the liberty I am about taking in addressing you on a subject, upon which no doubt, you have been heretofore troubled with similar applications—The extreme low state of health of our much–esteemed and worthy, friend Genl. Muhlenberg renders it very probable that the office now in his tenure will very shortly become vacant, by his falling a victim to the...
78835To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Duvall, 16 January 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Charles J. porter settled his first Accompt at the Treasury, for disbursements at September Court 1801. His Salary did not commence until the first of July 1802, under an Act of Congress passed on the 29 April 1802.—It does not, therefore, furnish evidence of the date of his commission. Tennessee was divided into two districts by an Act of the 13th. of Feb. 1801, & without doubt, Mr. porter...
78836To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob Vernes, 27 July 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
J’aurai l’honneur de me rendre chez vous à 8h.½. Je vous reporterai les échantillons, et je prendrai la liberté de vous présenter M. Sabatier, chef de la maison Sabatier fils & Desprez, administrateurs de la compagnie des Indes, et ci-devant régisseurs pour le Roy des habillements des Troupes. Il désire beaucoup d’avoir l’avantage de vous connoître personnellement, et il a quelques affaires en...
78837To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 14 September 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
Yours of yesterday was duly recd. by the rider. I return Shorts & A’s letters. Your observations on the latter place the subject of it in its true point of view. Perhaps the mail of today may bring me a letter of the same date, that may have lost the last mail by passing thro’ the office of State. If the letter to you be the sole communication it is another example from that quarter, of...
78838To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Newton, 6 June 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
I deliverd your packet to Mr Purviance yesterday & expect he will sail this day or tomorrow, the wind being fair. I am very respectfully yr obt Servt DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
78839Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 22 August 1822 (2d letter) (Jefferson Papers)
I Take leave to introduce to your acquaintance my particular friend Co l John Campbell of the Executive Council , who will hand you this, & who it is only necessary to know, to highly esteem. I solicit for him your civilities, and am, RC ( MHi ); dateline beneath signature; endorsed by TJ as received 8 Nov. (reworked from Oct.) 1822 and so recorded in SJL . RC ( ViW: TC-JP ); address cover...
78840Mason L. Weems to Thomas Jefferson, 31 July 1815 (Jefferson Papers)
My Son Jesse Ewell brings you a copy of the Life of Marion which I pray you to accept. It was written for the Moral & Military Services of our Youth among whom it has taken well. I have a great favor to ask of you, viz your assistance in a little book on a Great Man, to which I believe you can contribute more than any other Gentleman in the U. States. The Great man I allude to is D r Franklin...
78841To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 16 May 1825 (Jefferson Papers)
Knowing how constantly you must be fatigued with unavoidable correspondents, I feel a reluctance at adding to your fatigue—while at Washington the last winter I had the pleasure of hearing from you frequently and was rejoiced at hearing of the good share of health you enjoyed . Mr s Dearborn and myself are highly gratified with the prospect of having your charming Grand Daughter in our...
78842To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 5 May 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
I do not perceive any alteration necessary in the letter, except that the Governors do not generally know who are the importers of flour, shipments of that article, particularly to the Southward, being commonly made by merchants residing in the northern ports. Perhaps it would be better that the Governors should merely state from time to time the quantity of flour which may be wanted,...
78843To Thomas Jefferson from George House, 7 April 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
I have just received a letter from Colonel Jonathan Palmer Surveyor of Stonington, representing a petition from the inhabitants of the ports of Stonington and Pocatuck for the blending of those ports into a district— I will take the freedom of representing to you the situation of those ports—as near as I can. Stonington the East port in Connecticut is a peninsula or arm of land projecting into...
78844To Thomas Jefferson from Chastellux, 27 December [1784] (Jefferson Papers)
Tout ce que votre amitié et votre excellent jugement vous a dicté, Monsieur, ne peut etre susceptible que de deux reponses, je ferai ce que vous me conseillés , ou bien, j’ai fait ce que vous me conseillés . Je me trouve heureux de pouvoir employer la derniere. Oui, monsieur, j’ai ecrit il y a longtems, c’est a dire, il y a plus de six mois, a M. de Marbois qu’il pouvoit faire traduire en...
78845To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 30 November 1792 (Jefferson Papers)
I had the honor of recieving the day before yesterday from Amsterdam, your letters of March 18. and Oct. 14—together with the papers accompanying them for me and two parcels for M. Carmichael. I shall lose no time in repairing to Madrid. The route through France is much to be preferred if there be a certainty of passing the Spanish frontier. I have already written to M. Morris and spoken to...
78846John Vaughan to Thomas Jefferson, 22 January 1818 (Jefferson Papers)
The friend of man & of Science Our invaluable friend is no more—within an hour he has been taken from us — The loss of D r Wistar leaves a breach never to be repair’d to us, or to the public—He has been the focus, round which the votaries of of Science & public good collected, he animated them by his counsel & his exemple , — Our Society , the Medical School , & almost every useful...
78847To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 21 October 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
I receive this moment at my house your note of this morning. The perpetual interruptions of the office & my want of eyes at night induced me to remain here to day for the purpose of finishing my remarks on your message. They are just done & I send them with this. I regret that my not being at the office should have disappointed you. May not the orders for the Constitution be delayed till to...
78848To Thomas Jefferson from James Humphreys, 17 February 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
The liberty I have taken of addressing to your Excellency the within proposals for Edwards’s W. Indies and for Johnson’s Dictionary , I trust will not be considered as too intrusive. On a former occasion , proposing to publish Edwards’s West Indies, I was honoured with your Excellency’s Signature to my subscription list—The third Volume being then not published I declined pursuing it. Being...
78849To Thomas Jefferson from James Monroe, 17 November 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
The arrival of Mr. Purviance in the U States furnishes me with an occasion to make known to you his merit. He was a member of my family for sometime while I was in France, often present in my interviews with the French govt., and always in my confidence while I remain’d there, so that I speak of him without reserve, as a man of perfect integrity, excellent understanding & rare prudence. He is...
78850To Thomas Jefferson from Bey of Tunis Hammuda Pasha, 27 February 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Il mio Ambasciatore Soliman Mellimelle, che alla metà del passato mese de Decembre 1806 gionse qui in salvo, di ritarno da Codetti vostri felicissimi Stati, me remisse fedelemento la sempre gradita e responsiva lettera delli venti di Giugno precedente, alla di lui cara e diligenza stata affidato.— Poco tempo dopo, cioè alli 12 di Gennajo, gionse parimento d’Algieri, il ben degno e sempre...